Filters: Tags: decision support systems (X)
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A modular approach to model design and construction provides a flexible framework in which to focus the multidisciplinary research and operational efforts needed to facilitate the development, selection, and application of the most robust distributed modelling methods. A variety of modular approaches have been developed, but with little consideration for compatibility among systems and concepts. Several systems are proprietary, limiting any user interaction. The US Geological Survey modular modelling system (MMS) is a modular modelling framework that uses an open source software approach to enable all members of the scientific community to address collaboratively the many complex issues associated with the design,...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: decision support systems,
distributed models,
modular models,
parameter estimation
The SRLCC provided funds to the states of Arizona and New Mexico to support development of the states Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools (CHATs) which provide a decision support system to better incorporate wildlife values, sensitive animals and plants, and important ecosystem features into land use decision-making to reduce conflicts and surprises.Several states have released wildlife mapping tools that are the foundation for displaying crucial wildlife and corridor information. The state and regional CHATs are non-regulatory, and give project planners and the general public access to credible scientific data on a broad scale for use in project analysis, siting and planning. This includes large-scale development...
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: AZ-01,
VegSpec is a tool for finding and selecting plants adapted for use in solving vegetative problems. The program was created to help managers effectively choose plant species appropriate to the climate, soils, and location of projects.VegSpec helps revegetation projects succeed by reducing costs and eliminating the guesswork of plant selection.
A table is presented listing: (1) USGS Gage Station Numbers, (2) Model Identification Tags, (3) Model Term Estimates, (4) Model Term Fit Statistics, and (5) Model Performance Indices for Maximum Likelihood Logistic Regression (MLLR) Models estimating hydrological drought probabilities in the United States. Models were developed using streamflow daily values (DV) readily available from the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System (NWIS) and mean monthly streamflows readily computed from NWIS streamflow DV. Models were prepared for 9,144 sites throughout the United States as described in: Modeling Summer Month Hydrological Drought Probabilities In The United States Using Antecedent Flow Conditions...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Puerto Rico,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
United States of America,
decision support systems,
Species distribution models (SDMs) are commonly used to assess potential climate change impacts on biodiversity, but several critical methodological decisions are often made arbitrarily. We compare variability arising from these decisions to the uncertainty in future climate change itself. We also test whether certain choices offer improved skill for extrapolating to a changed climate and whether internal cross-validation skill indicates extrapolative skill. We compared projected vulnerability for 29 wetland-dependent bird species breeding in the climatically dynamic Prairie Pothole Region, USA. For each species we built 1,080 SDMs to represent a unique combination of: future climate, class of climate covariates,...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Birds,
Climate Change,
Decision Support Systems,
North Central CASC,
The University of California, Davis in partnership with the Navajo Nation is partnering with the Southern Rockies LCC to provide estimates of habitat connectivity for focal species on the Navajo Nation and adjacent lands that the tribe wishes to incorporate into planning and implementation of adaptive management. The project will derive habitat variables as inputs for connectivity models, and model outputs likely will include habitat quality and conductance. Species-specific models will be mathematically integrated to permit probabilistic statements about simultaneous connectivity for two or more species. The spatial data developed on wildlife distributions and habitat to model connectivity and, ultimately, viability...
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: AZ-01,
Applications and Tools,
Cultural Resources,
The project will result in recommendations for a decision support platform that links coarse and fine scale tools and for improving the Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) as the central analytical tool for basinwide water supply planning. The work will largely be accomplished by assembling an exceptionally qualified team in cross-disciplinary, water management decision support systems, in the CRSS, and in two finer scale water management decision supports within the basin and by responding to an advisory group oflead water management agencies.The project will immediately build on the Colorado River Basin Water Supply and Demand Study being led by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, will extend the interface between...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: AZ-01,
Tables are presented listing parameters used in logistic regression equations describing drought streamflow probabilities in the Northeastern United States. Streamflow daily data, streamflow monthly mean data, maximum likelihood logistic regression (MLLR) equation explanatory parameters, equation goodness of fit parameters, and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) AUC values identifying the utility of each relation, describe each model of the probability (chance) of a particular streamflow daily value exceeding or not exceeding an identified drought streamflow threshold.