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Benthic diatom assemblages are known to be indicative of water quality but have yet to be widely adopted in biological assessments in the United States due to several limitations. Our goal was to address some of these limitations by developing regional multi-metric indices (MMIs) that are robust to inter-laboratory taxonomic inconsistency, adjusted for natural covariates, and sensitive to a wide range of anthropogenic stressors. We aggregated bioassessment data from two national-scale federal programs and used a data-driven analysis in which all-possible combinations of 2-7 metrics were compared for three measures of performance. The datasets in this release support the Carlisle, et al. 2022 report cited herein....
Periphyton is a complex community of detritus, bacteria, fungi, and algae that grows attached to submerged substrates. Assemblage structure data for algae and cyanobacteria from periphyton samples were collected on a monthly basis from 2017 to 2021. Compiled data were reported as absolute abundance (cells) and biovolume per volume as well as absolute abundance (cells) and biovolume per area at four locations increasing in distance east of the L-67 canal in Water Conservation Area 3 (WCA 3) of the Florida Everglades immediately north of Everglades National Park. The periphyton assemblages were analyzed for five sample types including periphyton plates (Plates), invertebrate inclusion and exclusion plates (Inverts),...
CalHABMAP provides updates on current algal blooms and facilitates information exchange among HAB researchers, managers and the general public in California. A major component of this program is regional HAB monitoring. Water samples and net tows are collected once per week to monitor for HAB species and naturally occurring algal toxins. Water quality data including temperature, salinity, and nutrients are also collected.
This dataset comprises in situ images of benthic algae collected by an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) in Lake Michigan during August and September 2020. The images were annotated, or labeled, to identify specific features for use in machine learning and algorithm development, specifically to train and validate an algorithm for the automated identification and assessment of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV). The dataset is organized into individual zip files, each corresponding to different collection dates, with the date indicated in the file name. Each zip file contains original images, ground truth binary masks where benthic algae are represented by white pixels and the background by black pixels, and JSON...
Didymosphenia geminata (didymo) is a freshwater alga native to North America, including Glacier National Park, Montana. It has long been considered a cold-water species, but has recently spread to lower latitudes and warmer waters, and increasingly forms large blooms that cover streambeds. We used a comprehensive monitoring data set from the National Park Service (NPS) and USGS models of stream temperatures to explore the drivers of didymo abundance in Glacier National Park. We estimate that approximately 64% of the stream length in the park contains didymo, with around 5% in a bloom state. Results suggest that didymo abundance likely increased over the study period (2007–2009), with blooms becoming more common....
This Data Release makes available measurements of phytoplankton species composition, abundance and cell size made on samples collected in San Francisco Bay (CA) from April 1992 through March 2014. Phytoplankton samples were collected at 31 stations along a 145-km transect where the variability of salinity, temperature, turbidity and nutrient concentrations reflected a broad range of environmental factors that regulate phytoplankton growth and abundance (map of sampling locations is available on the project website at: Whole water samples were preserved with acid Lugol’s solution, and 2 to 50 ml aliquots were settled in chambers for 6 to 24...
This Data Release makes available measurements of phytoplankton species composition, abundance and cell size made on samples collected in San Francisco Bay (CA) from January 2014 through December 2018. Whole water phytoplankton samples were collected at least monthly at fixed sampling stations along a 145-km transect where the variability of salinity, temperature, turbidity and nutrient concentrations reflected a broad range of environmental factors that regulate phytoplankton growth and abundance. A map and table of sampling locations are included in this Data Release. Immediately after samples were collected, they were preserved with acid Lugol’s solution. The samples were analyzed by BSA Environmental Services,...
Diatom assemblages in sediments from two subalpine lakes in the Uinta Mountains, Utah, show asynchronous changes that are related to both anthropogenic and natural inputs of dust. These lakes are downwind of sources of atmospheric inputs originating from mining, industrial, urban, agricultural and natural sources that are distributed within tens to hundreds of kilometers west and south of the Uinta Mountains. Sediment cores were retrieved from Marshall and Hidden lakes to determine the impacts of atmospheric pollution, especially metals. Paleolimnological techniques, including elemental analyses and 210Pb and 239+240Pu dating, indicate that both lakes began receiving eolian inputs from anthropogenic sources in the...

    map background search result map search result map Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) data collected by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and made available by the Southern California Coastal Observing System (SCCOOS) Decompartmentalization Physical Model (South Florida Water Management District) Periphyton Abundance and Biovolume Data 2017–21 (ver 1.1, April 2024) Data Release for: A Web-Based Tool for Assessing the Condition of Benthic Diatom Assemblages in Streams and Rivers of the Conterminous United States Assessment of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Lake Michigan Using Down-Looking AUV-Collected Imagery Decompartmentalization Physical Model (South Florida Water Management District) Periphyton Abundance and Biovolume Data 2017–21 (ver 1.1, April 2024) Assessment of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Lake Michigan Using Down-Looking AUV-Collected Imagery Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) data collected by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and made available by the Southern California Coastal Observing System (SCCOOS) Data Release for: A Web-Based Tool for Assessing the Condition of Benthic Diatom Assemblages in Streams and Rivers of the Conterminous United States