Filters: Tags: digital elevation models (X)
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This dataset is comprised of three files containing northing, easting, and elevation ("XYZ") information for light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data representing beach topography and sonar data representing near-shore bathymetry of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, Minnesota. The point data is the same as that in LAS (industry-standard binary format for storing large point clouds) files that were used to create a digital elevation model (DEM) of the approximately 5.9 square kilometer (2.3 square mile) surveyed area. LiDAR data were collected August 10, 2019 using a boat-mounted Optech ILRIS scanner and methodology similar to that described by Huizinga and Wagner (2019). Multi-beam sonar data were collected...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Bathymetry and Elevation,
Great Lakes,
This dataset contains the Flow Accumulation (FA) grid for the Asian continent from the Hydrologic Derivatives for Modeling and Analysis (HDMA) database. The DEM data were developed and distributed by processing units. There are 19 processing units for Asia. The distribution files have the number of the processing unit appended to the end of the zip file name (e.g. contains the DEM data for unit 3-2). The HDMA database provides comprehensive and consistent global coverage of raster and vector topographically derived layers, including raster layers of digital elevation model (DEM) data, flow direction, flow accumulation, slope, and compound topographic index (CTI); and vector layers of streams and catchment...
This dataset contains the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Australasia from the Hydrologic Derivatives for Modeling and Analysis (HDMA) database. The data were developed and distributed by processing units. There are 11 processing units for Australasia. The distribution files have the number of the processing unit appended to the end of the zip file name (e.g. contains the DEM data for unit 3-2). The HDMA database provides comprehensive and consistent global coverage of raster and vector topographically derived layers, including raster layers of digital elevation model (DEM) data, flow direction, flow accumulation, slope, and compound topographic index (CTI); and vector layers of streams and catchment...
This dataset contains the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Africa from the Hydrologic Derivatives for Modeling and Analysis (HDMA) database. The DEM data were developed and distributed by processing units. There are 19 processing units for Africa. The distribution files have the number of the processing unit appended to the end of the zip file name (e.g. contains the DEM data for unit 3-2). The HDMA database provides comprehensive and consistent global coverage of raster and vector topographically derived layers, including raster layers of digital elevation model (DEM) data, flow direction, flow accumulation, slope, and compound topographic index (CTI); and vector layers of streams and catchment...
This contains the South American portion of the Hydrologic Derivatives for Modeling and Analysis (HDMA) database. The HDMA database provides comprehensive and consistent global coverage of raster and vector topographically derived layers, including raster layers of digital elevation model (DEM) data, flow direction, flow accumulation, slope, and compound topographic index (CTI); and vector layers of streams and catchment boundaries. The coverage of the data is global (-180º, 180º, -90º, 90º) with the underlying DEM being a hybrid of three datasets: HydroSHEDS (Hydrological data and maps based on SHuttle Elevation Derivatives at multiple Scales), Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010) and...
This contains the Australasian portion of the Hydrologic Derivatives for Modeling and Analysis (HDMA) database. The HDMA database provides comprehensive and consistent global coverage of raster and vector topographically derived layers, including raster layers of digital elevation model (DEM) data, flow direction, flow accumulation, slope, and compound topographic index (CTI); and vector layers of streams and catchment boundaries. The coverage of the data is global (-180º, 180º, -90º, 90º) with the underlying DEM being a hybrid of three datasets: HydroSHEDS (Hydrological data and maps based on SHuttle Elevation Derivatives at multiple Scales), Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010) and the...
Vegetation classification model (Veg) and associated metadata for basin A1.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Colorado,
Rio Blanco,
Unmanned Aerial Systems,
This dataset is a digital elevation model (DEM) of the beach topography of Lake Superior at Minnesota Point, Duluth, Minnesota. The DEM has a 1-meter (m; 3.28084 foot [ft]) cell size and was created from a LAS (industry-standard binary format for storing large point clouds) dataset of terrestrial light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data with an average point spacing of 0.137 m (0.45 ft). LiDAR data were collected August 10, 2019 using a boat-mounted Optech ILRIS scanner and methodology similar to that described by Huizinga and Wagner (2019). References: Huizinga, R.J. and Wagner, D.M., 2019, Erosion monitoring along selected bank locations of the Coosa River in Alabama using terrestrial light detection and ranging...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Bathymetry and Elevation,
Great Lakes,
Digital terrain model (DTM) and associated metadata for basin B1.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Colorado,
Rio Blanco,
Unmanned Aerial Systems,
Final surface model (SRF) and associated metadata for basin B1.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Colorado,
Rio Blanco,
Unmanned Aerial Systems,
The High Resolution National Hydrography Dataset Plus (NHDPlus HR) is an integrated set of geospatial data layers, including the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), National Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), and 3D Elevation Program Digital Elevation Model (3DEP DEM). The NHDPlus HR combines the NHD, 3DEP DEMs, and WBD to a data suite that includes the NHD stream network with linear referencing functionality, the WBD hydrologic units, elevation-derived catchment areas for each stream segment, "value added attributes" (VAAs), and other features that enhance hydrologic data analysis and routing.
The High Resolution National Hydrography Dataset Plus (NHDPlus HR) is an integrated set of geospatial data layers, including the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), National Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), and 3D Elevation Program Digital Elevation Model (3DEP DEM). The NHDPlus HR combines the NHD, 3DEP DEMs, and WBD to a data suite that includes the NHD stream network with linear referencing functionality, the WBD hydrologic units, elevation-derived catchment areas for each stream segment, "value added attributes" (VAAs), and other features that enhance hydrologic data analysis and routing.
Well-established conservation planning principles and techniques framed by geodesign were used to assess the restorability of areas that historically supported coastal wetlands along the U.S. shore of Saginaw Bay. The resulting analysis supported planning efforts to identify, prioritize, and track wetland restoration opportunity and investment in the region. To accomplish this, publicly available data, criteria derived from the regional managers and local stakeholders, and geospatial analysis were used to form an ecological model for spatial prioritization. These data include parameter inputs from external sources current to 2016. For an updated data set, including parameter inputs up to 2023, please see: Hopkins,...
These topographic/bathymetric digital elevation models (DEMs) were collected and compiled to characterize erosion and deposition in the Colorado River and in an adjacent zone of laterally recirculating flow (eddy) during both average flow conditions and during a controlled flood that occurred in March 2008. The objectives of the study were to measure changes sandbar morphology that occurred during changes in discharge associated with the controlled flood. These data were collected between February 6 and March 31, 2008 in a 1-mile study reach on the Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park beginning 44.5 miles downstream from Lees Ferry, Arizona. These data were collected by the USGS Grand Canyon Monitoring...
The Louisiana State Legislature created the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in order to conserve, restore, create and enhance Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The wetland restoration plans developed pursuant to these acts specifically require an evaluation of the effectiveness of each coastal wetlands restoration project in achieving long-term solutions to arresting coastal wetlands loss. This data set includes mosaicked aerial photographs for the Freshwater Introduction South of Highway 82 (ME-16) project for 2018. This data is used as a basemap land-water classification. It also serves as a visual tool for project managers to help them identify any obvious problems or land loss...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Gulf of Mexico,
The Louisiana State Legislature created the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in order to conserve, restore, create and enhance Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The wetland restoration plans developed pursuant to these acts specifically require an evaluation of the effectiveness of each coastal wetlands restoration project in achieving long-term solutions to arresting coastal wetlands loss. This data set includes mosaicked aerial photographs for the Oyster Bayou Marsh Creation and Terracing (CS-59) project for 2018. This data is used as a basemap land-water classification. It also serves as a visual tool for project managers to help them identify any obvious problems or land loss within...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: CS-59,
Gulf of Mexico,
Land Use Change,
The Louisiana State Legislature created Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in order to conserve, restore, create and enhance Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The wetland restoration plans developed pursuant to these acts specifically require an evaluation of the effectiveness of each coastal wetlands restoration project in achieving long-term solutions to arresting coastal wetlands loss. This data set includes mosaicked aerial photographs for the Highway 384 Hydrologic Restoration (CS-21) project for 2015. This data is used as a basemap land-water classification. It also serves as a visual tool for project managers to help them identify any obvious problems or land loss within their...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: CS-21,
Gulf of Mexico,
The Louisiana State Legislature created Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in order to conserve, restore, create and enhance Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The wetland restoration plans developed pursuant to these acts specifically require an evaluation of the effectiveness of each coastal wetlands restoration project in achieving long-term solutions to arresting coastal wetlands loss. This data set includes mosaicked aerial photographs for the East Sabine Lake Hydrologic Restoration (CS-32) project for 2015. This data is used as a basemap land-water classification. It also serves as a visual tool for project managers to help them identify any obvious problems or land loss within their...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: CS-32,
Gulf of Mexico,
Land Use Change,
The Louisiana State Legislature created the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in order to conserve, restore, create and enhance Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The wetland restoration plans developed pursuant to these acts specifically require an evaluation of the effectiveness of each coastal wetlands restoration project in achieving long-term solutions to arresting coastal wetlands loss. This data set includes mosaicked aerial photographs for the Bayou Dupont Marsh and Ridge Creation (BA-48) project for 2016. This data is used as a basemap land-water classification. It also serves as a visual tool for project managers to help them identify any obvious problems or land loss within...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: BA-48,
Gulf of Mexico,
This data release presents beach topography and nearshore bathymetry data from repeated surveys in northern Monterey Bay, California to document changes in shoreline position and coastal morphology as they relate to episodic (storms), seasonal, and interannual and longer (e.g. El Niño) processes. The ongoing monitoring program was initiated in October 2014 with semi-annual surveys performed in late summer (September or October) and Spring (March). Nearshore bathymetry and topography data were collected along a series of shore-perpendicular transects spaced primarily at 50-250 m intervals between Santa Cruz and Moss Landing, California (fig. 1). The transects were located along sandy stretches of the coastline...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Bathymetry and Elevation,
Coastal and Marine Geology Program,
Echo Sounders,
GPS (Global Positioning System),