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These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30-meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...
A raster dataset representing the soil organic carbon content of surface soil horizons (top 15 cm or ~6 inches) in the conterminous United States. Soil organic carbon is a readily component of soil organic matter, which plays an important role the functioning of soils, including formation of soil structure, soil nutrient content, soil moisture retention, and carbon sequestration. Soil carbon content here is measured as percent by mass. This dataset was created using the soil percent organic carbon 100 m spatial resolution predictive rasters for 0, 5, and 15 cm depths developed by Ramcharan et al. (2018). The average soil organic carbon over the top 15 cm was calculated using the trapezoidal rule, and then put into...
These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30-meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...
These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30-meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...
These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30-meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...
This data release includes maps characterizing soil geomorphic units (SGUs), climate zones, and ecological site groups that classify landscapes by ecological potential and behavior for use in land management in the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB) region. Soil geomorphic units were created by analysis and grouping of ecological sites (ESs), a more detailed local system of ecological units managed by the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS). Vegetation reference community production data of ESs were analyzed to determine discrete rules based on field soils data linked to the soil survey geographic (SSURGO) database of the USA to determine SGUs. Then both reference production data and state and transition model...
These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30-meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...
These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30-meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...
These data were compiled to support analysis of remote sensing data using the Disturbance Automated Reference Toolset (Nauman et al., 2017). The objective of our study was to assess results of pinyon and juniper land treatments. These data represent major soil types as defined primarily by soil texture and depth, but also geology, parent material, and geomorphology for relevant features that distinguish major ecological land units. These data were created from field soil descriptions collected in the upper Colorado River watershed mostly since 2000, but include some older data catalogued in USDS Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) databases. These soils data used in model training were collected by NRCS...
These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30-meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...
These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30-meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...
These data (vector and raster) were compiled for spatial modeling of salinity yield sources in the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB) and describe different scales of watersheds in the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB) for use in salinity yield modeling. Salinity yield refers to how much dissolved salts are picked up in surface waters that could be expected to be measured at the watershed outlet point annually. The vector polygons are small catchments developed originally for use in SPARROW modeling that break up the UCRB into 10,789 catchments linked together through a synthetic stream network. The catchments were used for a machine learning based salinity model and attributed with the new results in these vector...
A raster dataset representing the electric conductivity (EC) of surface soil horizons (top 15 cm or ~6 inches) in the conterminous United States. Increasing soil EC is correlated with increasing soil salt content which is referred to as soil salinity. High levels of soil salinity can only be tolerated by salt-tolerant plants, can interfere with the growth of non-salt tolerant plants, and make reclamation or restoration challenging. This dataset was created using the soil electric conductivity 100-meter spatial resolution predictive rasters for 0, 5, and 15 cm depths developed by Ramcharan (et al. 2018). The average soil EC over the top 15 cm in dS/m was calculated using the trapezoidal rule, and then put into 7...
These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30-meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...
These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30 meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...
These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30-meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...
These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30-meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...
A raster dataset representing the clay content of surface soil horizons (top 15 cm or ~6 inches) in the conterminous United States. Soil texture, which is described by the proportion of sand, silt, and clay in the non-rock portion of the soil (soil particles < 2mm), is an important determinate of plant suitability, water movement into the soil, erosion vulnerability, and many other things. Clays are the finest soil particle size class and includes soil particles less than 0.002 mm in diameter. This dataset was created using the percent clay 100-meter spatial resolution predictive rasters for 0, 5, and 15 cm depths developed by Ramcharan et al. (2018). The average percent clay over the top 15 cm was calculated using...
These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30-meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...
These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30-meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, texture fractions (sand, silt clay, fine sand, very fine sand), rock, electrical conductivity (ec), gypsum, CaCO3, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), available water capacity (awc), bulk density (dbovendry), erodibility (kwfact), and organic matter (om) at 7 depths (0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 100, and 200 cm) as well as depth to restrictive...