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In 2015, the total amount of water withdrawn for public supply in Florida was estimated at 2,385 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). Water withdrawals include 2,215 Mgal/d of fresh water and 170 Mgal/d of saline water. Fresh groundwater accounted for 1,909 Mgal/d of the water withdrawn and 169 Mgal/d of the saline groundwater withdrawn for public supply. Miami-Dade County accounted for the largest amount of fresh groundwater withdrawn (339 Mgal/d), Hillsborough County accounted for the largest amount of fresh surface water withdrawn (135 Mgal/d) and all of the saline surface water withdrawn (1 Mgal/d), and Lee County accounted for the largest amount of saline groundwater withdrawn (28 Mgal/d). All of the saline water...
Public-supply water withdrawals in Puerto Rico have been compiled annually since 2014 as part of an ongoing effort between the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority and the U.S Geological Survey. In 2020, the total amount of public-supply water withdrawn in Puerto Rico was estimated at 602 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) from freshwater sources. Surface-water withdrawals accounted for 537 Mgal/d (89 percent) and groundwater withdrawals accounted for 65 Mgal/d (11 percent). Population served by public-supply water systems accounted for 3.3 million people, almost 100 percent of the total population. Public-supply water withdrawals were tabulated by municipality and by public water system.
This data release consists of Microsoft Excel workbooks related to a cooperative project between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) to estimate public-supply water withdrawals for the year 2019. Daily raw-water inflow volume to each PRASA water-treatment plant and water pumped from PRASA public-supply wells on the island in 2019, as well as coordinate information for these facilities were provided by PRASA. The raw data are not publicly available owing to restrictions (sensitivity concern). Contact PRASA directly for more information. Per capita water use derived from domestic-delivery data for 2016 was used to estimate withdrawals from non-PRASA community...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Use Program is responsible for compiling and disseminating the Nation's water-use data. Working in cooperation with local, State, and Federal agencies, the USGS has published an estimate of water use in the United States every 5 years, beginning in 1950. These 5-year compilations contain water-use estimates that are aggregated to the county level in the United States. This USGS data release contains summaries of method codes used in the 2015 national compilation of public supply, self-supplied domestic, thermoelectric, and irrigation water-use data. This data release also contains the county-level water-use estimates that support the evaluations in Luukkonen and others...
In 2016, the total amount of public-supply water withdrawn in Puerto Rico was estimated at 551 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) from fresh water sources. Surface water accounted for 492 Mgal/d (89 percent) and groundwater accounted for 59 Mgal/d (11 percent). Population served by public-supply water systems accounted for 3.4 million people, almost 100 percent of the total population. Total domestic water use was estimated at 396 Mgal/d and it is represented as the summation of deliveries from public-supply water systems to domestic users and self-supplied domestic withdrawals. The average per capita domestic water use, which represents the daily water use for the population that is supplied by public-supply water...
In 2016, the total amount of public-supply water withdrawn in Puerto Rico was estimated at 551 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) from fresh water sources. Surface water accounted for 492 Mgal/d (89 percent) and groundwater accounted for 59 Mgal/d (11 percent). Population served by public-supply water systems accounted for 3.4 million people, almost 100 percent of the total population. Total domestic water use was estimated at 396 Mgal/d and it is represented as the summation of deliveries from public-supply water systems to domestic users and self-supplied domestic withdrawals. The average per capita domestic water use, which represents the daily water use for the population that is supplied by public-supply water...
Public-supply water withdrawals in Puerto Rico have been compiled annually since 2014 as part of an ongoing effort between the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority and the U.S Geological Survey. In 2020, the total amount of public-supply water withdrawn in Puerto Rico was estimated at 602 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) from freshwater sources. Surface-water withdrawals accounted for 537 Mgal/d (89 percent) and groundwater withdrawals accounted for 65 Mgal/d (11 percent). Population served by public-supply water systems accounted for 3.3 million people, almost 100 percent of the total population. Public-supply water withdrawals were tabulated by municipality and by public water system.
The U.S. Geological Survey estimates annual public-supply water withdrawn from freshwater sources in Puerto Rico using data obtained from various agencies on the island, including the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA), and the Puerto Rico Department of Health (PRDOH). Public-supply withdrawals from surface and groundwater sources are tabulated by municipality, and by PRASA water service area or public water supply system. When supporting information is available, the USGS also tabulates annual domestic water use for users supplied by public systems such as PRASA and non-PRASA community water systems which are certified by PRDOH. Domestic water use includes indoor and outdoor uses at residences....
This dataset contains estimates of water withdrawals from 66 principal aquifers and "other" non-principal aquifers during 2015 for various categories of use in each county or county equivalent in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Water Use Science Project is responsible for compiling and disseminating the Nation's water-use data. Withdrawal estimates are summarized in USGS Circular 1464, "Estimated Groundwater Withdrawals from Principal Aquifers in the United States, 2015" (Lovelace and others, 2020). This dataset contains the estimated groundwater withdrawals from principal aquifers by county and county equivalent that are summarized by lithologic...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Ada-Vamoosa aquifer,
Alluvial aquifers,
Arbuckle-Simpson aquifer,
The Red River basin is one of several national "focus area studies" in the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Census. The objective of the National Water Census is to provide nationally-consistent base layers of well-documented data that account for water availability and use nationally. A focus area study (FAS) is a stakeholder-driven assessment of water availability in river basins with known or potential conflict. The Red River basin covers more than 93,000 square miles with a population of over 4 million people. Water resources in the basin are being stressed by increasing water demands and increasingly severe droughts. The results of the FAS will facilitate better management of water resources for human...
Public-supply water withdrawals in Puerto Rico have been compiled annually since 2014 as part of an ongoing effort between the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority and the U.S Geological Survey. In 2017, the total amount of public-supply water withdrawn in Puerto Rico was estimated at 545 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) from freshwater sources. Surface-water withdrawals accounted for 488 Mgal/d (90 percent) and groundwater withdrawals accounted for 57 Mgal/d (10 percent). Population served by public-supply water systems accounted for 3.5 million people, almost 100 percent of the total population. Public-supply water withdrawals were tabulated by municipality and by public water system.
Public-supply water withdrawals in Puerto Rico have been compiled annually since 2014 as part of an ongoing effort between the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority and the U.S Geological Survey. In 2019, the total amount of public-supply water withdrawn in Puerto Rico was estimated at 590 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) from freshwater sources. Surface-water withdrawals accounted for 527 Mgal/d (89 percent) and groundwater withdrawals accounted for 63 Mgal/d (11 percent). Population served by public-supply water systems accounted for 3.3 million people, almost 100 percent of the total population. Public-supply water withdrawals were tabulated by municipality and by public water system.
This data release consists of Microsoft Excel workbooks related to a cooperative project between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) to estimate public-supply water withdrawals for the year 2017. Daily raw-water inflow volume to each PRASA water-treatment plant and water pumped from PRASA public-supply wells on the island in 2017, as well as coordinate information for these facilities were provided by PRASA. The raw data are not publicly available owing to restrictions (sensitivity concern). Contact PRASA directly for more information. Per capita water use derived from domestic-delivery data for 2016 was used to estimate withdrawals from non-PRASA community...
Public-supply water withdrawals in Puerto Rico have been compiled annually since 2014 as part of an ongoing effort between the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority and the U.S Geological Survey. In 2017, the total amount of public-supply water withdrawn in Puerto Rico was estimated at 545 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) from freshwater sources. Surface-water withdrawals accounted for 488 Mgal/d (90 percent) and groundwater withdrawals accounted for 57 Mgal/d (10 percent). Population served by public-supply water systems accounted for 3.5 million people, almost 100 percent of the total population. Public-supply water withdrawals were tabulated by municipality and by public water system.
Public-supply water withdrawals in Puerto Rico have been compiled annually since 2014 as part of an ongoing effort between the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority and the U.S Geological Survey. In 2018, the total amount of public-supply water withdrawn in Puerto Rico was estimated at 593 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) from freshwater sources. Surface-water withdrawals accounted for 533 Mgal/d (90 percent) and groundwater withdrawals accounted for 60 Mgal/d (10 percent). Population served by public-supply water systems accounted for 3.4 million people, almost 100 percent of the total population. Public-supply water withdrawals were tabulated by municipality and by public water system.
Public-supply water withdrawals in Puerto Rico have been compiled annually since 2014 as part of an ongoing effort between the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority and the U.S Geological Survey. In 2019, the total amount of public-supply water withdrawn in Puerto Rico was estimated at 590 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) from freshwater sources. Surface-water withdrawals accounted for 527 Mgal/d (89 percent) and groundwater withdrawals accounted for 63 Mgal/d (11 percent). Population served by public-supply water systems accounted for 3.3 million people, almost 100 percent of the total population. Public-supply water withdrawals were tabulated by municipality and by public water system.
In 2015, the total amount of water withdrawn in Florida was estimated at 15,319 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). This includes 9,598 Mgal/d of saline water and 5,721 Mgal/d of fresh water. Water for public supply accounted for the majority of fresh water withdrawn (2,215 Mgal/d) followed closely by agricultural self-supplied (2,089 Mgal/d) for 2015. The remaining fresh water was withdrawn for power generation (434 Mgal/d), commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied (409 Mgal/d), recreational-landscape irrigation (397 Mgal/d), and domestic self-supplied (177 Mgal/d). Water withdrawn for power generation accounted for the majority of saline water withdrawn (9,425 Mgal/d) for 2015, followed by public supply (170...
In 2015, the total amount of water withdrawn for power generation uses in Florida was estimated at 9,859 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). Withdrawals include water used for once-through cooling, cooling pond augmentation, boiler make-up, and domestic uses at power facilities. Saline water accounted for 9,425 Mgal/d of the water withdrawn for power generation, while fresh water accounted for 434 Mgal/d of the water withdrawn for this category. Of the saline water, 9,396 Mgal/d was withdrawn from surface water sources and 29 Mgal/d was withdrawn from groundwater sources. Of the fresh water, 406 Mgal/d was withdrawn from surface water sources and 28 Mgal/d was withdrawn from groundwater sources. Pasco County accounted...
This data release consists of Microsoft Excel workbooks related to a cooperative project between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) to estimate public-supply water withdrawals for the year 2020. Daily raw-water inflow volume to each PRASA water-treatment plant and water pumped from PRASA public-supply wells on the island in 2020, as well as coordinate information for these facilities were provided by PRASA. The raw data are not publicly available owing to restrictions (sensitivity concern). Contact PRASA directly for more information. Per capita water use derived from domestic-delivery data for 2016 was used to estimate withdrawals from non-PRASA community...
The U.S. Geological Survey has compiled information on water withdrawal and use for Puerto Rico at 5-year intervals since 1980 to provide data for the management of the Commonwealth’s water resources. For 2015, water withdrawals and use were estimated for 78 municipalities from fresh groundwater and surface water in the categories of public use, domestic use, irrigation use, livestock, commercial use, industrial use, and mining use and both fresh groundwater and surface water and saline surface-water for thermoelectric power. Fourteen tables and one shapefile were compiled to provide water withdrawals by municipalities and other water use information.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Puerto Rico,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Water Resources,
domestic water use,
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