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OBIS-USA brings together marine biological occurrence data – recorded observations of identifiable marine species at a known time and place, collected primarily from U.S. Waters or with U.S. funding. Coordinated by the Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) Program of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), OBIS-USA, strives to meet national data integration and dissemination needs for marine data about organisms and ecosystems. OBIS-USA is part of an international data sharing network (Ocean Biodiversity Information System, OBIS) coordinated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization) International Oceanographic Data and Information...
Tags: Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Bay of Fundy, Beaufort Sea, Bering Sea, All tags...
Subterranean estuaries extend inland into density-stratified coastal carbonate aquifers that contain a surprising diversity of endemic animals (mostly crustaceans) within a highly oligotrophic environment. How complex ecosystems thrive in this globally-distributed, cryptic habitat (termed anchialine) is poorly understood. The northeastern margin of the Yucatan Peninsula contains over 250 km of mapped, diver-accessible caves passages where previous studies have suggested chemoautotrophic processes are the source of carbon and energy sustaining the anchialine food web. This dataset, collected during four field events during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology Program Field Activities 2015-013-FA...
Floods, spatially complex water flows, and organism movements all generate important fluxes of aquatic-derived materials into terrestrial habitats, counteracting the gravity-driven downhill transport of matter from terrestrial-to-aquatic ecosystems. The magnitude of these aquatic subsidies isoften smaller than terrestrial subsidies to aquatic ecosystems but higher in nutritional quality, energy density, and nutrient concentration. The lateral extent of biological aquatic subsidies is typically small, extending only a few meters into riparian habitat; however, terrestrial consumers often aggregate on shorelines to capitalize on these high-quality resources. Although the ecological effects of aquatic subsidies remain...
How local geomorphic and hydrologic features mediate the sensitivity of stream thermal regimes to variation in climatic conditions remains a critical uncertainty in understanding aquatic ecosystem responses to climate change. We used stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen to estimate contributions of snow and rainfall to 80 boreal streams and show that differences in snow contribution are controlled by watershed topography. Time series analysis of stream thermal regimes revealed that streams in rain-dominated, low-elevation watersheds were 5–8 times more sensitive to variation in summer air temperature compared to streams draining steeper topography whose flows were dominated by snowmelt. This effect was more pronounced...
In this first worldwide synthesis of in situ and satellite-derived lake data, we find that lakesummer surface water temperatures rose rapidly (global mean = 0.34°C decade1) between 1985 and2009. Our analyses show that surface water warming rates are dependent on combinations of climate andlocal characteristics, rather than just lake location, leading to the counterintuitive result that regionalconsistency in lake warming is the exception, rather than the rule. The most rapidly warming lakes are widelygeographically distributed, and their warming is associated with interactions among different climatic factors—from seasonally ice-covered lakes in areas where temperature and solar radiation are increasing whilecloud...
Interactions and feedbacks between abundant surface waters and permafrost fundamentally shapelowland Arctic landscapes. Sublake permafrost is maintained when the maximum ice thickness (MIT) exceedslake depth and mean annual bed temperatures (MABTs) remain below freezing. However, decliningMIT since the1970s is likely causing talik development below shallow lakes. Here we show high-temperature sensitivity towinter ice growth at the water-sediment interface of shallow lakes based on year-round lake sensor data.Empirical model experiments suggest that shallow (1m depth) lakes have warmed substantially over the last30years (2.4°C), withMABT above freezing5 of the last 7years.This is incomparison to slower ratesofwarming...
Between 2011 and 2018, numerous restoration treatments were constructed on the Straight and Braided Reaches of the Kootenai River in northern Idaho as part of the Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Project. This child item of the larger data release contains two .csv file with the data used to investigate the potential impacts of restoration treatments on suspended sediment transport within the study reach. One .csv file contains data collected between 2006 and 2023 at the upstream end of the study reach at U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgage Kootenai River Below Moyie River (streamgage 12308000) and USGS site 4842231161104. The other file contains data collected between 2006 and 2023 at the downstream end...
This data release is composed of seven datasets regarding colonial seabirds and forage fish at two seabird nesting colonies on Gull and Chisik Islands in lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. These data were collected to detect changes in the breeding population of Black-legged Kittiwakes and Common Murres on two nesting colonies in lower Cook Inlet and to compare those counts to baseline counts from 1995-1999. They are part of an ongoing study in lower Cook Inlet, Alaska to assess the recent status of forage fish and seabirds (2000-2020).
This project provides a better understanding how linkages among surface-water availability, connectivity, and temperature mediate habitat and trophic dynamics of the Fish Creek Watershed (FCW). These interrelated processes form a shifting mosaic of freshwater habitats across the landscape that can be classified, mapped, understood, and modeled in response to past and future climate and land-use change in a spatial and temporal context. Developing scenarios of freshwater habitat change in this context provides managers and scientists with a flexible template to evaluate a range of potential responses to climate and land-use change. Applying this approach in the FCW is made feasible because of the availability of...
These data were compiled to evaluate reproductive output of Agassiz's desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizzi) in relation to environmental and individual-level variables. We collected data from four study sites in the Sonoran Desert of California, including two separate populations within Joshua Tree National Park, one population located on the northern versant of the Orocopia Mountains, and one population located at the extreme western end of the Coachella Valley. These data represent eight reproductive seasons that spanned over 20 years (1997-2000, 2015-2018). These data were compiled and added to a larger database with additional records collected by other scientists from eight other study sites in order to detect...
These data were acquired from 7 study sites distributed across the range of Gopherus agassizii. Data were collected from 1997 to 2002 as part of three separate studies, although data were not collected at all sites in each year. Radio-transmitters were attached to the carapace of 151 females and VHF radio-telemetry was used to relocate animals to assess reproductive status. Egg production was determined from X-radiographs taken weekly/biweekly intervals (depending on the study) using a portable X-ray machine between April and July or August of each year. In addition, the mean carapace length (MCL) of each tortoise was measured at each time of capture or recapture using calipers (mm). A nesting event was recorded...
Lakes are dominant and diverse landscapefeatures in the Arctic, but conventional land coverclassification schemes typically map them as a singleuniform class. Here, we present a detailed lake-centricgeospatial database for an Arctic watershed in northernAlaska. We developed a GIS dataset consisting of 4362lakes that provides information on lake morphometry,hydrologic connectivity, surface area dynamics,surrounding terrestrial ecotypes, and other importantconditions describing Arctic lakes. Analyzing thegeospatial database relative to fish and bird survey datashows relations to lake depth and hydrologic connectivity,which are being used to guide research and aid in themanagement of aquatic resources in the NationalPetroleum...
The Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (YKD) encompasses the southernmost, warmest parts of the arctic tundra biome and is renowned for its high biological productivity and large subsistence-based human population. Ice-rich permafrost currently is widespread and strongly influences terrestrial and aquatic habitats, including local topography, vegetation, soil hydrology, and the water balance of lakes. Ground temperatures are near the freezing point, however, and recent projections indicate that the YKD is poised for widespread loss of permafrost by the end of this century. This has implications for the region’s extensive and heretofore stable terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Tundra wildfire is a common ecological “pulse” disturbance...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2016, AK-00, Academics & scientific researchers, Academics & scientific researchers, Conservation NGOs, All tags...
Global environmental change has influenced lake surface temperatures, a key driver of ecosystem structureand function. Recent studies have suggested significant warming of water temperatures in individual lakesacross many different regions around the world. However, the spatial and temporal coherence associatedwith the magnitude of these trends remains unclear. Thus, a global data set of water temperature isrequired to understand and synthesize global, long-term trends in surface water temperatures of inlandbodies of water. We assembled a database of summer lake surface temperatures for 291 lakes collectedin situ and/or by satellites for the period 1985–2009. In addition, corresponding climatic drivers (airtemperatures,...
This project integrates projections from two climate downscaling approaches into a series of future climate scenarios that will be used to assess the vulnerability of resources and ecosystem services within the Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands LCC. It consists of 4 phases: 1) downscaled climate model integration and synthesis, and engagement with key researchers; 2) the development of a set of likely future climate scenarios based on common model projections; 3) an evaluation and synthesis of vulnerabilities of key resources and ecosystem services; and 4) presentation of results and engagement of regional managers and stakeholders in a dialogue about further research and implications. This project will occur as collaboration...
The two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic flow model International River Interface Cooperative with the Flow and Sediment Transport with Morphological Evolution of Channels solver (iRIC FaSTMECH) was used to investigate the impacts of habitat restoration treatments on hydraulic conditions in the Braided and Straight Reaches of the Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID. The treatments were constructed between 2012 and 2018. Topographic surfaces from 2011, 2020, and 2022 were used to simulate hydraulic conditions before and after restoration treatments were built. Three different flow conditions (discharge and downstream water surface elevation) from the 2020 spring snowmelt hydrograph were simulated on a 5-meter model grid...
We used NLCD 2011, SSURGO, and SEGAP data to map the density of desired resources for open pine ecosystems and six focal species of birds and 2 reptiles within the historic range of longleaf pine east of the Mississippi River. Binary rasters were created of sites with desired characteristics such as land form, hydrology, land use and land cover, soils, potential habitat for focal species, and putative source populations of focal species. Each raster was smoothed using a kernel density estimator. Rasters were combined and scaled to map priority locations for the management of each focal species. Species’ rasters were combined and scaled to provide maps of overall priority for birds and for birds and reptiles. For...
Beaded streams are widespread in permafrost regionsand are considered a common thermokarst landform.However, little is known about their distribution, how andunder what conditions they form, and how their intriguingmorphology translates to ecosystem functions and habitat.Here we report on a circum-Arctic survey of beaded streamsand a watershed-scale analysis in northern Alaska using remotesensing and field studies.We mapped over 400 channelnetworks with beaded morphology throughout the continuouspermafrost zone of northern Alaska, Canada, and Russiaand found the highest abundance associated with mediumto high ground-ice content permafrost in moderately slopingterrain. In one Arctic coastal plain watershed, beaded...

map background search result map search result map Ecosystem Dynamics and Fate of Warm Permafrost after Tundra Wildfire and Lake Drainage on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Prioritization of areas for open pine ecosystem restoration in the Southeastern United States: All Species Sonde data to characterize physical and chemical properties of the Cenote Bang, a component of the Ox Bel Ha cave network within the subterranean estuary coastal aquifer of the Yucatan Peninsula, from December 2013 to January 2016 FishCAFE: Response of an Arctic Freshwater Ecosystem to Climate and Land-use Change Distribution and biophysical processes of beaded streams in Arctic permafrost landscapes Threshold sensitivity of shallow Arctic lakes and sublake permafrost to changing winter climate A lake-centric geospatial database to guide research and inform management decisions in an Arctic watershed in northern Alaska... Rapid and highly variable warming of lake surface waters around the globe Watershed geomorphology and snowmelt control stream thermal sensitivity to air temperature Webinar: Effects of winter climate and watershed features on summer stream temperatures in Bristol Bay, Alaska Subsidies of Aquatic Resources in Terrestrial Ecosystems A global database of lake surface temperatures collected by in situ and satellite methods from 1985–2009 Agassiz's desert tortoise and egg data from the Sonoran Desert of California (1997-2000, 2015-2018) Mojave Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) Morphometrics and Egg Data from Seven Sites across the Mojave, (1997-2002) Assessing the Status and Trends of Seabirds and Forage Fish in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska Common Murre Disturbance Data on Gull Island, Kachemak Bay, Alaska Dataset for trend analysis of measured suspended sediment concentrations, Kootenai River, 2006-2023 Model archive for two-dimensional hydraulic model simulations before and after restoration work, Kootenai River, Idaho, 2011-2022 Assessing the Status and Trends of Seabirds and Forage Fish in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska Common Murre Disturbance Data on Gull Island, Kachemak Bay, Alaska Model archive for two-dimensional hydraulic model simulations before and after restoration work, Kootenai River, Idaho, 2011-2022 Dataset for trend analysis of measured suspended sediment concentrations, Kootenai River, 2006-2023 Sonde data to characterize physical and chemical properties of the Cenote Bang, a component of the Ox Bel Ha cave network within the subterranean estuary coastal aquifer of the Yucatan Peninsula, from December 2013 to January 2016 Ecosystem Dynamics and Fate of Warm Permafrost after Tundra Wildfire and Lake Drainage on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Agassiz's desert tortoise and egg data from the Sonoran Desert of California (1997-2000, 2015-2018) FishCAFE: Response of an Arctic Freshwater Ecosystem to Climate and Land-use Change Distribution and biophysical processes of beaded streams in Arctic permafrost landscapes Threshold sensitivity of shallow Arctic lakes and sublake permafrost to changing winter climate A lake-centric geospatial database to guide research and inform management decisions in an Arctic watershed in northern Alaska... Rapid and highly variable warming of lake surface waters around the globe Watershed geomorphology and snowmelt control stream thermal sensitivity to air temperature Webinar: Effects of winter climate and watershed features on summer stream temperatures in Bristol Bay, Alaska Subsidies of Aquatic Resources in Terrestrial Ecosystems A global database of lake surface temperatures collected by in situ and satellite methods from 1985–2009 Mojave Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) Morphometrics and Egg Data from Seven Sites across the Mojave, (1997-2002) Prioritization of areas for open pine ecosystem restoration in the Southeastern United States: All Species