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This dataset contains reflectance and transmission spectra of unexpanded and expanded vermiculite ore, and handpicked flakes of phlogopite, hydrobiotite, and vermiculite. These samples were collected from mines near Enoree, South Carolina; Libby, Montana; Louisa, Virginia; Palabora, Llano, Texas; and South Africa. Spectra are identified as either reflectance or transmission in the alphanumeric file names and correlate to specpr record numbers designated in the manuscript figures in which they are shown. These transmission spectra were converted to absorbance in many of the figures. Spectra of talc, fibrous richterite amphibole, and serpentine are from well characterized samples from Feiser Mine, Ruby Mountains,...
This dataset contains results from electron microprobe analyses for expanded and unexpanded vermiculite samples. These data are provide for samples of vermiculite ore, expanded vermiculite insulation, horticultural products, aggregate, and packing materials derived from mines near Enoree, South Carolina; Libby, Montana; Louisa, Virginia; Palabora, South Africa; Jiangsu, China; and Llano, Texas. An ASCII text file of results is provided in comma-separated by value (csv) format. The file has the name “vermiculite_probe_microanalyses_data.csv”.
Iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits of the Adirondack Mountains of New York locally contain elevated REE concentrations (e.g. Taylor and others, 2019). Critical to evaluating resource potential is understanding the genesis of the IOA deposits that host the REE-rich minerals. As part of this effort, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is conducting bedrock geologic mapping, geochronology, geochemistry, and geophysics in the region. Published and ongoing research demonstrates the spatial association of IOA deposits with the Lyon Mountain Granite Gneiss (LMG), so understanding the relationship of the LMG to the IOA deposits is important for resource evaluation—however the age and origin of the LMG remain contentious. As...
The Denver Microbeam Laboratory (DML) provides infrastructure and expertise for basic and advanced microanalytical research carried out by scientists from most Mission Areas of the USGS as well as outside collaborators. The laboratory houses optical microscopes, digital microscopes, scanninging electron microscopes, energy dispersive spectrometers, electron backscattered diffraction, cathodoluminescence, and electron microprobes. The data collected in the Denver Microbeam Lab is used by researchers in the fields of mineralogy, petrology, geologic mapping, hydrology, biology, and environmental science.
In situ geochemical data were obtained for pyrite crystals and native gold from two distinct vein sets in the Grass Valley gold district, California. Samples of the N-S veins were collected underground at the Empire Mine State Historic Park and samples of the E-W veins were collected from drill core provided by the Idaho-Maryland Mining Corporation in 2008. These geochemical data were analyzed to better understand paragenesis of quartz veins in orogenic gold deposits. Data includes electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) chemistry and LA-ICP-MS sulfur isotope values for pyrite crystals, and EPMA geochemistry of native gold grains found within...
This dataset contains descriptions and analytical data (i.e., electron microprobe, X-ray diffraction, spectral reflectance, and scanning electron microprobe analyses) for unexpanded and expanded vermiculite samples. These data are provided for 52 samples of vermiculite attic insulation, horticultural products, aggregate, and packing materials derived from mines near Enoree, South Carolina; Libby, Montana; Louisa, Virginia; Palabora, South Africa; and Jiangsu, China collected from 2000 to 2016. Electron probe microanalysis and spectra of unexpanded ores from these locations and Llano, Texas are also given. Tables of electron microprobe and spectral absorption information are also included along with ascii listings...
This data dictionary describes most of the possible output options given in the Probe for EPMA software package developed by Probe Software. Examples of the data output options include sample identification, analytical conditions, elemental weight percents, atomic percents, detection limits, and stage coordinates. Many more options are available and the data that is output will depend upon the end use.
This folder contains descriptions and analytical data (i.e., electron microprobe, X-ray diffraction, spectral reflectance, and scanning electron microprobe analyses) for unexpanded and expanded vermiculite samples. These data are provided for 52 samples of vermiculite attic insulation, horticultural products, aggregate, and packing materials derived from mines near Enoree, South Carolina; Libby, Montana; Louisa, Virginia; Palabora, South Africa; and Jiangsu, China collected from 2000 to 2016. X-ray diffraction data for a limited set of the 52 expanded vermiculite samples are also given in figures included in the sample description pdf files. Quantitative XRD diffractograms are included for an ore sample from each...
Data are provide for four samples of unexpanded vermiculite ore from mines near Enoree, South Carolina; Libby, Montana; Louisa, Virginia; Palabora, and South Africa. ASCII text files listings of Mossbauer data for each sample are provided in comma-separated by value (csv) files. These files have the file naming structure sampleid_mossbauer_spectra.csv, where sampleid is a unique alphanumeric code for each sample. These samples were chosen as representative of the ores from their various mine sources, having documentation verifying that they were collected directly from their sources.
This dataset contains spectral parameters for absorption features found in reflectance spectra of expanded vermiculite samples. These data are provide for 52 samples of vermiculite attic insulation, horticultural products, aggregate, and packing materials derived from mines near Enoree, South Carolina; Libby, Montana; Louisa, Virginia; Palabora, South Africa; and Jiangsu, China collected from 2000 to 2016. Also included are two tables listing the spectral parameters for reflectance spectra of four expanded vermiculite samples selected to represent each of the four main historical sources of vermiculite (e.g., Libby, Montana; Enoree, South Carolina; Louisa, Virginia; and Palabora, South Africa) taken at normal spectral...
This data release provides electron microprobe analyses of ore minerals from the Copperwood sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposit in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The minerals include bornite, chalcocite, native copper, native silver, and pyrite. Minerals were analyzed for Ag, As, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb, S, Sb, and Zn. Results with acceptable totals that lie between 98.5 and 101.5% show that these minerals are stoichiometric, with very limited substitution of other elements. The Copperwood copper deposit is a sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposit in the Presque Isle Syncline of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The Lower Copper Bearing Sequence has a 2018 mineral resource estimate of 42.2 million metric...
The exploration for porphyry deposits in some parts of Alaska may require unconventional exploration geochemical methods, depending on type of cover. The Taurus deposit and others in the region are mostly concealed by residual soils that in part include ash and loess, and therefore traditional stream sediment samples typically contain subdued geochemical signatures. Indicator mineral studies include collection of stream sediment samples and analysis using automated SEM mineralogical techniques. The presence of select minerals in the stream sediments may indicate mineralization. In addition, the chemistry of specific minerals may be used to distinguish a hydrothermal origin as opposed to others, and include apatite,...
This data release provides geochemical results of in situ electron probe microanalyses of hydrothermal muscovite associated with gold-bearing quartz veins from the Klamath Mountains, California. Samples were collected from eight different mines in the summer of 2013 and electron probe microanalyses were carried out May 27, 2014 and November 12, 2019.
This dataset contains descriptions and analytical data (i.e., electron microprobe, X-ray diffraction, spectral reflectance, and scanning electron microprobe analyses) for expanded vermiculite samples. These data are provided for 52 samples of vermiculite attic insulation, horticultural products, aggregate, and packing materials derived from mines near Enoree, South Carolina; Libby, Montana; Louisa, Virginia; Palabora, South Africa; and Jiangsu, China collected from 2000 to 2016. Tables of electron microprobe and spectral absorption information are also included along with ascii listings of spectral reflectance for each sample. Some of these samples, particularly the ones from Libby, Montana contain bundles of elongate...
This dataset contains results from electron microprobe analyses of cassiterite from the Sullivan Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, British Columbia. These data were collected from two samples and may not reflect the overall variability present at the deposit. An ASCII text file of results is provided in comma-separated by value (csv) format. The file has the name “2019-07-09_Sullivan_Cassiterite”.

    map background search result map search result map Spectroscopy of Expanded Vermiculite Products and Insulation Mössbauer Spectral Data of Vermiculite Ore Spectra of Expanded Vermiculite Samples Expanded Vermiculite Sample Descriptions Table of Electron Probe Microanalyses of Vermiculite Samples Spectra Used in Figures Spectral Parameter Tables for Expanded Vermiculite Samples In situ geochemical data related to the gold-quartz veins of Grass Valley, California, 2014-2015 Table of Electron Probe Microanalyses of Cassiterite from the Sullivan Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit, British Columbia Tables of electron probe microanalyses from the Copperwood sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposit, Michigan, USA Electron microprobe analyses of feldspars and petrographic, geochemical, and geochronologic data from the Hawkeye Granite Gneiss and Lyon Mountain Granite Gneiss in the Adirondacks of New York (ver. 2.0, May 2023) Electron microprobe analyses of hydrothermal muscovite crystals from gold-bearing quartz veins of the Klamath Mountains, California, 2014 and 2019 (ver. 1.1, June 2022) Electron Probe Microanalyses of apatite, rutile, and titanite from stream sediment and rock samples in the eastern Tanacross quadrangle, eastern Alaska Tables of electron probe microanalyses from the Copperwood sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposit, Michigan, USA In situ geochemical data related to the gold-quartz veins of Grass Valley, California, 2014-2015 Electron Probe Microanalyses of apatite, rutile, and titanite from stream sediment and rock samples in the eastern Tanacross quadrangle, eastern Alaska Electron microprobe analyses of hydrothermal muscovite crystals from gold-bearing quartz veins of the Klamath Mountains, California, 2014 and 2019 (ver. 1.1, June 2022) Electron microprobe analyses of feldspars and petrographic, geochemical, and geochronologic data from the Hawkeye Granite Gneiss and Lyon Mountain Granite Gneiss in the Adirondacks of New York (ver. 2.0, May 2023) Table of Electron Probe Microanalyses of Cassiterite from the Sullivan Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit, British Columbia Spectroscopy of Expanded Vermiculite Products and Insulation Mössbauer Spectral Data of Vermiculite Ore Spectra of Expanded Vermiculite Samples Expanded Vermiculite Sample Descriptions Table of Electron Probe Microanalyses of Vermiculite Samples Spectra Used in Figures Spectral Parameter Tables for Expanded Vermiculite Samples