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This paper distinguishes between Social Impact Assessment (S1A) and the Public Involvement (PI) process and makes a case for PI as an integral part of SlA. PI is seen as activity within the SIA process that provides the social impact assessor with a means to obtain quantitative information regarding social impact assessment variables. In North America during the 1970s SIA began to evolve both separately and as a component of environmental impact assessments. However, the utilization and implementation of SIA procedures have moved forward in an uneven manner among federal agencies. Furthermore, the practice of SIA at the federal or ministerial level has been hindered by the unfortunate equating of SlA with public...
Coal is the one fossil energy source that can play a substantial role as a transitional energy source as one moves from the petroleum and natural gas based economic system to the future economic system based on nondepletable or renewable energy systems. For coal to remain competitive with other sources of energy in the industrialized countries of the world, continuing technological improvements in all aspects of coal extraction have been necessary. Coal has many important uses, but most significantly in electricity generation, steel and cement manufacture, and industrial process heating. Despite the long-term importance of oil and gas use, coal will remain a major pillar of the world’s energy supply. Developing...
Purpose: The 2023 Landscape Conservation Collaborative Inventory for the Pacific Northwest presents a consolidated overview of landscape conservation collaboratives across British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. This database delineates collaborative efforts, their objectives, and key stakeholders. The primary objective is to promote transparency, foster collaboration, and amplify the impact of conservation initiatives, thereby contributing to the responsible management and preservation of the Pacific Northwest’s natural resources and ecosystems. Designed for individuals involved in organizing, coordinating, or participating in landscape conservation initiatives within the Pacific Northwest, this inventory is...
The Proposed Action is needed to protect and enhance shrub-steppe and riparian habitat for sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus), Pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis), and other indigenous wildlife species. The purpose of the Proposed Action is to compensate, in part, for wildlife habitat lost from the construction of Grand Coulee Dam and the inundation of Lake Roosevelt. Bonneville Power Administration proposes to fund management agreements, conservation easements, acquisition of fee title, or a combination of these on as many as 29,000 acres in Lincoln and Douglas Counties to improve shrub-steppe and riparian habitat for sharp-tailed grouse and pygmy rabbits. The BPA also proposes to fund...
Coal is the one fossil energy source that can play a substantial role as a transitional energy source as one moves from the petroleum and natural gas based economic system to the future economic system based on nondepletable or renewable energy systems. For coal to remain competitive with other sources of energy in the industrialized countries of the world, continuing technological improvements in all aspects of coal extraction have been necessary. Coal has many important uses, but most significantly in electricity generation, steel and cement manufacture, and industrial process heating. Despite the long-term importance of oil and gas use, coal will remain a major pillar of the world’s energy supply. Developing...
Linkage Networks’ Synthesis Analysis The focal species and landscape integrity approaches identify habitat concentration areas (HCAs) and core habitats, respectively, and areas of the landscape important for connecting them. As in the Statewide Analysis and the Analysis of the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion (WHCWG, 2010, 2012), we consider that a linkage network consists of the combination of all the HCAs and the linkages modeled for a particular focal species, or core areas and modeled linkages for landscape integrity (WHCWG, 2010). These networks are useful individually, informing decisions pertaining to maintaining and restoring connectivity for the particular focal species (or species considered similar enough in...
The intense demand for river water in arid regions is resulting in widespread changes in riparian vegetation. We present a direct gradient method to predict the vegetation change resulting from a proposed upstream dam or diversion. Our method begins with the definition of vegetative cover types, based on a census of the existing vegetation in a set of 1 x 2 m plots. A hydraulic model determines the discharge necessary to inundate each plot. We use the hydrologic record, as defined by a flow duration curve, to determine the inundation duration for each plot. This allows us to position cover types along a gradient of inundation duration. A change in river management results in a new flow duration curve, which is used...
Coal is the one fossil energy source that can play a substantial role as a transitional energy source as one moves from the petroleum and natural gas based economic system to the future economic system based on nondepletable or renewable energy systems. For coal to remain competitive with other sources of energy in the industrialized countries of the world, continuing technological improvements in all aspects of coal extraction have been necessary. Coal has many important uses, but most significantly in electricity generation, steel and cement manufacture, and industrial process heating. Despite the long-term importance of oil and gas use, coal will remain a major pillar of the world’s energy supply. Developing...
This metadata record describes monthly estimates of natural baseflow for 15,866 stream reaches, defined by the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2.0 (NHDPlusV2), in the Delaware River Basin for the period 1950-2015. A statistical machine learning technique - random forest modeling (Liaw and Wiener, 2018; R Core Team, 2020) - was applied to estimate natural flows using about 150 potential predictor variables (Miller and others, 2018). Calibration data used for the random forest model are available from (Foks and others, 2020). Each model was run twice, first using all potential predictor variables, which represents a "full" model run, and a second time using the top 20 predictors from the original run, which...
Formed in 2007, the Washington Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Working Group (WWHCWG) is an open collaborative science-based effort to produce tools and analyses that identify opportunities and priorities to provide habitat connectivity in Washington and surrounding habitats ( The WWHCWG began with a Statewide Habitat Connectivity Analysis, which highlighted several regions of the state that would benefit from finer-scale analyses. The group has since conducted analyses across many of those regions. The US Fish and Wildlife Service provided funding to develop habitat connectivity models for one of the remaining regions–Washington’s Cascades to Coast region. The goal of this project was to...
The Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Cascades to Coast Analysis produced the following geospatial data layers for landscape integrity: (1) a raster dataset depicting habitat suitability, (2) a vector dataset of core habitat depicting areas of high concentrations of suitable habitat, (3) a raster dataset depicting the landscape’s resistance to movement, (4) a raster dataset of cost-weighted distance depicting the permeability of the landscape for movement between core habitat areas, (5) a vector dataset depicting the least-cost paths between core habitat areas, and (6) a raster dataset depicting the least-cost corridors between core habitat areas. The data layers are provided in multiple file formats that...
Wind energy is the fastest growing renewable energy source in Europe. Europe accounted for 69% of the total installed capacity and 70% of the annual market growth during 2005. The wind energy sector would have preferred a strengthening of existing, successful, legislation, and is concerned that a new legislative package could take years to adopt at a crucial time in the development of large scale wind power. The main objective of this study is to summarize the strategies and activities of the EU countries toward sustainable development goals. In addition, this paper describes the environmental and economic impacts of wind power technology in the EU.
The Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Cascades to Coast Analysis produced the following geospatial data layers for western gray squirrel (Sciurus griseus): (1) a raster dataset depicting habitat suitability, (2) a vector dataset of core habitat depicting areas of high concentrations of suitable habitat, (3) a raster dataset depicting the landscape’s resistance to movement, (4) a raster dataset of cost-weighted distance depicting the permeability of the landscape for movement between core habitat areas, (5) a vector dataset depicting the least-cost paths between core habitat areas, and (6) a raster dataset depicting the least-cost corridors between core habitat areas. The data layers are provided in multiple...
Wind energy is the fastest growing renewable energy source in Europe. Europe accounted for 69% of the total installed capacity and 70% of the annual market growth during 2005. The wind energy sector would have preferred a strengthening of existing, successful, legislation, and is concerned that a new legislative package could take years to adopt at a crucial time in the development of large scale wind power. The main objective of this study is to summarize the strategies and activities of the EU countries toward sustainable development goals. In addition, this paper describes the environmental and economic impacts of wind power technology in the EU.
Coal is the one fossil energy source that can play a substantial role as a transitional energy source as one moves from the petroleum and natural gas based economic system to the future economic system based on nondepletable or renewable energy systems. For coal to remain competitive with other sources of energy in the industrialized countries of the world, continuing technological improvements in all aspects of coal extraction have been necessary. Coal has many important uses, but most significantly in electricity generation, steel and cement manufacture, and industrial process heating. Despite the long-term importance of oil and gas use, coal will remain a major pillar of the world’s energy supply. Developing...
This paper distinguishes between Social Impact Assessment (S1A) and the Public Involvement (PI) process and makes a case for PI as an integral part of SlA. PI is seen as activity within the SIA process that provides the social impact assessor with a means to obtain quantitative information regarding social impact assessment variables. In North America during the 1970s SIA began to evolve both separately and as a component of environmental impact assessments. However, the utilization and implementation of SIA procedures have moved forward in an uneven manner among federal agencies. Furthermore, the practice of SIA at the federal or ministerial level has been hindered by the unfortunate equating of SlA with public...
The Mercury Deposition Network (MDN) is a national database of weekly concentrations of total mercury in precipitation and the seasonal and annual flux of total mercury in wet deposition. The data is used to develop information on spatial and seasonal trends in mercury deposited to surface waters, forested watersheds, and other sensitive receptors. The MDN is part of the National Atmospheric Deposition Project (NADP) Network. Analysis of precipitation samples for total- and methylmercury is performed by Frontier Geosciences, Inc., Seattle WA, USA. Frontier Geosciences provides the environmental sciences community with uncompromisingly high-quality contract research, project design and management, and analytical...
Types: Downloadable; Tags: ATMOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERE, Atmospheric Deposition, BIOSPHERE, BIOTA, All tags...
The Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Cascades to Coast Analysis produced the following geospatial data layers for fisher (Pekania pennanti): (1) a raster dataset depicting habitat suitability, (2) a vector dataset of core habitat depicting areas of high concentrations of suitable habitat, (3) a raster dataset depicting the landscape’s resistance to movement, (4) a raster dataset of cost-weighted distance depicting the permeability of the landscape for movement between core habitat areas, (5) a vector dataset depicting the least-cost paths between core habitat areas, and (6) a raster dataset depicting the least-cost corridors between core habitat areas. The data layers are provided in multiple file formats...
The goal of landscape conservation is to align conservation strategies across jurisdictions and broader geographies than any single organization has the capacity to manage. A landscape approach is critical to meet the emerging needs of state, federal, tribal, and private partners. There are several landscape conservation efforts in the Pacific Northwest in various stages. These efforts have different perspectives and practices related to stakeholder engagement, governance, landscape science, decision support tools and implementation strategies. There is tremendous value in sharing experiences, approaches, successes, and challenges. This Forum set the stage for increased coordination and communication around landscape...
Purpose: The 2023 Landscape Conservation Collaborative Inventory for the Pacific Northwest presents a consolidated overview of landscape conservation collaboratives across British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. This database delineates collaborative efforts, their objectives, and key stakeholders. The primary objective is to promote transparency, foster collaboration, and amplify the impact of conservation initiatives, thereby contributing to the responsible management and preservation of the Pacific Northwest’s natural resources and ecosystems. Designed for individuals involved in organizing, coordinating, or participating in landscape conservation initiatives within the Pacific Northwest, this inventory is...

map background search result map search result map Relating Riparian Vegetation to Present and Future Streamflows BLM REA MBR 2010 The Mercury Deposition Network: A National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) Network Monthly estimates of natural baseflow for 15,866 stream reaches, defined by the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2.0 (NHDPlusV2), in the Delaware River Basin for the period 1950-2015 Pacific Northwest Landscape Conservation Forum 2023 Partial Inventory of Landscape Conservation Collaboratives in British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon Report Partial Inventory of Landscape Conservation Collaboratives in British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon Database Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Cascades to Coast Analysis Synthesis Analysis Geospatial Dataset Landscape Integrity Geospatial Dataset Western Gray Squirrel (Sciurus griseus) Geospatial Dataset Fisher (Pekania pennanti) Geospatial Dataset Relating Riparian Vegetation to Present and Future Streamflows Monthly estimates of natural baseflow for 15,866 stream reaches, defined by the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2.0 (NHDPlusV2), in the Delaware River Basin for the period 1950-2015 Washington Connected Landscapes Project: Cascades to Coast Analysis Synthesis Analysis Geospatial Dataset Landscape Integrity Geospatial Dataset Western Gray Squirrel (Sciurus griseus) Geospatial Dataset Fisher (Pekania pennanti) Geospatial Dataset BLM REA MBR 2010 The Mercury Deposition Network: A National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) Network Pacific Northwest Landscape Conservation Forum 2023 Partial Inventory of Landscape Conservation Collaboratives in British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon Report Partial Inventory of Landscape Conservation Collaboratives in British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon Database