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These data were compiled for a networked field-trial restoration experiment (RestoreNet) that spans the southwestern US, including 21 distributed field sites. The objective of our study was to understand the environmental factors and restoration practices (including seed mixes and soil manipulation) that increase plant establishment and survival to ultimate improve restoration outcomes in dryland environments. These data represent point-in-time plant density and height measurements at our field sites at the time of monitoring. These data were collected at 21 arid and semi-arid sites, located throughout Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and California. These data were collected by USGS Restoration Assessment and Monitoring...
These data consist of species relative cover, percent cover of dead plant material, percent cover of soil and rock, and a variety of broad - and local- scale environmental variables. These data relate to sample sites along the Colorado River through Grand Canyon between Lees Ferry and river mile 245. The plant and ground cover data included here were originally collected as a part of annual vegetation monitoring by Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. Environmental variables were either recorded in the field or obtained through other data sources. Species and ground cover data were collected in August and September 2014 at 96 randomly selected sample sites that were approximately evenly distributed along...
Types: Citation;
Tags: American Southwest,
Colorado River,
Environmental variables,
Grand Canyon,
These data were collected by the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) to support riparian vegetation monitoring along the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and the full pool level of Lake Mead. The objectives of the GCMRC riparian vegetation monitoring program are to annually measure and summarize the status (composition and cover) of native and non-native vascular plant species within the riparian zone of the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead, assess change in the vegetation composition and cover in the riparian zone, as related to geomorphic setting and dam operations, particularly flow regime, and collect data in a manner that can be used by multiple stakeholders and is...
These data were compiled to evaluate reproductive output of Agassiz's desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizzi) in relation to environmental and individual-level variables. We collected data from four study sites in the Sonoran Desert of California, including two separate populations within Joshua Tree National Park, one population located on the northern versant of the Orocopia Mountains, and one population located at the extreme western end of the Coachella Valley. These data represent eight reproductive seasons that spanned over 20 years (1997-2000, 2015-2018). These data were compiled and added to a larger database with additional records collected by other scientists from eight other study sites in order to detect...
These data were acquired from 7 study sites distributed across the range of Gopherus agassizii. Data were collected from 1997 to 2002 as part of three separate studies, although data were not collected at all sites in each year. Radio-transmitters were attached to the carapace of 151 females and VHF radio-telemetry was used to relocate animals to assess reproductive status. Egg production was determined from X-radiographs taken weekly/biweekly intervals (depending on the study) using a portable X-ray machine between April and July or August of each year. In addition, the mean carapace length (MCL) of each tortoise was measured at each time of capture or recapture using calipers (mm). A nesting event was recorded...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Area 31,
Bird Spring Valley,
Gopherus agassizii,
Lake Mead National Recreation Area,
These data were compiled to improve our understanding of bat foraging along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Objectives of our study were to determine whether bat activity was influenced primarily by variation in prey availability relative to other environmental or geomorphic factors. These data represent 1,428 paired samples of bat activity and insect abundance calculated as catch rates collected on 611 sampling nights at 410 sampling sites throughout a 470 km segment of river. These data were collected from April to October in 2017-2020 at recreational camps along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon between Glen Canyon Dam and Pearce Ferry. These data were collected through a U.S. Geological Survey led community...
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