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This dataset is from a restoration field study conducted at seven sites distributed across the southern Colorado Plateau in northern Arizona as part of the RestoreNet dryland restoration field trial network. The data consist of post-experimental restoration treatment (2018-2019) plant density and height measurements along with site precipitation, temperature, and soils data. Plant data were collected through plot monitoring visits distributed throughout the first year following restoration treatments and seeding.
These data were compiled to create models that estimate entrainment rates and population growth rates of smallmouth bass below Glen Canyon Dam. Objective(s) of our study were to predict smallmouth bass entrainment rates and population growth under different future scenarios of Lake Powell elevations and management. These data represent parameters needed for associated models and data needed to produce figures. These data were collected from publicly available online sources including published papers and federal government datasets. These data were assembled by researchers from U.S. Geological Survey, Utah State University, Colorado State University, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. These data can be used to run...
Categories: Data; Tags: Aquatic Biology, Arizona, Climatology, Colorado River, Diamond Creek, All tags...
These data were compiled to examine how climate change affects biocrust recovery from both physical and climate-induced disturbance. Objective(s) of our study were to uncover the trajectory of biological soil crust communities and soil stability following disturbance and under warming. These data represent biological soil crust surveys under 5 treatments at three sites. These data were collected at three sites: Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park and Castle Valley. Data collection for a physical disturbance experiment where annual human-trampling occurred at the sites in Arches and Canyonlands began in 1996 and was concluded in 2018. Data collection for a 13-year full-factorial in situ climate manipulation...
Tags: 20 point-intercept frames, Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park, Castle Valley, Climatology, All tags...
We analyzed very-high-resolution imagery to assess status of Metrosideros polymorpha forests across an 83,603 hectare study area that experienced extensive canopy dieback in the 1970s on the eastern side of the island of Hawaii. Using GIS we generated 1170 virtual vegetation plots with a 100 m radius; 541 plots in areas mapped in 1977 with trees dead or mostly defoliated (dieback), and 629 plots in adjacent wet forest habitat, previously mapped as non-dieback condition. In each plot we estimated the percent of M. polymorpha trees dead or mostly defoliated, and percent of trees with healthy crowns. These results were combined with habitat data to produce a spatial model depicting probability of canopy dieback within...
This file contains the raw data collected as part of a vegetation monitoring study that was conducted to assess the changes in plant species frequency inside and outside a fenced exclosure, constructed to eliminate browsing and grazing by feral goats, from 2009-2014 in the US Geological Survey's Kawela research site on the island of Molokai, Hawaii.
These data were compiled for a networked field-trial restoration experiment (RestoreNet) that spans the southwestern US, including 21 distributed field sites. The objective of our study was to understand the environmental factors and restoration practices (including seed mixes and soil manipulation) that increase plant establishment and survival to ultimate improve restoration outcomes in dryland environments. These data represent point-in-time plant density and height measurements at our field sites at the time of monitoring. These data were collected at 21 arid and semi-arid sites, located throughout Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and California. These data were collected by USGS Restoration Assessment and Monitoring...
Categories: Data; Tags: Arizona, Botany, California, Chihuahuan Desert, Climatology, All tags...
High-resolution topographic surveys were conducted at two pools on the Carmel River between 2014 and 2019 using a survey-grade total station. The Dam Reach pool (DMPOOL) is located within the Dam Reach, approximately 450 meters downstream of the former site of the San Clemente Dam. The Sleepy Hollow pool (SHPOOL) is located within the Sleepy Hollow reach, approximately 2.25 kilometers downstream of the former site of the San Clemente Dam. Both pools were surveyed in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2019 using a total station, in conjunction with the channel cross-section surveys also conducted as part of this study (see accompanying file within this data release for topographic survey transect data). For the 2015 survey,...
This data release supersedes version 1, published in 2017 under Please see Version_History_P9HG8UDS.txt below for more information. This dataset contains the easting, northing, and elevation values of the river-right and river-left transect endpoint reference benchmarks (RBM and LBM) from survey transects at 10 survey reaches along the Carmel River, central California. Topographic surveys were completed on these transects during eight summer surveys (in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021). See accompanying file within this data release for elevation measurements. All data were collected in NAD83 UTM10N horizontal coordinates and NAVD88 Geoid 12B vertical coordinates,...
This data release provides 15-minute data of suspended-sediment concentration and fine (less than 0.0625 mm) suspended-sediment concentration during the removal of 2 large dams on the Elwha River from September 2011 to September 2016. Data are derived from regression relations with turbidity at the USGS gaging station Elwha River at the Diversion (no.12046260).
Streamgage levels on the Elwha River were measured from 2011 to 2016. These measurements show the height of the river's water surface, both in meters relative to the stream bed, as well as in meters relative to vertical geographic coordinates. Measurements were collected using a Global Water WL16 battery-operated vented water level logger in a hardened casing. The instrument was installed on October 17, 2011 on the left bank of the Elwha River at a power line crossing above the Elwha Surface Water Intake (at approximately river kilometer 5.6), which is downstream of the (now historical) Elwha Dam site. Data collection ended May 12, 2016. The data were collected as part of a study investigating responses of the Elwha...
This dataset presents 28 georeferenced orthomosaic images of the middle and lower reaches of the Elwha River. Each mosaic image was created by stitching together thousands of individual photographs that were matched based on numerous unique tie points shared by the photographs. The individual photographs were taken by a plane-mounted camera during multiple flights over the study area spanning 2012 to 2017. Because each mosaic is orthogonal to the earth's surface and is georeferenced to real-world coordinates, changes to the river channel and surrounding morphology can be seen and measured, including channel width, river braiding, bar formation, and other metrics to assess responses of the river to the removal of...
Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the lower Elwha River, Washington, were created by synthesizing lidar and PlaneCam Structure-from-Motion (SfM) data. Lidar and still digital photographs were collected by airplane during surveys from 2012 to 2016. The digital photographs were used to create a SfM digital surface model. Each DEM represents the ending conditions for that water year (for example, the 2013 DEM represents conditions at approximately September 30, 2013). The final DEMs, presented here, were created from the most recent lidar before September 30 of a given year, supplemented with an error-corrected SfM model from a low-flow summer Elwha PlaneCam flight as close to 30 September as possible. This synthetic...
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release contains meteorological, water temperature, light (photosynthetically active radiation and illumination), and multichannel fluorescence sensor data from the Finger Lakes Region of New York, during the fall of 2018 and the summer and fall of 2019 and 2020. It also includes all sensor data and associated discrete sample data, at the near surface (top), mid-depth (middle) and near bottom (bottom) depths. Data were collected from three Advanced Monitoring Pilot study platforms in open water at Seneca Lake (USGS station number 425027076564401), Owasco Lake (USGS station number 425327076313601), and Skaneateles Lake (USGS station number 425606076251601) in 2018 and 2019,...
This dataset contains topographic (horizontal and vertical) data for 20 sites, surveyed November 6 to November 28, 2017 as part of documentation of flooding that occurred in Puerto Rico during and after Hurricane Maria (September to November 2017). Hurricane Maria hit the Island of Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017 and was one of the deadliest storms in U.S. history. USGS personnel conducted topographic surveys at selected stream sites to facilitate hydraulic modeling of peak streamflows (or discharges) – termed indirect measurements – using published standard USGS methods. Indirect (post-flood) measurements are used to characterize flood peaks that could not be determined using direct methods (for example current-velocity...
This dataset includes stream discharge measured at sites in small streams throughout the United States using multiple field measurement techniques as well as rated discharge recorded at nearby permanent gaging stations.
This dataset includes depth and position measurements to estimate the cross-sectional geometry at sites in small streams throughout the United States.
This dataset includes depth and position measurements to estimate the cross-sectional geometry at sites in small streams throughout the United States.
Hydroacoustic estimates of fish density are used for fisheries management in central Lake Erie. Data are sometimes collected from multiple vessels, raising the question of comparability of data collected among vessels. Hydroacoustic data were collected along three cross-lake transects in central Lake Erie in July, 2014 from three different vessels using similar equipment. Several variables derived from hydroacoustic data and fish densities calculated from those variables were compared between the standard vessel used typically for hydroacoustic data collection and two other vessels used occasionally. The data used in those analyses are presented here.
These data were compiled to allow further understanding of how aboveground net primary production of different plant functional types in ecosystems along an elevation gradient in the southwestern U.S. respond to extreme changes in warm-season precipitation (drought and water addition) associated with the North American Monsoon. The objectives of the study were to 1) determine how primary production responds to warm-season precipitation extremes over time; 2) compare production sensitivities to warm-season precipitation (slopes of production – precipitation relationships) across an elevation gradient; 3) evaluate whether the sensitivity of production differed under extreme dry and wet years compared to ambient precipitation....
Categories: Data; Tags: Arizona, Botany, Climatology, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, All tags...
These data were compiled to assess the recovery of vegetation on reclaimed oil and gas sites. Objective(s) of our study were to assess patterns in reclamation outcomes relative to 1) soil attributes, climate, and time since 39 reclamation and 2) plant and soil reference benchmarks. These data represent observations of vegetation and soil cover from 134 reclaimed oil and gas well pads and 583 AIM reference plots. These data were collected on lands impacted by oil and gas development on the Colorado Plateau as well as Arizona and New Mexico Plateau of New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. Data was collected from July- September of 2020 and May-September of 2021. These data were collected by Assessment Inventory and Monitoring...

map background search result map search result map Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the lower Elwha River, Washington, water year 2013 to 2016 Orthomosaic images of the middle and lower Elwha River, Washington, 2012 to 2017 Streamgage measurements, Elwha River, Washington, 2011 to 2016 Suspended sediment concentration data in the Elwha River, Washington, September 2011 to September 2016 Molokai (Kawela) USGS ridge-to-reef vegetation monitoring study 2009-2014 - raw data file Ohia Dieback Study - Hawaii Island Canopy Status Assessment Table, 1977 - 2015 RestoreNet: seedling treatment and site environmental characteristics data at restoration treatment plots in northern Arizona, USA Inter-vessel comparison of hydroacoustic fish density in central Lake Erie, 2014 Discharge Results for the Evaluation of Select Discharge Measurement Techniques in Small Streams Across the United States Velocity Head Rod Velocity Measurements for the Evaluation of Select Discharge Measurement Techniques in Small Streams Across the United States Pebble Counts for the Evaluation of Select Discharge Measurement Techniques in Small Streams Across the United States Data and software code from two long-term experiments (1996-2011 and 2005-2018) at three sites on the Colorado Plateau of North America Spatial and elevation points surveyed for indirect measurements of peak streamflow associated with flooding of September to November 2017 in Puerto Rico Primary production and precipitation data along an elevation gradient in and adjacent to the San Francisco Mountains near Flagstaff, Arizona - 2015-2020 Topographic survey transect endpoint coordinates along the Carmel River, central California, 2013 to 2021 (ver. 2.0, March 2022) High resolution topography for two pools on the Carmel River, central California, 2014 to 2019 RestoreNet subplot data for 21 sites within major dryland ecoregions throughout the southwestern United States, 2018 - 2021 Vegetation and soil cover from 134 reclaimed oil and gas well pads and 583 AIM reference plots in the Southwestern United States Field Data for an Evaluation of Sensors for Continuous Monitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Finger Lakes Region, New York, 2018 - 2020 Various Lake Powell data used for predicting smallmouth bass entrainment rates and population growth based on thermal suitability below and downstream of Glen Canyon Dam High resolution topography for two pools on the Carmel River, central California, 2014 to 2019 Orthomosaic images of the middle and lower Elwha River, Washington, 2012 to 2017 Molokai (Kawela) USGS ridge-to-reef vegetation monitoring study 2009-2014 - raw data file Primary production and precipitation data along an elevation gradient in and adjacent to the San Francisco Mountains near Flagstaff, Arizona - 2015-2020 Field Data for an Evaluation of Sensors for Continuous Monitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Finger Lakes Region, New York, 2018 - 2020 Ohia Dieback Study - Hawaii Island Canopy Status Assessment Table, 1977 - 2015 Inter-vessel comparison of hydroacoustic fish density in central Lake Erie, 2014 Spatial and elevation points surveyed for indirect measurements of peak streamflow associated with flooding of September to November 2017 in Puerto Rico RestoreNet: seedling treatment and site environmental characteristics data at restoration treatment plots in northern Arizona, USA Various Lake Powell data used for predicting smallmouth bass entrainment rates and population growth based on thermal suitability below and downstream of Glen Canyon Dam Vegetation and soil cover from 134 reclaimed oil and gas well pads and 583 AIM reference plots in the Southwestern United States RestoreNet subplot data for 21 sites within major dryland ecoregions throughout the southwestern United States, 2018 - 2021 Discharge Results for the Evaluation of Select Discharge Measurement Techniques in Small Streams Across the United States Velocity Head Rod Velocity Measurements for the Evaluation of Select Discharge Measurement Techniques in Small Streams Across the United States Pebble Counts for the Evaluation of Select Discharge Measurement Techniques in Small Streams Across the United States