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This dataset is from a restoration field study conducted at seven sites distributed across the southern Colorado Plateau in northern Arizona as part of the RestoreNet dryland restoration field trial network. The data consist of post-experimental restoration treatment (2018-2019) plant density and height measurements along with site precipitation, temperature, and soils data. Plant data were collected through plot monitoring visits distributed throughout the first year following restoration treatments and seeding.
These data were compiled to assess the recovery of vegetation on reclaimed oil and gas sites. Objective(s) of our study were to assess patterns in reclamation outcomes relative to 1) soil attributes, climate, and time since 39 reclamation and 2) plant and soil reference benchmarks. These data represent observations of vegetation and soil cover from 134 reclaimed oil and gas well pads and 583 AIM reference plots. These data were collected on lands impacted by oil and gas development on the Colorado Plateau as well as Arizona and New Mexico Plateau of New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. Data was collected from July- September of 2020 and May-September of 2021. These data were collected by Assessment Inventory and Monitoring...
Categories: Data;
Tags: AIM reference plots,
Arizona and New Mexico Plateau,
Assessment Inventory and Monitoring (AIM),
Accurate elevation data in coastal wetlands is crucial for planning for sea-level rise. Elevation surveys were conducted across southwest Florida wetlands to provide ground validation of LiDAR as well as target long-term monitoring stations (surface elevation tables). Surveys were conducted in June 2021 across Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Clam Bay, Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, and Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge. A combination of post-processed kinematic GPS and differential levelling survey techniques were employed, depending on the canopy cover.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Clam Bay,
Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge,
GPS measurement,
Hillshade of lidar-derived, bare earth digital elevation model, with 235-degree azimuth and 20-degree sun angle, 0.25m resolution, depicting earthquake effects following the August 24, 2014 South Napa Earthquake.
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
Tags: California,
Napa County,
San Francisco Bay,
earthquake occurrences,
This dataset contains hydrological data collected at a series of leaky weirs on a working ranchland site in a semiarid ecosystem in Cochise County, Arizona, from 2018-2020. Leaky weirs are a type of structure being experimented with by land managers in aridlands to reduce peak flow events and increase recharge to the aquifer. The weirs are constructed of rock cemented into place in areas of exposed bedrock within the channel are built to allow for water to leak through slowly. Three sites were instrumented for monitoring, one control and two sites treated with ‘leaky weirs’. At each site, at least one pressure transducer was installed in a piezometer to measure water level. Each site also had multiple “3-in-1” gauges,...
Airborne Lidar Hillshade Images Depicting Fault Rupture Produced by the Mw 6.0 South Napa Earthquake
Collection of low sun angle hillshade images of lidar-derived, bare earth digital elevation models, 0.25m resolution, that depict fault rupture and ground deformation features, collected following the August 24, 2014 South Napa Earthquake.
Data included are from a series of field sample collections from Lakes Michigan and Huron, and laboratory mesocosms targeting the round goby fish (Neogobius melanostomus). The round goby is a benthic fish that has heavily invaded four of the five Laurentian Great Lakes. Because it inhabits a variety of substrates, including coastal breakwaters, traditional methods (e.g., trawling, trapping) are inadequate to quantify overall population size. Environmental DNA (eDNA) may be a viable option for improving detection and quantification of the species. Field data include number of round goby caught and associated ambient conditions of the aquatic matrix (temperature, pH, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen). Mesocosm...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore,
Lake Huron,
Lake Michigan,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Hydroacoustics is a common sampling tool in freshwater and marine ecosystems, yet the full potential of this tool remains restricted, owing to an incomplete understanding of the influence of many data collection settings. In particular, investigation into the effects of the pulse duration setting on common hydroacoustic measures remains limited. Hydroacoustic theory suggests that pulse duration can affect how many single targets (e.g., individual fish or invertebrates) are detected, the mean target strength (TS) of sample cells, and estimates of target density, especially in ecosystems with an abundance of potential targets. To quantify the influence of the pulse duration setting on these important and commonly...
This dataset contains the physical collection information (e.g., sample location, date, gear type) and microsatellite DNA genotype of egg and larval Lake Sturgeon collected in the St. Clair and Detroit rivers in 2015 and 2016. Individuals were genotyped for 18 microsatellite loci (13 disomic and 5 polysomic). Alleles (base pair sizes) were recorded as presence absence scores (1:present, 2:absent, 0:missing data) for all previously observed alleles. Thus individual genotypes were recorded as pseudo diploid dominant phenotypes resulting in individual vectors of length n=205 for each genotyped egg or larval individual.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Acipenser,
Acipenser fulvescens,
Anthropogenic Rock,
This publication is a preliminary map and geodatabase of the coseismic surface rupture and other coseismic features generated from the August 9, 2020, Mw 5.1 earthquake near Sparta, North Carolina. Geologic mapping facilitated by analysis of post-earthquake quality level 0 to 1 lidar, document the coseismic surface rupture, named the Little River fault, and other coseismic features. The Little River fault is traced for approximately 4 kilometers and cuts the regional Paleozoic fabric (mean foliation, 063°/57°), and the dominant strike of joint sets are 0°–10°, 130°–150° and 320°–340°. Individual fault strands occur in an en echelon pattern within an approximately 10-meter-wide zone. Trenches across the Little River...
This database is a compilation of marine mammal and seabird information collected along the Pacific coast of the United States and U.S. territories in the Pacific from surveys that were solicited among regional research communities and persons. Information from standardized surveys was gathered from 2015 to 2018 and includes programs and researchers who collected information regarding seabirds since 1960. These data support the following publication: Adams, J., Lafferty, K.D., Kelsey, E.C., and Johnston, C.A. 2019. Synopsis of Research Programs that can Provide Baseline and Monitoring Information for Offshore Energy Activities in the Pacific Region: Seabird and Marine Mammal Surveys in the Pacific Region. U.S....
We assessed the impacts of co-occurring invasive plant species on fire regimes and postfire native communities in the Mojave Desert, western USA by analyzing the distribution and co-occurrence patterns of three invasive annual grasses known to alter fuel conditions and community structure: Red Brome (Bromus rubens), Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), and Mediterranean grass (Schismus spp.: Schismus arabicus and Schismus barbatus), and an invasive forb, red stemmed filaree (Erodium cicutarium) which can dominate postfire sites. We developed species distribution models (SDMs) for each of the four taxa and analyzed field plot data to assess the relationship between invasives and fire frequency, years postfire, and the impacts...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Mojave desert,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
co-occurance invasives,
desert ecosystems,
These data provide temperatures and relative conductivity to determine the presence or absence of water at specific locations in Dixie Meadows, Dixie Valley, Churchill County, Nevada, 2019-2021.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Dixie Valley,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Water Resources,
air temperature,
This data set is associated with an examination of environmental DNA (eDNA) from the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in parallel with traditional fish surveys in the Great Lakes. Data resulting from bottom trawling surveys and angler hook and line methods include round goby fish count and biomass at different depths and seasons at multiple sites of Lake Huron and Lake Michigan (trawls), and breakwall locations of Lake Michigan at Portage Lakefront, Portage, Indiana and Washington Park, Michigan City, Indiana (angling). Data from eDNA water samples targeting round goby were analyzed by two molecular methods: droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) and quantitative PCR (qPCR); eDNA copy numbers are presented for...
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release describes field methods, lab methods, and data for groundwater and soil gas samples collected in the vicinity of the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i, from September 2022 through April 2023. The Red Hill facility consists of 20 underground fuel storage tanks that can each hold approximately 12.5 million gallons of fuel and are connected through a network of service tunnels and fuel pipelines. The data in this release were collected to understand better the distribution and directional flow of ancient carbon from past petroleum releases in the subsurface at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility. Table 1 of this data release contains site and sample...
Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) were imported to the United States for use as a biological control in aquaculture and have since escaped with reproducing populations in the wild. Habitat use and capture of this species has not been well documented in the wild, thus questions about catchability by gears and habitats are present. This dataset represents sampling effort to capture Black Carp with common large-river gears. Data represent Black Carp catch and the co-occurring catch of Mississippi River fish sampled by the described gears from the lowest reach of the Missouri River and Mississippi rivers near their confluence. Gears consisted of trammel nets, gill nets, and predominately hoop nets fished among mainstem...
This raster dataset represents spatially explicit predictions of burn severity (dNBRPredict.tif) in the Mojave Desert based on models developed from data on the difference normalized burn ratio (dNBR) within perimeters of fires greater than 405 hectares that burned between 1984 to 2010. Raster resolution equals 30 meters, projection equals UTM Zone 11N.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Grass-fire cycle,
Mojave Desert,
Mojave Desert,
Predictive models,
Random forests,
This U.S. Geological Survey data release consists of 3 raster datasets representing estimates of probability of ignition (ProbIgnitPredict.tif), fire frequency (FrequencyPredictRF.tif), and burn severity (dNBRPredictRF.tif) in the Mojave Desert from 1984 to 2010. The data include: (1) A shapefile of the Mojave Desert that was used as our study area boundary (MojaveEcoregion_TNS_UTM83.shp). The original shapefile was obtained from NatureServe in 2009; (2) Three Tagged-Interchange Format (TIF) raster datasets representing probability of ignition, fire frequency, and burn severity. Resolution equals 30 meters, projection equals UTM Zone 11N. These data support the following publication: Klinger, R., Underwood, E.C.,...
Hillshade of lidar-derived, bare earth digital elevation model, with 55-degree azimuth and 20-degree sun angle, 0.25m resolution, depicting earthquake effects following the August 24, 2014 South Napa Earthquake.
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
Tags: California,
Napa County,
San Francisco Bay,
earthquake occurrences,