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This dataset describes the diameter, shape, settling velocity, and specific gravity of eggs from 9 female pallid sturgeon and 14 female shovelnose sturgeon as determined in laboratory studies. Pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon are believed to broadcast demersal eggs in the current, near the river bed over coarse substrate. It is hypothesized that eggs settle immediately following fertilization, but field conditions preclude direct observation. The dispersal of sturgeon eggs is affected by physical properties of the eggs and hydraulic conditions at the spawning location.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Columbia Environmental Research Center,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
This dataset contains the physical collection information (e.g., sample location, date, gear type) and microsatellite DNA genotype of egg and larval Lake Sturgeon collected in the St. Clair and Detroit rivers in 2015 and 2016. Individuals were genotyped for 18 microsatellite loci (13 disomic and 5 polysomic). Alleles (base pair sizes) were recorded as presence absence scores (1:present, 2:absent, 0:missing data) for all previously observed alleles. Thus individual genotypes were recorded as pseudo diploid dominant phenotypes resulting in individual vectors of length n=205 for each genotyped egg or larval individual.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Acipenser,
Acipenser fulvescens,
Anthropogenic Rock,
Bighead Carp, Silver Carp and Grass Carp (collectively Asian carp) were introduced to North America in the 1960s and 70s and have established in the lower Mississippi River basin. Previously published evidence for spawning of these species has been limited in the upper Mississippi River to just below Dam 22 (near Saverton, MO). In 2013 and 2014, we sampled ichthyoplankton at 18 locations in the main stem of the upper Mississippi River from Dam 9 through Dam 19 and in four tributary rivers that empty into the Mississippi River (Des Moines, Skunk, Iowa and Wisconsin Rivers). We identified eggs and larvae using morphological techniques and then used genetic tools to confirm species identity. The spawning events we...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Asian carp,
Mississippi River,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Upper Mississippi River,
Egg mat retention trials were conducted with walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) and lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) eggs in an experimental flume tank, seeded directly on egg mats (test retention efficiency) and hand dispersed in flowing flume water to simulate spawning over egg mats (test capture efficiency) with and without alternate substrate. In the field study, we measured number of eggs collected on mats and with bottom drift nets in the Detroit River to compare capture effectiveness. The field collection data describe the number, date of collection, and exact collection location of target species (walleye and lake whitefish). The flume trial data include number of eggs retained or collected, water velocity,...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aquatic Biology,
Coregonus clupeaformis,
Detroit River,
Maumee River,
Assessment of egg deposition is widely used to provide an index of spawning efforts for lithophilic-spawning fishes. However, little is known about the collection techniques efficacy and bias when collecting fish eggs. We conducted a literature review to assess egg collection methods and evaluate egg retention and capture on egg mats. The literature review provided a summary of different gear types used to collect fish eggs, possible bias from the gears, and egg 'abundance' reporting strategies.
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