Filters: Tags: golden eagle (X)
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A view of the Treasure Chest mine area with the location of shafts noted and showing a building on the right and a headframe in center.
The 'Margarite Mine' file is part of the A. F. Budge Mining Ltd. Mining collection. A. F. Budge Mining Ltd., a British company owned by Tony Budge, controlled properties across several western U. S. states and northern Mexico. The company was active in Arizona during the 1980s and into the early 1990s. The collection consists of economic geologic information including maps, logs, reports and records. A few properties make up most of the collection: Vulture, United Verde Extension and Korn Kob.
In addition to current distribution of each bird species, this map shows their current and near-term status within the ecoregion. Current, long-term, and summary bioclimate data is also include for several of these bird species. The input datasets used in the distribution model are also included. These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. These data may not have the accuracy, resolution, completeness, timeliness, or other characteristics appropriate for applications that potential users...
This data set contains the output values for the golden eagle threat assessment in relation to the 6th Level HUC unit. These values were created using the analysis tools in the associated toolbox (MIR_Golden_Eagle_Analysis_175407.tbx). This data layer contains the output values for all of the change agents used in the analysis of the golden eagle.
We evaluated lead poisoning in bald and golden eagles during all seasons of the year and from states in each of the four major flyways throughout the continental USA.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Acute poisoning,
Bald eagle,
Chronic poisoning,
Demographic impacts,
FY2011Research is showing that populations of wintering raptors, including Northern Harriers, Rough-Legged Hawks, Prairie Falcons, American Kestrels. Red-Tailed Hawks and Golden Eagles, have stayed relatively constant in the last 20 years are being used by the Bureau of Land Management and Idaho Army National Guard in developing raptor conservation management practices. The American Wind and WildlifeInstitute will also use the results for their wind energy siting support tools.
This map shows the potential current distribution of Golden Eagle, in the context of current and near-term terrestrial intactness and long-term potential for climate change and energy development.
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
Golden Eagle
General habitat model for golden eagles using MaxEnt software, Phillips and others, 2006. Values of vegetation and abiotic variables at 218 mapped golden eagle locations, with nest locations provided by Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System, Montana Natural Heritage Program, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, Utah Natural Heritage Program, and the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, since 1990 were derived from data from SAGEMAP, Hanser and others, 2011, Homer and others, 2012, USGS, and WorldClim. Variables with the greatest weight included slope, topographic ruggedness, herbaceous cover, elevation, and annual mean temperature. The map of potential golden eagle habitat was...
This data set contains the output values for the golden eagle threat assessment in relation to the 6th Level HUC unit. These values were created using the analysis tools in the associated toolbox (MIR_Golden_Eagle_Analysis_175407.tbx). This data layer contains the output values for all of the change agents used in the analysis of the golden eagle. These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. The User is encouraged to carefully consider the content of the metadata file associated with these...
Knowledge of where energy resources occur and where there is existing development or new development potential, in conjunction with model-predicted golden eagle relative nest site density (Dunk et al. 2019), can be used to identify areas with higher or lower potential resource conflict. Depicted on the map is a 16-class raster that displays the spatial overlap of wind resources (4 classes, low to high) and golden eagle relative nest site density (4 classes, lower to higher). This raster displays the intersection of multi-year mean capacity factors (MCF) for wind turbines and the golden eagle relative nest site density within ecoregion raster. We have divided each probability into equal intervals, and then intersected...
This data set contains the output values for the golden eagle threat assessment in relation to the 6th Level HUC unit. These values were created using the analysis tools in the associated toolbox (MIR_Golden_Eagle_Analysis_175407.tbx). This data layer contains the output values for all of the change agents used in the analysis of the golden eagle.
This data set contains the output values for the golden eagle threat assessment in relation to the 6th Level HUC unit. These values were created using the analysis tools in the associated toolbox (MIR_Golden_Eagle_Analysis_175407.tbx). This data layer contains the output values for all of the change agents used in the analysis of the golden eagle.
This data set contains the output values for the golden eagle threat assessment in relation to the 6th Level HUC unit. These values were created using the analysis tools in the associated toolbox (MIR_Golden_Eagle_Analysis_175407.tbx). This data layer contains the output values for all of the change agents used in the analysis of the golden eagle.
This map shows the Golden Eagle conservation element data in the CYR study region. Layers include: Current potential habitat distribution of golden eagle in the CYR study area; Change in growing season length from the 2010s to the 2060s within the golden eagle potential habitat distribution; Change in mean December-January-February temperature from the 2010s to the 2060s within golden eagle potential habitat distribution; Current (2015) and long-term future (2060) extent of ALFRESCO shrub tundra and forest classes and the potential habitat distribution of golden eagle; Current, near-term, and long-term landscape condition within the potential habitat distribution of golden eagle. These data are provided by Bureau...
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