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This data release contains data associated with the journal article "Modeling the maturation history of the stacked petroleum systems of the Williston Basin, USA". Collectively, the data release includes 13 child items and metadata files that provide detailed descriptions of the attributes, processing steps, and original data sources. There is also a data table, "Williston_Basin_Data_Release_Overview.csv" that describes how all the child items are linked with one another.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Bakken,
Cedar Creek Anticline,
Energy Resources,
Information Sciences,
Mineral Resources,
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) hotspot data are defined as areas of statistically high land surface temperature (LST). A pixel is determined as statistically high if it exceeds one standard deviation above the mean of all pixels with similar land cover type. Data are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. using previously generated annual maximum land surface temperature (MaxLST) – derived from Collection 1 Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for Surface Temperature. The data ranges from 1985-2020, and covers data within 5 km of each city. The data is further separated into persistent urban and new urban outputs. Persistent Urban is defined as areas that are reported as urban in 1985 and...
The importance of monitoring shrublands to detect and understand changes through time is increasingly recognized as critical to management. This dataset focuses on ecological change observation over ten years of field observation at 134 plots within two sites that are located in Southwestern of Wyoming, USA from 2008-2018. At sites 1 and 3, 134 long-term field observation plots were measured annually from 2008 to 2018. General plot locations were selected in 2006 using segments and spectral clusters on QuickBird imagery to identify the best locations for representing the variability of the entire site (one QuickBird image). Ground measurements were conducted using ocular measurements with cover was estimated from...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Land Use Change,
Landsat Path/Row,
Landsat time-series,
Southwest Wyoming,
We developed an approach to quantify Urban Heat Island (UHI) extent and intensity in 50 cities of CONUS and its surrounding area by using surface temperature from Landsat surface temperature product in a time series manner. Landsat land surface temperature from Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD) were used to quantify surface temperature changes from 1985 to 2020. The current study assessed UHI intensity and its variations associated with urban development in an annual basis. Two datasets, over the study period, show that the maximum surface temperature in the high intensity urban area significantly increased while no significant trend was found in surrounding non-urban areas. These released datasets were spatially...
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) intensity data is intended to quantify the difference between urban surface temperatures and the surrounding non-urban environment. The calculation takes the difference between a specific urban pixel’s land surface temperature (LST) and the mean of the cities non-urban LST. Data are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. using previously generated annual LST – derived from Collection 1 Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for Surface Temperature. The data ranges from 1985-2020, and covers data within 5 km of each city. NOTE: While a previous version is available from the author, all datasets for pilot cities can be found in version 5..0.
The T-3 (Fletcher's) Ice Island in the Arctic Ocean was the site of a scientific research station re-established by the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory starting in 1962. Starting in 1963, the USGS acquired marine heat flow data and coincident sediment cores at sites in Canada Basin, Nautilus Basin, Mendeleev Ridge, and Alpha Ridge as the ice island drifted in the Amerasian Basin. At least 584 heat flow penetrations were attempted, and data were reported at 356 of these. This dataset is the enhanced version of the original data table from Lachenbruch and others (2019; see cross-reference), incorporating additional information such as the probable dates of measurement, physiographic province and surficial geology...
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) hotspot data are defined as areas of statistically high land surface temperature (LST). A pixel is determined as statistically high if it exceeds one standard deviation above the mean of all pixels with similar land cover type. Data are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. using previously generated annual maximum land surface temperature (MeanLST) – derived from Collection 1 Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for Surface Temperature. The data ranges from 1985-2020, and covers data within 5 km of each city. The data is further separated into persistent urban and new urban outputs. Persistent Urban is defined as areas that are reported as urban in 1985 and...
The T-3 (Fletcher's) Ice Island in the Arctic Ocean was the site of a scientific research station re-established by the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory starting in 1962. Starting in 1963, the USGS acquired marine heat flow data and coincident sediment cores at sites in Canada Basin, Nautilus Basin, Mendeleev Ridge, and Alpha Ridge as the ice island drifted in the Amerasian Basin. Radiogenic heat content in sediments can be an important contributor to measured heat flow. The USGS therefore measured radiogenic heat content in sediments recovered at 26 of the attempted/successful heat flow measurement sites using the laboratory methods available at the time. This dataset reports the measured radiogenic heat values...
This package contains a map surface that depicts the estimated spatial variation of conductive heat flow (mW/m²) in a portion of northern Nevada, the extent of the ‘Nevada Machine Learning Project’ (DE-EE0008762). It was generated using well locations that had an estimated heat flow value from a measured thermal gradient and thermal conductivity, mainly using data from Southern Methodist University, with some additional USGS data. Well data are included along with and a map surface depicting estimated standard error of the heat flow interpolation.
The T-3 (Fletcher's) Ice Island in the Arctic Ocean was the site of a scientific research station re-established by the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory starting in 1962. Starting in 1963, the USGS acquired marine heat flow data and coincident sediment cores at sites in Canada Basin, Nautilus Basin, Mendeleev Ridge, and Alpha Ridge as the ice island drifted in the Amerasian Basin. At least 584 heat flow penetrations were attempted, and data were reported at 356 of these. This dataset is the enhanced version of the original data table from Lachenbruch and others (2019; see cross-reference), incorporating additional information such as the probable dates of measurement, physiographic province and surficial geology...
Categories: Data Release - Revised;
Tags: Alpha Ridge,
Amerasian Basin,
Arctic Ocean,
Canada Basin,
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) intensity data is intended to quantify the difference between urban surface temperatures and the surrounding non-urban environment. The calculation takes the difference between a specific urban pixel’s maximum land surface temperature (MeanLST) and the mean of the cities non-urban MeanLST. Data are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. using previously generated annual MeanLST – derived from Collection 1 Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for Surface Temperature. The data ranges from 1985-2020, and covers data within 5 km of each city. NOTE: While a previous version is available from the author, all datasets for pilot cities can be found in version 5.0.
We developed an approach to quantify Urban Heat Island (UHI) extent and intensity in 50 cities of CONUS and its surrounding area by using surface temperature from Landsat surface temperature product in a time series manner. Landsat land surface temperature from Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD) were used to quantify surface temperature changes from 1985 to 2020. The current study assessed UHI intensity and its variations associated with urban development in an annual basis. Two datasets, over the study period, show that the maximum surface temperature in the high intensity urban area significantly increased while no significant trend was found in surrounding non-urban areas. These released datasets were spatially...
Categories: Data;
Tags: CONUS,
Landsat ARD,
Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD),
United States,
This data release contains all digital geographic data used and produced by the Snake River Plain Play Fairway Analysis (DE EE0006733) for Phase 1 (ArcGIS shapefiles and raster files) as well as the model processing script, tables, and documentation used to generate data outputs. Brief descriptions of data layers are in the metadata of GIS files, greater detail is available in the ‘Larger Work,' the Snake River Plain Play Fairway Analysis Phase 1 report. A link to the report is available in the ‘Related External Resources’ section.
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) intensity data is intended to quantify the difference between urban surface temperatures and the surrounding non-urban environment. The calculation takes the difference between a specific urban pixel’s maximum land surface temperature (MaxLST) and the mean of the cities non-urban MaxLST. Data are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. using previously generated annual MaxLST – derived from Collection 1 Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for Surface Temperature. The data ranges from 1985-2020, and covers data within 5 km of each city. NOTE: While a previous version is available from the author, all datasets for pilot cities can be found in version 5.0.
The T-3 (Fletcher's) Ice Island in the Arctic Ocean was the site of a scientific research station re-established by the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory starting in 1962. Starting in 1963, the USGS acquired marine heat flow data and coincident sediment cores at sites in Canada Basin, Nautilus Basin, Mendeleev Ridge, and Alpha Ridge as the ice island drifted in the Amerasian Basin. At least 584 heat flow penetrations were attempted, and data were reported at 356 of these. This dataset is the digital version of the original data table from Lachenbruch and others (2019; see cross-reference), retaining the original non-SI units for thermal conductivity and heat flow. Reference cited: Lachenbruch, A.H., Marshall, B.V.,...
This data release includes the model input and output files for the 3D petroleum systems model of the Williston Basin. The model was created in Schlumberger's PetroMod version 2020.1. The enclosed folders are standard PetroMod format and contain all data necessary for defining and re-simulating the model. Please contact Tim Nesheim at the North Dakota Geologic Survey ( directly for static temperature log data used in the temperature calibration. Proprietary IHS Markit ® (2022) data used for model calibration are also not included in this data release. This is a child item of a larger data release titled "Data release for the 3D petroleum systems model of the Williston Basin, USA".
The thermal maturity grids are results generated from the petroleum systems model for five major source rock intervals, which include, from youngest to oldest, the Tyler, Mission Canyon, upper part of the Bakken, Red River, and Icebox Formations. The units are in equivalent vitrinite reflectance using the Nielsen et al. (2017) Basin%Ro kinetic model. Note: these grids represent the modeled thermal maturity of the source interval horizon and may extend beyond the lithostratigraphic extent of the inferred source rock; they cover the entire petroleum systems model area of interest. This is a child item of a larger data release titled "Data release for the 3D petroleum systems model of the Williston Basin, USA".
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) hotspot data are defined as areas of statistically high land surface temperature (LST). A pixel is determined as statistically high if it exceeds one standard deviation above the mean of all pixels with similar land cover type. Data are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. using previously generated annual land surface temperature (LST) – derived from Collection 1 Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for Surface Temperature. The data ranges from 1985-2020, and covers data within 5 km of each city. The data is further separated into persistent urban and new urban outputs. Persistent Urban is defined as areas that are reported as urban in 1985 and remained urban...
The subsurface temperature grids are results/outputs from the 3D petroleum systems model. They represent modern subsurface temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit extracted onto the stratigraphic horizons in the model. The temperature values are calibrated using 24 high-resolution static temperature logs provided by the North Dakota Geological Survey and a large proprietary dataset (>1,000) of drill stem test (DST) and bottom hole temperatures (BHT) from boreholes throughout Montana and North Dakota provided by IHS Markit ® (2022). This is a child item of a larger data release titled "Data release for the 3D petroleum systems model of the Williston Basin, USA".
We developed an approach to quantify Urban Heat Island (UHI) extent and intensity in 50 cities of CONUS and its surrounding area by using surface temperature from Landsat surface temperature product in a time series manner. Landsat land surface temperature from Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD) were used to quantify surface temperature changes from 1985 to 2020. The current study assessed UHI intensity and its variations associated with urban development in an annual basis. Two datasets, over the study period, show that the maximum surface temperature in the high intensity urban area significantly increased while no significant trend was found in surrounding non-urban areas. These released datasets were spatially...
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