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Land use was quantified within a 4-km radius around 36 apiaries in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota over two years, 2015-16 and 2016-17. The area (hectares) of Ag (corn, soy, small grains), Grass (pasture, grassland, fallow land, wildflowers, shrub land, and hay land), Wetlands (herbaceous and woody), and Bee crops (alfalfa, canola, sunflower) were quantified around each apiary in each year. Within each apiary, the average change in frames of adult bees among all colonies from June to September was calculated. Additionally, the average September Varroa mite infestation rate, the average adult population size during almond pollination, the count of colonies exhibiting queen events in September, and the count...
Abstract (from Given the role of infectious disease in global pollinator decline, there is a need to understand factors that shape pathogen susceptibility and transmission in bees. Here we ask how urbanization affects the immune response and pathogen load of feral and managed colonies of honey bees ( Apis mellifera Linnaeus), the predominant economically important pollinator worldwide. Using quantitative real-time PCR, we measured expression of 4 immune genes and relative abundance of 10 honey bee pathogens. We also measured worker survival in a laboratory bioassay. We found that pathogen pressure on honey bees increased with urbanization...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Forests,
Other Wildlife,
Southeast CASC,
Honey bee colonies located in 2 apiaries in North Dakota were fitted with two types of monitoring device: pollen traps and scales. Data were collected from devices periodically throughout the 2014 season (May-October). Data derived from pollen traps included: the total fresh weight of pollen collected, the percent crude protein content, the percent content of each amino acid, and DNA identification of floral plant sources. Scales collected colony weight through time.
This dataset includes pollen sample weight in grams and percent crude protein collected by honey bees (Apis mellifera) across 38 apiaries in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota approximately weekly from June through September in 2015 and 2016. Additionally it includes the hectares of different land covers (corn, Zea mays, & soybeans, Glycine max, grasslands, bee forage crops, and wetlands) located within a 4 km radius of each apiary.
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Apis mellifera,
Southeast CASC,
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