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In an earlier article the author has argued that the turbulent history of nuclear power in Britain and the USA stems from the technology itself, and has little to do with the very different institutional arrangements made for the new technology in the two countries. Nuclear plant has various features which make its planning extraordinarily difficult. Its long lead time, large unit size, capital intensity and dependence on complex infrastructure combine to ensure that mistakes are likely to be made in planning the technology and that what mistakes do occur are expensive. This article aims to expand on the earlier one in two ways; by looking at the apparent success of the French nuclear programme which seems to run...
P>1. Habitats are often connected by fluxes of energy and nutrients across their boundaries. For example, headwater streams are linked to surrounding riparian vegetation through invertebrate and leaf litter inputs, and there is evidence that consumers in downstream habitats are subsidised by resources flowing from headwater systems. However, the strength of these linkages and the manner in which potential headwater subsidies vary along climatic and disturbance gradients are unknown. 2. We quantified the downstream transport of invertebrates, organic matter and inorganic sediment from 60 fishless headwater streams in the Wenatchee River Basin located on the eastern slope of the Cascade Range in Washington, U.S.A....
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Ecoregion,
P>1. Habitats are often connected by fluxes of energy and nutrients across their boundaries. For example, headwater streams are linked to surrounding riparian vegetation through invertebrate and leaf litter inputs, and there is evidence that consumers in downstream habitats are subsidised by resources flowing from headwater systems. However, the strength of these linkages and the manner in which potential headwater subsidies vary along climatic and disturbance gradients are unknown. 2. We quantified the downstream transport of invertebrates, organic matter and inorganic sediment from 60 fishless headwater streams in the Wenatchee River Basin located on the eastern slope of the Cascade Range in Washington, U.S.A....
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Ecoregion,
A visual impact evaluation method specifically designed to assess landscape alteration as a result of surface mining and quarrying would represent a fundamental aid for both those involved in the early stages of mine planning and design (mining companies) and those in charge of controlling and verifying environmental impacts (government authorities). This research is based on implementation of the visual impact indicator Lvi, which takes into account two parameters among those physically measurable: the extent of visible alteration in the landscape and the chromatic contrast between bare rock and the surrounding environment. Both parameters can be quantified by processing one or more digital images taken from the...
A visual impact evaluation method specifically designed to assess landscape alteration as a result of surface mining and quarrying would represent a fundamental aid for both those involved in the early stages of mine planning and design (mining companies) and those in charge of controlling and verifying environmental impacts (government authorities). This research is based on implementation of the visual impact indicator Lvi, which takes into account two parameters among those physically measurable: the extent of visible alteration in the landscape and the chromatic contrast between bare rock and the surrounding environment. Both parameters can be quantified by processing one or more digital images taken from the...
P>1. Habitats are often connected by fluxes of energy and nutrients across their boundaries. For example, headwater streams are linked to surrounding riparian vegetation through invertebrate and leaf litter inputs, and there is evidence that consumers in downstream habitats are subsidised by resources flowing from headwater systems. However, the strength of these linkages and the manner in which potential headwater subsidies vary along climatic and disturbance gradients are unknown. 2. We quantified the downstream transport of invertebrates, organic matter and inorganic sediment from 60 fishless headwater streams in the Wenatchee River Basin located on the eastern slope of the Cascade Range in Washington, U.S.A....
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Ecoregion,
The Urban Influence measure developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service (ERS) identifies metropolitan counties by population size and outlines where natural area and urban boundaries exist. This can help to indicate where increased stresses on ecosystem services may occur.The boundaries between urban, rural, and natural areas in Appalachia are increasingly defined by the accelerated demand for ecosystem services from growing urban populations. Increases in “urbanness” not only stress the capacity of affected landscapes to provide ecosystem services, but also magnify the pressure on nearby natural areas to provide those services to more people. However, opportunities exist for...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Academics & scientific researchers,
Conservation NGOs,
Reliance on oil as an energy source for private transportation produces increasingly unfavorable social, political and environmental conditions including climate change, dependence on foreign oil, and the need for difficult choices between oil production and protection of biological systems. At the same time, the population is increasingly sedentary due largely to our reliance on the automobile for transportation. Adoption and maintenance of healthy weights and healthier lifestyles by substituting walking or biking for short trips currently taken by car could simultaneously improve health and reduce oil consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. We calculate the reduction in oil consumption and carbon dioxide emissions...
Volatility behavior of oil, industrial commodity and stock markets in a regime-switching environment
A visual impact evaluation method specifically designed to assess landscape alteration as a result of surface mining and quarrying would represent a fundamental aid for both those involved in the early stages of mine planning and design (mining companies) and those in charge of controlling and verifying environmental impacts (government authorities). This research is based on implementation of the visual impact indicator Lvi, which takes into account two parameters among those physically measurable: the extent of visible alteration in the landscape and the chromatic contrast between bare rock and the surrounding environment. Both parameters can be quantified by processing one or more digital images taken from the...