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In 1982-1983, a 70 ha energy forest project was established in an arable landscape in southern Sweden. Many aspects of the energy forest system were investigated. This paper reports mainly on the aesthetic impacts of the project at a landscape level. One effect is an increasing variation in the views and the aesthetic values of the arable land. The Salix crops introduce new colours into the arable landscape. The green colour of the Salix fields lasts longer in the autumn. Also, from year to year a spatial Variation appears. The increasing wildlife shelter seems to make the fauna richer. Viewed as an energy crop only, the commercial competitiveness of energy forests is often low. However. if the benefits of energy...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Venezuela,
This is a background layer map service from NOAA's nowCOAST information depot. Note: details may only visible at fine scales (zoom in to view).
Ecological and economic systems are open systems that require energy to change the thermodynamic states of materials from naturally occurring to more valued forms. These changes are accompanied by information flows and changes in the order of systems and their surroundings. In this paper, thermodynamics is used to assess these system changes and relate them to the knowledge present in a system. Particular emphasis is given to (1) the fundamental relationships among material, energy and information flows, and changes in order and knowledge, (2) the role of equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamics in assessing system change, (3) the increasing role of material and energy flows through economic systems, and (4)...
A polygon dataset of current road footprints in the SNK REA derived from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources infrastructure data (see the process steps for details). (This data depicts infrastructure locations in Alaska as digitized primarily from 1:24,000, 1:63,360, and 1:250,000 USGS quadrangles. The source document that represented the newest information and best geographic location was used to capture the data. All infrastructure from the primary source document was digitized and then supplemented with the information from other source documents for additional or updated infrastructure or attributes.)
Semi-Permeable Membrane Devices (SPMDs) were deployed for approximately 2 weeks at Palmyra Atoll during October and November, 2008. SPMDs passively accumulate organic compounds from the aquatic enviroment, and are then analyzed for various organic compounds. The deployment date, reasons for selecting the particular site, and photograph numbers as links are indicated.
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Pacific Ocean,
Palmyra Atoll,
U.S. Navy,
World War II,
Abandoned railroads and infrastructure from the anthracite coal mining industry are significant features in abandoned mine lands and are an important part of history; however, these features are often lost and masked by the passage of time and the regrowth of forests. The application of modern light detection and ranging (lidar) topographic analysis, combined with ground-truthing "boots on the ground" mapping, enable recovery of the location of these historical features. Waste rock piles and abandoned mine lands from historical mining locally appear as distinct features on the landscape depicted on the percent slope map. Abandoned, and in many places demolished, infrastructure such as breakers, turntables, rail...
The Alaska Center for Conservation Science at the University of Alaska Anchorage, in partnership with the Northwest Boreal LCC and the US Fish and Wildlife Service, embarked on a project to map and quantify the human footprint and fisheries resources across the Yukon River watershed. The maps presented here show the footprint of human activities (ie., mining, transportation), as well as fisheries resources across this watershed.
The Alaska Center for Conservation Science at the University of Alaska Anchorage, in partnership with the Northwest Boreal Landscape Conservation Cooperative and US Fish and Wildlife Service, embarked on a project to map the human footprint and fisheries resources across the Yukon River watershed. The spatial data presented here show the footprint of human activities (i.e, mining and transportation), as well as fisheries resources across this watershed.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Academics & scientific researchers,
Conservation NGOs,
Federal resource managers,
The purpose of this volume is to create a resource for regional land and resource managers and researchers by synthesizing the latest research on the 1) historical/current status of landscape-scale drivers and ecosystem processes, including anthropogenic activities, 2) future projected changes of each, and 3) the impacts of changes on important resources. The individual sections can be informative alone, but when combined we can see a holistic picture of the drivers of landscape change in our region. The sections are short but contain a wealth of information and resources for more in-depth knowledge, and they highlight key findings and key information gaps so the most important information is easy to find and digest....
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation;
Tags: Academics & scientific researchers,
Conservation NGOs,
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. The U.S. Geological Survey developed this dataset as part of the Colorado Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project (FRIRP). One goal of the FRIRP was to provide information on the availability of those hydrogeologic resources that are either critical to maintaining infrastructure along the northern Front Range or that may become less available because of urban expansion in the northern Front Range. This dataset extends from the...
This map shows areas of high-use recreation, including recreation sites compiled from USFS and BLM, recreation areas (including OHV areas), water-based recreation areas (selected from NHD waterbodies), water-based recreation travel corridors (selected from NHD flowlines), and land-based recreation travel corridors (selected from BLM GTLF within federal / state lands and national trails).
Categories: Data,
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Colorado Plateau,
intensive recreation ,
recreation sites,
The Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GPLCC, is a partnership that provides applied science and decision support tools to assist natural resource managers conserve plants, fish and wildlife in the mid- and short-grass prairie of the southern Great Plains. It is part of a national network of public-private partnerships — known as Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs, — that work collaboratively across jurisdictions and political boundaries to leverage resources and share science capacity. The Great Plains LCC identifies science priorities for the region and helps foster science that addresses these priorities to support...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Colorado,
Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative,
Linear Feature,
This data depicts infrastructure locations in Alaska as digitized primarily from 1:24,000, 1:63,360, and 1:250,000 USGS quadrangles. The source document that represented the newest information and best geographic location was used to capture the data. All infrastructure from the primary source document was digitized and then supplemented with the information from other source documents for additional or updated infrastructure or attributes.
Data set contains individual structures and use-areas identifiable from scanned images of 1944 hand-drawn map of buildings and facilities at Palmyra Atoll during World War II, at which time the atoll served as a training facility for the U.S. Navy. Scanned images were georeferenced against control points identifiable from 2007 QuickBird satellite imagery and on control points for which positional data were gathered during sampling in October and November 2008. Georeferenced image was then used to delineate individual structures and other areas as polygons. Attributes were taken from legend for 1944 map.
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Pacific Ocean,
Palmyra Atoll,
U.S. Navy,
World War II,
The availability of transportation routes is a major factor that influences the social and economic atmosphere of communities in the CYR study area. The influences of transportation routes can be both negative and positive, but nonetheless changes occur when a community becomes connected to a larger transportation network. The Alaska Railroad is the primary rail network throughout Alaska and the region. The Northern Rail Extension project will extend the current railroad system south of Fairbanks to Delta Junction. There are four phases of this project, with Phase 1 completed. Phase 2 includes expansion of the railroad from Moose Creek near North Pole to across the newly built Tanana River Bridge by Salcha. The...
Project will explore the impacts of different types of renewable energy infrastructure and electrical transmission lines and their attributes on sage-grouse population demographics across their range. Comprehensive mapping products will document when and where renewable energy infrastructure and electrical transmission lines were constructed in the sagebrush biome and model their influence on sagebrush obligate species with a Bayesian hierarchical modeling framework.
Categories: Data,
Tags: Contractual Document,
Cross Regional,
Decision Support,
Federal resource managers,
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release presents the geospatial data used to assess the hydrologic and soil resources and the potential effects from grazing, infrastructure, and land-management decisions in the Bureau of Land Management Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument, New Mexico. Publicly available and previously unpublished data were used to assess these resources and effects and to identify data gaps in the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument area. Data created from already published data such as landform, infiltration, geology, and grazing potential coverages are also included in this data release. These data support the following publication: Blake, J.M., Mitchell, A.C.,...
This data package presents raw legacy data collected during 1974-1992 on the Arctic Coastal Plain (primarily in the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska; NPR-A). The data were collected in support of a long-term multi-species wetland ecosystem study that aimed to provide an understanding of occurrence and densities of bird, mammal, fish, invertebrate, and plant species. The study included the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area (TLSA), as well as focused studies on individual lakes or regions within the special area, including: East Long Lake, West Long Lake, Goose Lake, Island Lake, Square Lake, Meade River (Singiluk), Point Storkersen, and Icy Cape. The study included 10 primary objectives: 1) complete daily weather records,...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Tags: Alaska,
Angiosperms (flowering plants),
Animal behavior,
Animal response,
The availability of transportation routes is a major factor that influences the social and economic atmosphere of communities in the CYR study area. The influences of transportation routes can be both negative and positive, but nonetheless changes occur when a community becomes connected to a larger transportation network. The Alaska Railroad is the primary rail network throughout Alaska and the region.
Powerlines in the western United States and Canada as identified by the 22 source data layers used to compile this shapefile. Source data were collected by personal contact or through the internet in the winter and spring of 2004 and assimilated using ArcGIS. This file is a complete record of overhead powerline data that was avaliable as of 5/15/2004 but IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF THE SUM TOTAL OF ALL POWERLINES ON THE GROUND. These data primarily depict the higher voltage, long distance transmission lines but some arcs likely represent lower voltage distribution lines.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Alberta,
British Columbia,
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