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Observers at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge recorded the use by birds of koa (Acacia koa) and ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha) trees in two sites that were recovering from ungulate disturbance and two reforestation sites where trees had been planted. Observations were made pre- and post-defoliation of koa trees by koa moths (Scotorythra paludicola) during 2013. Focal trees at each site were selected haphazardly and observed for 2 minutes to determine the total number individual birds that visited the tree. Birds were counted when they were already present or as they flew into a tree during the 2-minute period, regardless of whether they departed before the end of the observation period. Birds were identified...
Bird banding at 2 locations adjacent to one another (one in koa restoration forest, and other in native intact forest) at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge before and after the start of an outbreak by koa moths (Scotorythra paludicola) during 2013. Each bird was measured with an electronic scale accurate to 1/10th g. Results indicate that insectivorous birds increased in mass, on average, while generalist diet species showed marginally significant increases, and two out of three nectarivorous and frugivorous birds did not have significant change.
The koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) is a species of moth that has been reported to irrupt in great abundance on occasion over the past 100 years, sometimes defoliating its host plant, koa (Acacia koa), during the event. This data release includes metadata and tabular data that document temporal abundance patterns of the koa moth (adult stage; Scotorythra paludicola) during an outbreak that resulted in widespread defoliation of koa across much of Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge during 2013-2014. The data set documents numbers of moths collected in malaise traps during the outbreak. Malaise traps were deployed at several sites during the outbreak to allow moth abundance to be tracked over time.
Southwestern Colorado is already experiencing the effects of climate change in the form of larger and more severe wildfires, prolonged severe droughts, tree mortality from insect outbreaks, and earlier snowmelt. Climate scientists expect the region to experience more frequent summer heat waves, longer-lasting and more frequent droughts, and decreased river flow in the future (Lukas et al. 2014). These changes will ultimately impact local communities and challenge natural resource managers in allocating water and range for livestock grazing under unpredictable drought conditions, managing forests in the face of changing fire regimes, and managing threatened species under shifting ecological conditions. Considering...
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that document estimates of litterfall, koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) caterpillar frass production, soil nutrients, and foliar nutrients during 2013-2014 at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge. During this time, there was a massive defoliation event of Acacia koa (koa) trees by the koa moth. We monitored these metrics in 4 sites that varied in forest structure and composition at Hakalau. We used litter traps to monitor koa litter fall over time and foliar %N to estimate N inputs from litter. We used caterpillar counts, koa canopy estimates, frass production rates, and frass %N to estimate N inputs from frass on the landscape. We used resin bags under koa...
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that document estimates of litterfall, koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) caterpillar frass production, soil nutrients, and foliar nutrients during 2013-2014 at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge. During this time, there was a massive defoliation event of Acacia koa (koa) trees by the koa moth. We monitored these metrics in 4 sites that varied in forest structure and composition at Hakalau. We used litter traps to monitor koa litter fall over time and foliar %N to estimate N inputs from litter. We used caterpillar counts, koa canopy estimates, frass production rates, and frass %N to estimate N inputs from frass on the landscape. We used resin bags under koa...
Observers assessed the density and monitored the defoliation, refoliation, and survival of koa (Acacia koa) trees during the 2013-2014 outbreak of the koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge. Koa trees were tagged, classified by size class, and assessed on 55 plots (10-m radius) randomly located in two forest types (reforestation and natural forest) near Pedro and Pua Akala roads. Density and size class distribution was also assessed for ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha) trees on each plot. This dataset provides the location data for all plots.
The koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) is a species of moth that has been reported to irrupt in abundance on occasion over the past 100 years, sometimes defoliating its host plant, koa (Acacia koa), during the event. This data release includes metadata and tabular data that document rate at which koa moth caterpillars were attacked and killed by parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera) during an outbreak of the koa moth that resulted in widespread defoliation of koa across much of Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge during 2013-2014. The data set documents the fate of caterpillars collected from koa foliage during the outbreak and reared in the lab, as well as the species identification of parasitoid wasps that emerged...
These data describe tree mortality and the factors associated with tree mortality for a variety of plots in Sequoia National Park. Most of the data were collected between 2014 and 2017 (during an extremely severe drought), along with some comparison data from 2004 to 2007. These data support the following publication: Stephenson, N.L., Das, A.J., Ampersee, N.J., Bulaon, B.M., and Yee, J.L., In review. Which trees die during drought? The key role of insect host-tree selection, Journal of Ecology
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that document the response of koa (Acacia koa) trees to defoliation by the koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) during 2013-2014 at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge. Data were collected on 55 plots at 4 sites representing 2 habitat types with either high or low koa densities. Ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha) trees dominated habitats with low koa density. Data sets document (1) locations and habitat type of forest plots where koa trees were evaluated, (2) density and size of koa trees within plots, extent of koa tree defoliation, rate of koa tree foliage regrowth (refoliation), and koa tree mortality, and (3) counts and relative size of ohia trees for evaluating...
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that document estimates of litterfall, koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) caterpillar frass production, soil nutrients, and foliar nutrients during 2013-2014 at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge. During this time, there was a massive defoliation event of Acacia koa (koa) trees by the koa moth. We monitored these metrics in 4 sites that varied in forest structure and composition at Hakalau. We used resin bags under koa canopy where frass was directly falling as compared to open grass sites where no frass was falling to monitor soil inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus over time. By comparing soil with frass inputs to frass inputs over time we could watch for...
The koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) is a species of moth that has been reported to irrupt in great abundance on occasion over the past 100 years, sometimes defoliating its host plant, koa (Acacia koa), during the event. This data release includes metadata and tabular data that document temporal abundance patterns of parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera) that are known to attack koa moth caterpillars during an outbreak of the koa moth that resulted in widespread defoliation of koa across much of Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge during 2013-2014. The data set documents numbers of the parasitoid wasps Hyposoter exiguae (Ichneumonidae) and Meteorus laphygmae (Braconidae) collected in malaise traps during the outbreak....
Observers assessed the density and monitored the defoliation, refoliation, and survival of koa (Acacia koa) trees during the 2013-2014 outbreak of the koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge. Koa trees were tagged, classified by size class, and assessed on 55 plots (10-m radius) randomly located in two forest types (reforestation and natural forest) near Pedro and Pua Akala roads.This dataset contains data on the individual koa tree identify, plot location, forest type, size, and defoliation and refoliation dynamics.
The koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) is a species of moth that has been reported to irrupt in great abundance on occasion over the past 100 years, sometimes defoliating its host plant, koa (Acacia koa), during the event. This data release includes metadata and tabular data that document the amount of frass (caterpillar excrement, which is a proxy for foliage consumed) produced by koa moth caterpillars as they mature through their five larval instars (life stages). In the lab, frass was collected from individual caterpillars representing instars 3, 4 and 5, dried and weighed. From these data, a significant relationship was found between caterpillar instar and the amount of frass produced, which allowed indirect...
As part of the study to evaluate the response of koa (Acacia koa) to the 2013-2014 outbreak of koa moths (Scotorythra paludicola) on Hawaii Island, we monitored plots in two habitat types at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge. We established 55 plots (each 10-m radius) in reforestation stands of densely planted koa, in which ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha) was relatively rare, and in natural forest stands, in which ohia was dominant and koa was less dense.This dataset documents the number and size of ohia trees in each of the 55 plots.
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that document the responses of koa moths and other insects to changes in habitat conditions before and after koa (Acacia koa) defoliation by koa moth caterpillars (Scotorythra paludicola) at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge during 2013-2014. Data sets document changes in (1) koa moth abundance, (2) koa moth caterpillar abundance, (3) koa moth parasitoid abundance, (4) koa moth caterpillar frass production, and (5) koa moth caterpillar parasitism rate.
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that document estimates of litterfall, koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) caterpillar frass production, soil nutrients, and foliar nutrients during 2013-2014 at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge. During this time, there was a massive defoliation event of Acacia koa (koa) trees by the koa moth. We monitored these metrics in 4 sites that varied in forest structure and composition at Hakalau. We used litter traps to monitor koa litter fall over time and foliar %N to estimate N inputs from litter. We used caterpillar counts, koa canopy estimates, frass production rates, and frass %N to estimate N inputs from frass on the landscape. We used resin bags under koa...
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that document the responses of birds to changes in habitat conditions before and after koa (Acacia koa) defoliation by koa moths (Scotorythra paludicola). Data sets document changes in the (1) use of tree species, (2) arthropod composition of diets, and (3) body mass.
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that document estimates of litterfall, koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) caterpillar frass production, soil nutrients, and foliar nutrients during 2013-2014 at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge. During this time, there was a massive defoliation event of Acacia koa (koa) trees by the koa moth. We monitored these metrics in 4 sites that varied in forest structure and composition at Hakalau. We used litter traps to monitor koa litter fall over time and foliar %N to estimate N inputs from litter. We used caterpillar counts, koa canopy estimates, frass production rates, and frass %N to estimate N inputs from frass on the landscape. We used resin bags under koa...
Arthropods are important prey for most forest birds in Hawaii. The relative abundance of arthropods on koa (Acacia koa) changed significantly during an outbreak of the koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) that occurred across much of Hawaii Island during 2013-2014. The outbreak resulted in large tracts of koa forest becoming defoliated by large numbers of koa moth caterpillars. This data release includes metadata and tabular data that documents how bird diets changed at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge during the outbreak. The data set documents numbers of koa moth caterpillars and other arthropod prey consumed by forest birds prior to, and during the koa moth outbreak. Diets were reconstructed by identifying...

map background search result map search result map Tree mortality in Sequoia National Park from 2004 to 2007 and during severe drought in 2014 to 2017 Hawaii Island bird response to koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Hawaii Island tree response to koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Forest bird diets before and during a moth outbreak, Hawaii Island, 2013-2014 Change in mass of birds pre- and post-koa moth outbreak, Hawaii Island, 2013-2014 Patterns of tree use by birds pre- and post-koa moth outbreak, Hawaii Island, 2013-2014 Hawaii Island insect response to koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) outbreak, 2013-2014 Hakalau litter, frass, soil, and understory foliar nitrogen during a koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Locations of tree density and monitoring plots during koa moth outbreak, Hawaii Island, 2013-2014 Ohia tree abundance and size distribution in two habitat types during koa moth outbreak, Hawaii Island, 2013-2014 Koa tree abundance, size distribution, and response to koa moth outbreak in two habitat types, Hawaii Island, 2013-2014 Estimate of frass produced by koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) caterpillars in the lab Parasitism rates of koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) caterpillars during koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) abundance in response to koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) parasitoid abundance in response to koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Hakalau estimated frass production during a koa moth outbreak, 2013 Hakalau litterfall during a koa moth outbreak, 2013-2015 Hakalau soil nitrogen and phosphorus during a koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Hakalau understory foliar carbon and nitrogen during a koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Hawaii Island bird response to koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Hawaii Island tree response to koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Forest bird diets before and during a moth outbreak, Hawaii Island, 2013-2014 Change in mass of birds pre- and post-koa moth outbreak, Hawaii Island, 2013-2014 Patterns of tree use by birds pre- and post-koa moth outbreak, Hawaii Island, 2013-2014 Hawaii Island insect response to koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) outbreak, 2013-2014 Hakalau litter, frass, soil, and understory foliar nitrogen during a koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Locations of tree density and monitoring plots during koa moth outbreak, Hawaii Island, 2013-2014 Ohia tree abundance and size distribution in two habitat types during koa moth outbreak, Hawaii Island, 2013-2014 Koa tree abundance, size distribution, and response to koa moth outbreak in two habitat types, Hawaii Island, 2013-2014 Estimate of frass produced by koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) caterpillars in the lab Parasitism rates of koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) caterpillars during koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) abundance in response to koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Koa moth (Scotorythra paludicola) parasitoid abundance in response to koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Hakalau estimated frass production during a koa moth outbreak, 2013 Hakalau litterfall during a koa moth outbreak, 2013-2015 Hakalau soil nitrogen and phosphorus during a koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Hakalau understory foliar carbon and nitrogen during a koa moth outbreak, 2013-2014 Tree mortality in Sequoia National Park from 2004 to 2007 and during severe drought in 2014 to 2017