Filters: Tags: mass spectrometry (X)
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This data release contains dissolved cyanotoxin concentrations for microcystins (MC), cylindrospermopsins (CYL), anatoxins (ATX), and saxitoxins (STX) assessed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry or tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS and LC-MS/MS, respectively) in extracts from SPATT (n=95) and DGT samplers (n=10) deployed on three Finger Lakes (Owasco, Seneca, and Skaneateles) between June and November 2019. Relative percent contributions of microcystin congeners are also provided for samples analyzed by LC-MS and LC-MS/MS. Solid phase adsorption toxin tracking (SPATT) and diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) are types of passive environmental samplers containing...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Contaminants, HABS,
Finger Lakes,
New York,
Owasco Lake,
Owasco Lake Platform (Site ID: 425327076313601),
Ar/Ar data are reported from minerals and rocks that were collected as part of a mineral resource investigation of the Tonopah, Divide, and Goldfield districts in Nevada. Data are reported from 92 samples and associated standards from eight separate neutron irradiations in the Denver USGS TRIGA reactor, including separated mineral grains and whole rocks. Data were collected by infrared laser heating of irradiated samples, either incremental heating or fusion, and analysis by multi-collector mass spectrometry. The reported data have been corrected for blanks, radioactive decay, and interfering nucleogenic reactions associated with sample irradiation.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 40Ar/39Ar,
Divide district,
Neonicotinoids have become the most widely used insecticides in world with rapid growth in applications as seed coatings. Nontarget organisms are exposed to concentrated levels of pesticidal active ingredients through ingestion of treated seeds. To better understand pesticide fate, analytical methods are necessary to rapidly screen and accurately quantitate contaminants in environmental and biological matrices. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is commonly employed for neonicotinoid analyses but requires expensive analytical instrumentation and potentially laborious sample preparation. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) are efficient and sensitive alternative methods for neonicotinoid...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Coturnix japonica,
Environmental Health,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
United States,
The compound 3-amino-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid (3-amino-HPAA) reacts with smectite to form a soluble azobenzene arsonic acid compound. This reaction is of particular interest because it provides a possible mechanism for the formation of a new type of arsenic compound in natural water systems. 3-Amino-HPAA is a degradation product excreted by chickens that are fed rations amended with roxarsone. Roxarsone is used to control coccidial intestinal parasites in most of the broiler chickens grown in the United States. The structure of the azobenzene arsonic acid compound was first inferred from negative-ion and positive-ion low-resolution mass-spectrometric analyses of the supernatant of the smectite suspension. Elemental...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: 3-Amino-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid,
Azobenzene derivative,
Mass spectrometry
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is a crucial river delta that supplies a significant portion of California's freshwater for agricultural and residential use and serves as critical habitat for numerous state and federally listed species of concern. In several areas, urban stormwater drains discharge directly into the Delta. 6PPD-quinone (6PPD-Q, 2-anilo-5-[(4-methylpentan-2- yl)amino]cyclohexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione), an ozonation byproduct of the tire antiozonant 6PPD (N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine), has been shown to enter surface water through these pathways and can cause various toxicological effects, including acute urban mortality syndrome in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum, 1792))...
This dataset is related to a 2017 journal article by A. J. Pietruszka and L. A. Neymark titled "Evaluation of laser ablation double-focusing SC-ICPMS for “common” lead isotopic measurements in silicate glasses and minerals" that is published in the Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (doi:10.1039/c7ja00005g).
Analysis of biological tissues or direct sources of food may better characterize exposure of non-target organisms to current-use pesticides. Food boluses were collected from tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings using a non-lethal, ligature method and were composited based on nest. The ligatures, which prevented the bolus from being swallowed, were placed on nestlings for 1 h until samples were collected. Samples in 2016 were collected from nestlings at 6 days and 12 days post-hatch whereas 2018 samples were collected from nestlings at 12 days post-hatch. Furthermore, in 2016 and 2018, insects commonly consumed by tree swallows were collected via sweep net and composited based on suborder (Brachycera, Nematocera,...
This dataset accompanies planned publication 'Paleogene mid-crustal intrusions in the Ruby Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex, northeastern Nevada' [IP-153033], to be published in Geosphere, as well as planned future publications in this region. The data encompass U-Pb zircon age and trace element data and whole-rock Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic data from igneous and metamorphic rocks throughout the Ruby Mountains, East Humboldt Range, Lizzies Basin, Lamoille Canyon, and Angel Lake areas of northeast, Nevada. Samples were collected from this area by Allen McGrew (Univ. of Dayton), Arthur Snoke (Univ. of Wyoming), Wayne Premo (USGS) and Keith Howard (USGS), who brought them to the USGS Denver for analysis. The analyses...
Categories: Data;
Tags: East Humboldts Wilderness,
Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center,
An analytical method for the identification of eight plant phytoestrogens (biochanin A, coumestrol, daidzein, equol, formononetin, glycitein, genistein and prunetin) in soy products and wastewater samples was developed using gas chromatography coupled with ion trap mass spectrometry (GC/MS–MS). The phytoestrogens were derivatized as their trimethylsilyl ethers with trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS) and N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA). The phytoestrogens were isolated from all samples with liquid–liquid extraction using ethyl acetate. Daidzein-d4 and genistein-d4 labeled standards were used as internal standards before extraction and derivatization. The fragmentation patterns of the phytoestrogens were...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Ion-trap GC–MS,
mass spectrometry,
A multiresidue method for solids (i.e., soil, sediment, sludge) was developed and evaluated for the analysis of pesticides and pesticide degradates. Initially, a well characterized soil was used to determine the recovery of target compounds using an Energized Dispersive Guided Extraction (EDGE) system with two extraction solvents, acetonitrile and 1:1 (v/v) hexane:acetone. Extracts were cleaned using solid-phase extraction (SPE) with graphitized carbon cartridges and three elution solvents, acetonitrile, dichloromethane, and 1:1 (v/v) dichlormethane:ethyl acetate. The individual SPE elutions from the two extraction solvents were analyzed separately via GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS for 210 pesticides and pesticide transformation...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Environmental Health,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
contaminant transport,
This dataset accompanies publication: Minor, S.A., Caine, J.S., Ruleman, C.A., Fridrich, C.J., Chan, C.F., Brandt, T.R., Morgan,L.E., Cosca, M.A., and Grauch, V.J.S., in prep, Geologic map of the Poncha Pass area, Chaffee, Fremont, and Saguache Counties, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map (in revision), 2 plates, 27 ms. p, 1:24,000 scale.
Groundwater, soil pore water, and surface water were collected in and near wetland P1 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota in August 2013. Groundwater was collected from established wells (17, 18, and 22) via peristaltic pump. Surface water was collected from P1 ponded water via grab sample. Soil pore water was collected using drive point samplers and one suction lysimeter. Water samples were analyzed for pH and major ion chemistry.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Atomic Emission Spectroscopy,
Chemical Analyses,
Cottonwood Lake Study Area,
Cyanobacteria known to produce cyanotoxins have been reported worldwide. As monitoring efforts have improved, they have been detected in not only freshwater, but also in estuary and marine waters. To assess the occurrence of cyanotoxins and algal toxins in California estuaries, the NOAA MERHAB funded project collected samples monthly from 11 Californian estuary locations, with 5 locations sampled in 2016 as event response. This data release includes liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) results for 21 cyanotoxins and algal toxins in estuary samples collected from California in 2016-2017.
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
Environmental Health,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
chemical analysis,
Recent advances in mass spectrometry have allowed isotope scientists to precisely determine stable isotope variations in the metallic elements. Biologically influenced and truly inorganic isotope fractionation processes have been demonstrated over the mass range of metals. This Elements issue provides an overview of the application of metal stable isotopes to low-temperature systems, which extend across the borders of several science disciplines: geology, hydrology, biology, environmental science, and biomedicine. Information on instrumentation, fractionation processes, data-reporting terminology, and reference materials presented here will help the reader to better understand this rapidly evolving field.
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Metals,
isotope fractionation,
mass spectrometry
This dataset accompanies planned publication 'Lava-ice interactions at late Pleistocene trachyte-basaltic andesite fissure eruptions, Quetrupillán Volcanic Complex (39°30′ S, 71°43′ W), southern Chile', as well as planned future publications on this volcanic complex. The Ar/Ar data and the Pb, Sr, and Nd data are for basalt and trachyte lava flows at Quetrupillán volcano. The Ar geochronology and isotope geochemistry will aid in the understanding of the timing of eruptive activity and glacial damming of lava flows, and magma source compositions studied in the planned publications. Samples were collected from Quetrupillán volcano by Dave McGarvie (Univ. of Lancaster, UK) and Isla Simmons (Univ. of Edinburgh, UK),...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: 40Ar/39Ar,
Argon Geochronology Laboratory,
Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center,
This dataset accompanies proposed publication, "Tectonic disruption of the Proterozoic Yavapai-Matzatzal Province boundary near Sierra Hornaday, northwest Sonora", to be published in a Geological Society of America publication, which will report zircon SHRIMP-RG U-Pb ages and Sm-Nd whole rock isotope analyses to map the path of the Yavapai-Matzatzal province boundary across southwest Arizona and northwest Sonora. Samples were collected from the study area by Jon Nourse, Miguel Espinoza, and Erin Stahl (all of Cal. State Polytechnic Univ.), Karl Kellogg, Wayne Premo, Douglas Morton, Jonathan Matti, Barney Poole, and Alex Iriondo (all of the USGS), Thomas Anderson (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Leon Silver and Michael Oskin...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Arizona,
Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center,
This dataset consists of seven lava samples that were analyzed for Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopes. The dataset accompanies the planned publication, ‘The geochemical and petrogenetic evolution of Þingmúli central volcano: Insights to magma processes in Iceland’, as well as planned future publications on this volcanic complex. Pb, Sr, and Nd isotope data were used for this study to determine both the mantle source, and the relationship between the lavas (rhyolite to basalt) found at Þingmúli. Samples were collected from Þingmúli central volcano by Amanda Hughes (Edge Hill University, UK) who sent them to the USGS Denver for analysis. The laboratory work and thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) analyses were performed...
Data Release for "Comparability and reproducibility of biomarker ratio values measured by GC-QQQ-MS"
This data release includes biomarker ratio values calculated from measurements made at the USGS for the reference oil NSO-1 that were reported in a journal article entitled Comparability and reproducibility of biomarker ratio values measured by GC-QQQ-MS (French et al., 2020).
Categories: Data;
Tags: Energy Resources,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
gas chromatography,
Cyanobacteria are common in inland water bodies. Many strains are known to produce potent toxins (cyanotoxins) which can impact human and animal health in sufficient concentrations. Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake are two impaired lakes in California with frequent cyanobacteria blooms that are not monitored for toxin production. These data document the liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) results for 21 cyanotoxins and algal toxins in 13 cyanobacteria samples collected during bloom events from Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake (CA, USA) in July, August, and September 2016.
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
Canyon Lake,
Environmental Health,
Lake Elsinore,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Elemental concentrations and stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios are reported for five mammillary calcite specimens collected from the groundwater-filled fissures Devils Hole and Devils Hole II in the southern Amargosa Desert, south-western Nevada. Previous studies of these specimens yielded oxygen and carbon isotope chronologies of paleoclimatic and paleo hydrologic conditions over an approximately 500,000-year time period as defined by uranium series dates (Winograd and others, 1992, 2006; Landwehr and others, 1997, 2011). The elemental concentration measurements reveal additional chronologies in the mammillary calcite. The specimens were sampled by milling contiguous 0.050-inch-thick layers (1.27 millimeters)...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Amargosa Valley,
Death Valley National Park,
Devils Hole,
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