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This dataset is a polygon coverage of counties limited to the extent of the Pond Creek coal zone resource areas and attributed with statistics on these coal quality parameters: ash yield (percent), sulfur (percent), SO2 (lbs per million Btu), calorific value (Btu/lb), arsenic (ppm) content and mercury (ppm) content. The file has been generalized from detailed geologic coverages found elsewhere in Professional Paper 1625-C. The attributes were generated from public data found in geochemical dataset found in Chap. G, Appendix 7, Disc 1. Please see the detailed information on the geochemical attributes. The county statistical data used for this data set are found in Tables 2-5 and 17-18, Chap. G, Disc 1. Additional...
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Appalachians, Bell County, KY, Boone County, WV, Breathitt County, KY, Buchanan County, VA, All tags...
This dataset is a point coverage of attributes on data location, thickness of the Upper Freeport coal bed, and its elevation, in feet. The file is also found as an ASCII Appendix of Chapter D, Disc 1 found elsewhere in Professional Paper 1625-C.
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: ALLEGANY County MD, ALLEGHENY County PA, ARMSTRONG County PA, ATHENS County OH, Appalachians, All tags...
This shapefile contains a representation of the Canyon coal bed outcrop or clinker contact in the Decker coalfield, Powder River Basin, Montana. This area is part of the National Coal Assessment Rocky Mountain and Northern Great Plains Region.
This dataset (located by latitude and longitude) is a subset of the geochemical dataset found in Chap. F, Appendix 7, Disc 1, and used in this study of the Fire Clay coal zone. That dataset is a compilation of data from the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Coal Resources Data System (NCRDS) USCHEM (U.S. geoCHEMical), and the Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS) Kentucky Coal Resources Information System (KCRIS) databases. The metadata file for the complete dataset is found in Chap. F, Appendix 8, Disc 1 (please see it for more detailed information on this geochemical dataset). This subset of the geochemical data for the Fire Clay coal zone includes ash yield, sulfur content, SO2 value, gross calorific value,...
This dataset is a polygon coverage of the Fire Clay coal zone that represents the areas in which resources were calculated and is only part of the full outcrop of the coal zone. Parts of the boundaries of the resource areas represent the 14-inch thickness isoline of the Fre Clay coal or the sub-crop limits of data availability; other parts of the boundaries are actual outcrop. The file has been generalized from detailed geologic coverages found elsewhere in Professional Paper 1625-C. This resource model for the Fire Clay coal zone must be considered provisional, because the correlation of the zone continues to be evaluated in West Virginia.
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Appalachians, BELL County, BOONE County, BREATHITT County, CLAY County, All tags...
This ArcView shapefile contains a polygon representation of the Knobloch coal resource unit - main coal bed split. This theme was created specifically for the National Coal Resources Assessment in the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains Region.
This ArcView shapefile contains a polygon representation of numerous themes associated with the Wyodak-Anderson coal zone in the Sheridan coalfield. The purpose of this theme is to allow the user to perform multiple theme queries. This theme was created specifically for the National Coal Resource Assessment in the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains Region.
These are shapefiles and ARC/INFO coverages of coal fields and coal-bearing formations in the Colorado Plateau. These GIS layers were created by combining numerous ARC/INFO coverages created for the Colorado Plateau coal assessment. The coal field outlines are approximate boundaries based on criteria provided below under Data Quality Information, Process Steps. These coal field outlines may not overlap exactly with other published coal field boundaries or with criteria used in the geochemistry data. We used existing polygons taken from numerous digital geologic maps, as described in Process Steps, but did not use overburden cutoffs.
This ArcView shapefile contains a point representation of drill hole and outcrop data points in the coal resource assessment of the Rosebud-Robinson coal zone, Colstrip coalfield, Montana. This theme was created specifically for the National Coal Resources Assessment in the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains Region.

map background search result map search result map Boundary of the Deserado Coal Area (desbndg.shp) Canyon coal bed outcrop and clinker contact from 1999 National Coal Resource Assessment (dkcnocg.shp) Fire Clay Coal Zone Point Data (Chemistry) in Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia Fire Clay Coal Zone Resource Areas in Virginia, Kentucky, and West Virginia Knobloch coal resource unit - main coal bed split, 1999 National Coal Resource Assessment (knsplitg.shp) Faults in the Lower White River coal field, Colorado Plateau (lwrfltg) Pond Creek Coal Zone County Statistics (Chemistry) in Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia Powder River Basin boundary, 1999 Coal Resource Assessment (prbbndg.shp) U.S. Forest Service land in the Powder River Basin (prbfsg.shp) Faults in the Southern Piceance Basin, 2000 Colorado Plateau Coal Assessment (psfltg) Geology of the southern Piceance Basin, Colorado (psgeolg) Active & Inactive Mines in the Southern Piceance Basin (psmng) Public well points for Rosebud-Robinson coal zone, Colstrin Coalfield, Montana (rsptg.shp) Unioned layer of Sheridan coalfield, Wyodak-Anderson, Wyoming (shrfing.shp) San Juan Basin, CO and NM coal resources calculation area (sjbbndg) Isopachs of the interval between the top of the Huerfanito Bentonite Bed and the top of the Pictured Cliffs Sandstone, San Juan Basin (sjbhintg) Upper Freeport Coal Bed Point Data (Geology) in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and Maryland Anticlines and synclines of the Yampa Coal Field (yamclineg) Coal fields and outlines of coal-bearing strata in the Colorado Plateau coal assessment study area (cpcf*g) Overburden above the Hanna 77, 78, 79 and 81 coal zones, Hanna Basin, Wyoming (ha*ovbg) Boundary of the Deserado Coal Area (desbndg.shp) Overburden above the Hanna 77, 78, 79 and 81 coal zones, Hanna Basin, Wyoming (ha*ovbg) Unioned layer of Sheridan coalfield, Wyodak-Anderson, Wyoming (shrfing.shp) Public well points for Rosebud-Robinson coal zone, Colstrin Coalfield, Montana (rsptg.shp) Anticlines and synclines of the Yampa Coal Field (yamclineg) Canyon coal bed outcrop and clinker contact from 1999 National Coal Resource Assessment (dkcnocg.shp) Faults in the Lower White River coal field, Colorado Plateau (lwrfltg) Active & Inactive Mines in the Southern Piceance Basin (psmng) Faults in the Southern Piceance Basin, 2000 Colorado Plateau Coal Assessment (psfltg) Geology of the southern Piceance Basin, Colorado (psgeolg) San Juan Basin, CO and NM coal resources calculation area (sjbbndg) Isopachs of the interval between the top of the Huerfanito Bentonite Bed and the top of the Pictured Cliffs Sandstone, San Juan Basin (sjbhintg) Fire Clay Coal Zone Point Data (Chemistry) in Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia U.S. Forest Service land in the Powder River Basin (prbfsg.shp) Fire Clay Coal Zone Resource Areas in Virginia, Kentucky, and West Virginia Pond Creek Coal Zone County Statistics (Chemistry) in Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia Powder River Basin boundary, 1999 Coal Resource Assessment (prbbndg.shp) Upper Freeport Coal Bed Point Data (Geology) in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and Maryland Coal fields and outlines of coal-bearing strata in the Colorado Plateau coal assessment study area (cpcf*g)