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A previously published MODFLOW-NWT groundwater-flow model for the Rush Springs aquifer in western Oklahoma (using 1 steady state stress period followed by 444 monthly stress periods representing 1979-2015; Ellis, 2018a) was used as the basis of several groundwater-use scenarios. The model is a 3-layer model including the Cloud Chief formation (confining unit of the Rush Springs aquifer), alluvial and terrace deposits, and the Rush Springs aquifer. The scenarios were used to assess the effects of increasing groundwater withdrawals from the Rush Springs aquifer on base flows to streams that flow into Fort Cobb Reservoir to address concerns over groundwater use reducing inflows to the lake. The effects of groundwater...
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model, MODFLOW-OWHM, was developed to provide a better understanding of the hydrogeology of the Lucerne Valley Groundwater Basin, California. The model was used to investigate the historical groundwater storage loss and subsidence associated with anthropogenic groundwater demands. The model was calibrated to 1942 through 2016 conditions. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulation described in the associated model documentation report
In cooperation with the U.S. Navy, USGS developed and calibrated a numerical MODFLOW 6 model to simulate regional groundwater flow under selected conditions during 1999-2017 at and near the former Willow Grove Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base in Horsham, Montgomery County and the former Naval Air Warfare Center Warminster in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The model simulations provide information on regional groundwater-flow paths and groundwater/surface-water exchanges, in relation to changes in water supply pumping and recharge rates. Groundwater flow paths were simulated using MODPATH 7 from possible PFAS sources at the former bases under steady-state conditions for years 1999, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2017. This...
The Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) is one of the most important agricultural regions in the United States and underlies about 32,000 square miles of Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas. The MAP region supports a multibillion-dollar agricultural industry. The MAP is part of the Mississippi Embayment with several water-bearing units that make up the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer System (MERAS). These water bearing units include the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial aquifer, Claiborne aquifers and Wilcox aquifers. The Grand Prairie area has been designated as a Critical Groundwater Area because of decades of groundwater declines that resulted from past and current water use....
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District and Fort Bend Subsidence District, constructed a finite-difference numerical groundwater-flow model of the northern Gulf Coast aquifer region for 1897 through 2018 using MODFLOW 6 with the Newton formulation solver to simulate groundwater flow and land-surface subsidence. Model parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis were conducted with PEST++ Iterative Ensemble Smoother software. The simulated results are described in the associated U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1877. The model archive provided in this U.S. Geological Survey data release includes all the necessary files to run the MODFLOW 6 model and...
This groundwater model archive documents a transient, regional-scale numerical model of the Long Island aquifer system that simulates hydrologic conditions for the period 1900-2019 using U.S. Geological Survey’s groundwater modeling software MODFLOW 6 (Hughes and others, 2017). The development and calibration of the numerical model is documented in Walter and others (2024). The model input and output files included in this data release are documented in the readme.txt. The model simulates historical water levels, stream flows, and the position of the saltwater interface in response to time-varying changes in pumping and recharge stresses for the period 1900-2019. This archive also contains input and output files...
The Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) is one of the most important agricultural regions in the United States and underlies about 32,000 square miles of Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas. The MAP region supports a multibillion-dollar agricultural industry. The MAP is part of the Mississippi Embayment with several water-bearing units that make up the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer System (MERAS). These water bearing units include the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial aquifer, Claiborne aquifers and Wilcox aquifers. In northeastern Arkansas, the Cache area has been designated as a critical groundwater areas because of decades of groundwater declines that resulted from past and...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB), constructed a finite-difference numerical groundwater-flow model of the Boone and Roubidoux aquifers in northeastern Oklahoma by using MODFLOW-NWT (version 1.1.4) with the Newton formulation solver to simulate groundwater flow and account for the drying and rewetting of cells within the groundwater-flow model. The numerical groundwater-flow model was discretized into four layers consisting of 354 rows by 261 columns with a 2,000-feet by 2,000-feet cell size. The model layers were used to simulate the Western Interior Plains confining system, the Boone aquifer, the Ozark confining unit, and the Roubidoux aquifer. The...
This model archive contains the model files for the MERAS 3 and Mississippi Delta groundwater flow models documented in the U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5100. The MERAS 3 model provides a simplified representation of groundwater flow in the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer Study (MERAS) area for the period of 1900 through 2018, with the primary goal of providing boundary fluxes for inset models focused on local areas of interest. The Mississippi Delta model simulates groundwater flow in the Delta region of northwestern Mississippi from 1900 through 2018, using boundary fluxes from the MERAS 3 model. A scenario version of the Mississippi Delta model extends the simulation to...
A MODFLOW-NWT groundwater/surface-water model was developed to evaluate the responses of low-flow conditions and groundwater levels within the lower San Antonio River Basin, Texas, USA under conditions of reduced recharge and increased groundwater withdrawals. There was concern that decreased recharge and increased groundwater withdrawals may adversely affect streamflow and groundwater levels. History-matching was carried out for the historical conditions of 2006-2013 using highly parameterized inversion with PEST++ which produced a maximum a posteriori model parameter set which formed the central tendency of a posterior parameter ensemble using FOSM- based Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis. The ensembles were also...
This model archive provides the necessary documentation of the numerical models developed for the Central Sands Lake study in central Wisconsin and will be included as a technical appendix (Appendix C) in the report to the Wisconsin State Legislature by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) in response to 2017 Wisconsin Act 10. This legislation directed DNR to determine whether existing and potential groundwater withdrawals are causing or are likely to cause significant reduction of mean seasonal water levels at Pleasant Lake, Long Lake, and Plainfield Lake (s. 281.34(7m)(2)(b), Wis. Stats.) in Waushara County, Wisconsin. To evaluate the potential hydrologic connection between groundwater withdrawals...
The Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) is one of the most important agricultural regions in the United States and underlies about 32,000 square miles of Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas. The MAP region supports a multibillion-dollar agricultural industry. The MAP is part of the Mississippi Embayment with several water-bearing units that make up the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer System (MERAS). These water bearing units include the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial aquifer, Claiborne aquifers and Wilcox aquifers. Two areas in northeastern Arkansas, the Cache and Grand Prairie areas have been designated as critical groundwater areas because of decades of groundwater declines...
This model archive contains model files and a complete repeatable workflow for source water delineation for groundwater supply wells in the Neversink/Rondout Basins of New York. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the NYSDEC and NYSDOH, began an investigation in 2019 with the general objectives of (1) improving understanding of the regional groundwater flow system (2) delineating areas contributing recharge to eight priority production wells, and (3) quantifying the uncertainty of these contributing areas in a probabilistic way that can be used to inform decision-making related to priority well source water protection. To accomplish these objectives, a MODFLOW 6 groundwater model (version 6.2.1) was...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB), constructed a finite-difference numerical groundwater-flow model of the Washita River aquifer by using MODFLOW-2005 (Harbaugh, 2005) with the Newton formulation solver (MODFLOW-NWT). The 1973 Oklahoma Groundwater Law requires that the OWRB conduct hydrologic investigations of the State’s aquifers to determine the maximum annual yield (MAY) for each groundwater basin. The MAY is defined as the total amount of fresh groundwater that can be annually withdrawn while allowing a minimum 20-year life of that groundwater basin. For alluvium and terrace groundwater basins, the life requirement is satisfied if, after 20 years...
This model archive contains files for a set of groundwater flow, particle tracking, and management optimization models that simulate the area around the Navy-Northrop-Grumman contamination plume on Long Island, New York. These models were developed as in insets from the Long Island Regional “parent” Model, from which perimeter boundary conditions were inherited. In addition to input and output files for these models, this archive contains the modeling workflow python code and source data used to build the model. These materials have been included for repeatability and decision transparency.
Climate change and climate variability impacts such as rising sea levels have the potential to exacerbate seawater intrusion and the strain on coastal freshwater resources in already stressed groundwater basins such as those in the Pajaro Valley groundwater basin, California. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed the Pajaro Valley Hydrologic model (PVHM) to quantitatively assess aquifer-system responses to climatic variation, surface-water deliveries, and seawater intrusion.The PVHM historical model (1963-2018) was updated, extended, and re-calibrated using a combination of manual adjustments to parameters and an assisted parameter estimation PEST++ software (White et al., 2020) to minimize differences between...
A series of Jupyter notebooks documenting a self-guided, interactive curriculum for the PEST++ family of software codes for uncertainty analysis, parameter estimation, and management optimization. For a currently maintained version of these materials, please visit
A previously developed groundwater flow model ( was modified and used as the primary tool to assess groundwater availability in the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system which is an important source for municipal, industrial, agricultural, and domestic water supply needs across much of southern Missouri and northern Arkansas, and smaller areas of southeastern Kansas and northeastern Oklahoma. The new model was developed to access changes in simulated hydrologic budget components at the regional scale to quantify hydrologic changes across the Ozark system. The model benefits current and future investigations that involve groundwater-withdrawal scenarios, optimization, particle transport,...
A numerical model was developed using MODFLOW-NWT and FloPy to simulate groundwater flow and demonstrate a practical method for incorporating repeat microgravity observations (i.e., small changes in the acceleration due to Earth’s gravity) as a new type of calibration target for groundwater-flow models. The single-layer, 250-m cell size model was kept relatively simple to focus on the value of repeat microgravity data in the East Mesa area of the Imperial Valley, in the vicinity of the All American Canal, southeast California, USA. The method is demonstrated with repeat microgravity data collected over a 10-year period following the lining of the All American Canal with concrete. This lining of the canal resulted...
MODFLOW6 and SNTEMP models were developed to simulate groundwater flows and instream temperatures in Beaver Creek, Alaska from 2019-2023 using python scripts to create a reproducible workflow to process input datasets into model files. This data release contains the scripts used to build the SNTEMP and MODFLOW models, process model output to compare to field observations, and develop and run the PEST++ workflow for history matching. These workflows are described in the files in this archive and are used to implement the modeling decisions described in the associated report, "Simulating present and future Groundwater/Surface-water interactions and stream temperatures in Beaver Creek, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska".

map background search result map search result map MODFLOW models used to simulate groundwater flow in the Wisconsin Central Sands Study Area, 2012-2018 Groundwater Model Archive and Workflow for Neversink/Rondout Basin, New York, Source Water Delineation MODFLOW-NWT model used in simulation of groundwater availability in reaches 3 and 4 of the Washita River aquifer, southern Oklahoma, 1980–2017 (ver. 1.1, April 2024) MODFLOW-OWHM model used to simulate groundwater flow and evaluate storage in the Lucerne Valley Groundwater Basin, California Evaluating Seawater Intrusion Forecast Uncertainty under Climate Change in Pajaro Valley, California: Model Archive MODFLOW-NWT groundwater model demonstrating groundwater model calibration with repeat microgravity measurements MODFLOW-NWT model of groundwater flow in the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system, version 1.1 MODFLOW-NWT model for risk-based decision-support groundwater modeling for the lower San Antonio River Basin, Texas, USA MODFLOW 6 and MODPATH 7 model data sets used to evaluate groundwater flow in the vicinity of Horsham and Warminster, Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania-Preliminary simulations for conditions in 1999, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2017 MODFLOW 6 models for simulating groundwater flow in the Mississippi Embayment with a focus on the Mississippi Delta MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate groundwater withdrawal scenarios for the Rush Springs aquifer upgradient from the Fort Cobb Reservoir, western Oklahoma, 1979-2015, including streamflow, base flow, and precipitation statistics MODFLOW 6 models for simulating groundwater flow and a proposed remediation system in the sole-source aquifer system in southeastern Nassau County, New York MODFLOW 6 model and ensemble used in the simulation of groundwater flow and land subsidence in the northern part of the Gulf Coast aquifer, 1897-2018 (ver. 2.0, September 2023) Simulations of the groundwater-flow system in the Cache and Grand Prairie Critical Groundwater Areas, northeastern Arkansas Cache groundwater-flow model Grand Prairie groundwater-flow model MODFLOW-NWT model used for the simulation of groundwater flow and analysis of groundwater availability in the Boone and Roubidoux aquifers in northeastern Oklahoma, 1980-2017 MODFLOW 6 Model Used to Simulate Groundwater Flow in the Long Island, New York Regional Aquifer System for 1900–2019 Pumping and Recharge Conditions Groundwater flow and SNTEMP stream temperature model build and history matching workflows MODFLOW 6 models for simulating groundwater flow and a proposed remediation system in the sole-source aquifer system in southeastern Nassau County, New York Groundwater flow and SNTEMP stream temperature model build and history matching workflows MODFLOW 6 and MODPATH 7 model data sets used to evaluate groundwater flow in the vicinity of Horsham and Warminster, Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania-Preliminary simulations for conditions in 1999, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2017 Groundwater Model Archive and Workflow for Neversink/Rondout Basin, New York, Source Water Delineation MODFLOW-OWHM model used to simulate groundwater flow and evaluate storage in the Lucerne Valley Groundwater Basin, California Evaluating Seawater Intrusion Forecast Uncertainty under Climate Change in Pajaro Valley, California: Model Archive MODFLOW-NWT groundwater model demonstrating groundwater model calibration with repeat microgravity measurements Cache groundwater-flow model Grand Prairie groundwater-flow model MODFLOW models used to simulate groundwater flow in the Wisconsin Central Sands Study Area, 2012-2018 MODFLOW-NWT model used in simulation of groundwater availability in reaches 3 and 4 of the Washita River aquifer, southern Oklahoma, 1980–2017 (ver. 1.1, April 2024) MODFLOW 6 Model Used to Simulate Groundwater Flow in the Long Island, New York Regional Aquifer System for 1900–2019 Pumping and Recharge Conditions Simulations of the groundwater-flow system in the Cache and Grand Prairie Critical Groundwater Areas, northeastern Arkansas MODFLOW-NWT model used for the simulation of groundwater flow and analysis of groundwater availability in the Boone and Roubidoux aquifers in northeastern Oklahoma, 1980-2017 MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate groundwater withdrawal scenarios for the Rush Springs aquifer upgradient from the Fort Cobb Reservoir, western Oklahoma, 1979-2015, including streamflow, base flow, and precipitation statistics MODFLOW-NWT model for risk-based decision-support groundwater modeling for the lower San Antonio River Basin, Texas, USA MODFLOW 6 model and ensemble used in the simulation of groundwater flow and land subsidence in the northern part of the Gulf Coast aquifer, 1897-2018 (ver. 2.0, September 2023) MODFLOW-NWT model of groundwater flow in the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system, version 1.1 MODFLOW 6 models for simulating groundwater flow in the Mississippi Embayment with a focus on the Mississippi Delta