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The data document the results of several microbe bioassays performed by the USGS on Phragmites australis plants, including those performed on mature leaves, seedlings, and dead leaf tissues exploration of the literature to find accounts of microbes associated with Phragmites worldwide. For the bioassays, we prepared 162 pure cultures isolated from Phragmites plants in North America along the east coast, Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Great Lakes area, 125 of which were from a previous study, and 38 represent new collections. The DNA sequences used to identify the 37 new collections are included. Microbes were isolated from plants collected from 2015-2018. We performed assays using both North American plant...
This Benthic Invertebrate Community Analysis dataset, a conceptual subgroup of the Lake Erie Ecological Investigations (LEEI) dataset, focuses on the benthic invertebrates sampled at Areas of Concern (AOCs) on Lake Erie. Per the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), the invertebrate samples were taken from sediments remaining from the sediment analysis. Identification of the invertebrates was completed by the same invertebrate taxonomist for both the 1998-2000 evaluation and 1986-87 historical evaluation (Smith et al. 1994) for increased consistency. Oligochaetes were identified to species if possible, chironomids were identified to genus, as adult specimens are needed for specific identification, and other taxa...
This Sediment Analysis dataset, a conceptual subgroup of the Lake Erie Ecological Investigations (LEEI) dataset, focuses on the sediments sampled at Areas of Concern (AOCs) on Lake Erie. Per the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), sediment collections were a composite of at least five randomly selected samples collected from each site. Per an internal summary report, sediment samples were collected using a stainless steel Eckman dredge. Analytical methods and QA/QC were directed by the Patuxent Analytical Control Facility (PACF) of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Per Dora Passino-Reader, the Geochemical & Environmental Research Group at Texas A&M University, College Station performed the analytical chemistry...
The Lake Erie Ecological Investigations (LEEI) dataset, housed at the Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC) was developed during a reevaluation of Lake Erie Areas of Concern (AOCs) from 1998-2000. These AOCs were recognized as such by the International Joint Commission (IJC) of the United States and Canada due to their severe water pollution problems. The dataset includes data from both the 1998-2000 reevaluation as well as data from other historical evaluations from the 1980’s to mid-1990’s for comparison where available. Data Description: Rivers and harbors of the Great Lakes have been impacted for decades by heavy industrialization, densely populated areas, and agriculture resulting in contamination, eutrophication,...
This Fish Community Analysis dataset, a conceptual subgroup of the Lake Erie Ecological Investigations (LEEI) dataset, focuses on the fish communities sampled at Areas of Concern (AOCs) on Lake Erie. Per the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), fish were sampled for identification and measurement of length and weight. Identification of fish were done by the same biologists for both the 1998-2000 data and the 1986-87 historical data (Smith et al. 1994). Any fish difficult to identify were preserved in buffered formalin for later identification. If large numbers of a particular species were collected the first thirty fish were measured and weighed; remaining fish were individually measured and group weighed. All...
This dataset contains results of genetic screening for Poecivirus from samples of black-capped chickadees (BCCH; Poecile atricapillus) with and without clinical signs of avian keratin disorder (AKD). Data include information on detection/non-detection of the virus in tissue collected with buccal swabs, cloacal swabs, blood samples, and fecal samples from up to 124 individuals between 2015 and 2017 from various locations in southcentral Alaska. For an additional 17 symptomatic (and one asymptomatic) individual(s) collected between 2001 and 2015 in the same region, data include measurements of viral load in beak tissue measured by qRT-PCR as well as the amount of actively replicating virus detected by 7 negative-strand...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Alaska,
Animal diseases,
Avian keratin disorder,
These data comprise air, plant (creosote bush, Larrea tridentata), and unsaturated-zone tritium measurements and plant metrics collected during 2012 to 2016 from three sampling areas at the Amargosa Desert Research Site (ADRS) near Beatty, Nevada: (1) within a low-level radioactive waste facility, (2) buffer area adjacent to the waste facility, and (3) reference area 3 kilometers from the waste facility. Plant metrics include foliage-water content and canopy and stem dimensions. Supporting information includes a list of publications that provide descriptions of methods used to collect the data and results of previous tritium research at the ADRS. All data and supporting information are compiled in an electronic...
The Lake Erie Ecological Investigations (LEEI) dataset contains data collected on contaminants in sediments, benthic invertebrate populations, fish populations and abnormalities, and fish health of primarily brown bullhead in Areas of Concerns (AOCs) on Lake Erie. A subset of the larger dataset, this section specifically handles reference tables, used in database design in order to standardize often used values and to make the data file efficient, for the main tables of the LEEI dataset. The reference tables include: site.csv, site_date.csv, and species.csv.
This Fish Health Evaluation dataset, a conceptual subgroup of the Lake Erie Ecological Investigations (LEEI) dataset, focuses on the health of fish—primarily brown bullhead—sampled at Areas of Concern (AOCs) on Lake Erie, as measured by anomalies, tumors, biomarkers, and other heath indicators. The focus of the data in the Fish Health dataset is from the 1998-2000 study, which reevaluated fish health in comparison to data from various historical studies also in the dataset. All of the data from the 1998-2000 evaluation and the data used for comparison from historical studies are in the main FISH_HEALTH table; additional historical data, which presumably fell out of scope for comparison, is also in the OLDFISHDATA_NOTERIE...