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We present five hierarchical demarcations of greater sage-grouse population structure, representing the spatial structure of populations which can exist due to differences in dispersal abilities, landscape configurations, and mating behavior. These demarcations represent Thiessen polygons of graph constructs (least-cost path [LCP] minimum spanning trees [MST; LCP-MST]) representing greater sage-grouse population structure. Because the graphs included locational information of sage-grouse breeding sites, we have provided polygons of the population structure. We also present two results using graph analytics representing node/connectivity importance based on our population structure. Understanding wildlife population...
This ArcGIS Map Package contains information on brook trout occupancy in the southern portion of the brook trout range (PA and south). Fish sample data from a number of state and federal agencies/organizations were used to define patches for brook trout as groups of occupied contiguous catchment polygons from the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) catchment GIS layer. After defining patches, NHDPlusV1 catchments were assigned occupancy codes. Then state and federal agencies reviewed patches and codes to verify data accuracy. A similar effort is currently being conducted by the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture to develop occupancy data for the remainder of the brook trout range including states...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS Map Package,
ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Biological Data,
Direct habitat alteration,
FHP Product,
Springsnails of the genus Pyrgulopsis are the most diverse group of freshwater gastropods in North America and current estimates show that Pyrgulopsis contains ~120 different species, many of which are at risk of extinction. Some factors contributing to their exceptional diversity include poor dispersal ability and extreme habitat specificity based on water availability, chemistry and depth. Most taxa exhibit high degrees of endemism, with many species occurring only in a single spring or seep, making springsnails ideal for studies of speciation and population structure. Here I present data from a survey of genetic variation at the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I from 37 populations and over 1000 individuals...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Molecular Ecology,
These data were compiled to investigate the evolutionary history of Graham's beardtongue (Penstemon grahamii). Objective(s) of our study were to determine the evolutionary history of P. grahamii, including ancestral population sizes, the history of population divergences, and historical connectivity. In addition, we characterized population structure, genetic diversity summary statistics, and landscape factors influencing differentiation. These data represent anonymous loci sequenced from throughout the P. grahamii genome (specifically, .vcf and .structure files). Data in these files were manipulated to represent site frequency spectra between population pairs (.data files). These data were collected in 2019 from...
These data were compiled to investigate the evolutionary history of Hilaria jamesii, Hilaria mutica, and Hilaria rigida. The data release consists of two tab delimited text files that may be used to infer population structure (viva_structure.stru) or relationships among sampling localities (viva.phylip). Files record genetic variation on an individual (.stru) or sampling locality (.phylip) level. These files may be opened and edited in a text editor program, such as Notepad ++ (PC) or BBEdit (Mac). The .phylip file can be uploaded to phyML or SVDQuartets to generate a tree-based visualization of relationships ( or, repectively). The .stru file...
This data, grsg_lcp_ThiessenPoly_mst3, is one of five hierarchical delineations of greater sage-grouse population structure. The data represent Thiessen polygons of graph constructs (least-cost path minimum spanning tree [LCP-MST]) that defined our population structure of sage-grouse breeding sites in the western United States. This data was developed by applying dispersal and genetic rules to decompose the fully connected population structure (graph) into the product presented here. Understanding wildlife population structure and connectivity can help managers identify conservation strategies, as structure can facilitate the study of population changes and habitat connectivity can provide information on dispersal...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: California,
Centrocercus urophasianus,
Adult movement and natal dispersal data demonstrate that Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) are able to travel over long distances, suggesting a large functional population. However, these data are unable to determine whether these movements contribute to gene flow among adjacent breeding areas. We used eight microsatellite DNA loci and mitochondrial DNA control-region sequence data to assess population structure of Northern Goshawks breeding in Utah. Goshawks had moderate levels of genetic variation at microsatellite loci (observed heterozygosity = 50%), similar to levels found in other medium-sized, highly mobile birds. Overall estimates of interpopulation variance in microsatellite alleles (FST = 0.011) and...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Accipiter gentilis,
Cooper Ornithological Society,
Northern Goshawk,
The Condor,
gene flow,
The forest vegetation of the northern Colorado Front Range was studied using a combination of gradient analysis and classification methods. A graphical model of forest composition based on elevation and topographic-moisture gradients was constructed using 305 0.1 ha samples. To derive the topographic-moisture gradient, stands were stratified into eight 200 m elevation belts, and then ordinated by correspondence analysis using understory (<1 m) data. Each of the resultant gradients was scaled against a standard site moisture scalar derived from incident solar radiation and topographic position. Except for krummholz sites, the vegetation defined gradients fit the moisture scalar closely. Once scaled, these gradients...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Colorado Forest,
Rocky Mountain succession,
front range,
gradient analysis,
Closeness centrality (cc; grsg_lcp_closeness_centrality) measures the average length of the shortest path between the node and all other nodes in the graph. The more central a node, the closer it is to all other nodes and the more likely information/movements can flow to other nodes. Closeness is computed as one divided by the average path lengths from a node to its neighbors, which assumes that important nodes are close to other nodes. The data were defined from least-cost paths (LCPs) constructed into minimum spanning trees (MSTs). We identified a threshold of the cc normalized value (>0.047) where patterns of network connectivity occurred in our graph. The cc identified leks with the greatest number of shortest...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: California,
Centrocercus urophasianus,
The betweenness (bc; grsg_lcp_betweenness_centrality) defines the importance of a node in a graph based on how many times it occurs in the shortest path between all pairs of nodes. In other words, a node is important if it is included in many shortest paths between other nodes because it serves as a bridge between different parts of the graph. The data were defined from least-cost paths (LCPs) constructed into minimum spanning trees (MSTs). The bc identified major corridors spanning the sage-grouse range where nodes had a larger number of connections with other nodes, reflecting regions where leks potentially play larger roles of sage-grouse continuity based on graph theory analytics. We identified a threshold of...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Betweenness,
Centrocercus urophasianus,
This data, grsg_lcp_ThiessenPoly_mst4, is one of five hierarchical delineations of greater sage-grouse population structure. The data represent Thiessen polygons of graph constructs (least-cost path minimum spanning tree [LCP-MST]) that defined our population structure of sage-grouse breeding sites in the western United States. This data was developed by applying dispersal and genetic rules to decompose the fully connected population structure (graph) into the product presented here. Understanding wildlife population structure and connectivity can help managers identify conservation strategies, as structure can facilitate the study of population changes and habitat connectivity can provide information on dispersal...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: California,
Centrocercus urophasianus,
This geodatabase contains information on brook trout occupancy in the southern portion of the brook trout range (PA and south). Fish sample data from a number of state and federal agencies/organizations were used to define patches for brook trout as groups of occupied contiguous catchment polygons from the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) catchment GIS layer. After defining patches, NHDPlusV1 catchments were assigned occupancy codes. Then state and federal agencies reviewed patches and codes to verify data accuracy. A similar effort is currently being conducted by the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture to develop occupancy data for the remainder of the brook trout range including states of...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Biological Data,
FHP Product,
Habitat Characterization,
This dataset contains 212 samples from 8 Oenothera deltoides subsp. howellii occurrences, 3 occurrences of the unknown taxon- clade X, and 3 occurrences of related Oenothera deltoides subsp. cognata. Genomic markers were generated from ddRAD loci (Peterson and others, 2012) and analyzed using the Stacks v2.53 (Catchen and others, 2013) pipeline. The genotypes for all samples are provided in a VCF file with 2,693 independent loci and 15 percent missing data. A companion file is provided with sample names and occurrence designations. These files may be opened and edited in a text editor program, such as Notepad (PC) or BBEdit (Mac). The .vcf file can be loaded into the Stacks population program (Catchen and others,...
These data were compiled to investigate the demographic and phylogeographic of Carex specuicola. Objectives of our study were to understand the demographic and dispersal history of Carex specuicola across hanging gardens, the hybridization history between Carex specuicola and Carex utahensis, and the population structure of Carex specuicola across its distribution. The data release consists of three tab delimited text files that may be used to infer population structure and diversity (CASP.stru), relationships among sampling localities Carex.phylip), or genetic diversity statistics and demographic history (Carex.snps.vcf). These data represent genetic variation on an individual (.stru and .vcf) or sampling locality...
These data were compiled to investigate the evolutionary history of Astragalus iselyi, A. sabulosus var. sabulosus, and A. sabulosus var. vehiculus. The data release consists of six text files. One file is a bash script ( for generating simulated genetic data. Four files contain individual-level (astragalus.fasta, astragalus.nothin.recode.vcf, astragalus.recode.vcf) or population-level (astragalus_dadi.txt) information on genetic variation. One file contains sampling site-specific data for various soil and climatic variables (astragalus_env.txt). The .vcf files contain the full sequence information that is contained in the other files, but the file structures vary based on the programs used...
This data, grsg_lcp_ThiessenPoly_mst1, is one of five hierarchical delineations of greater sage-grouse population structure. The data represent Thiessen polygons of graph constructs (least-cost path minimum spanning tree [LCP-MST]) that defined our population structure of sage-grouse breeding sites in the western United States. This data was developed by applying dispersal and genetic rules to decompose the fully connected population structure (graph) into the product presented here. Understanding wildlife population structure and connectivity can help managers identify conservation strategies, as structure can facilitate the study of population changes and habitat connectivity can provide information on dispersal...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: California,
Centrocercus urophasianus,
Growth of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) was described for three widely spaced areas progressing downstream in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Wyoming-Utah. Significant differences among areas were detected only for age-1 fish. Growth in the reservoir was compared with that of populations in other lentic habitats of varying growing season lengths in North America; slow growth in the reservoir was related to the relatively short growing season (less than 90 days). Published in Western North American Naturalist, volume 53, issue 2, on pages 180 - 185, in 1993.
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Micropterus dolomieu,
Western North American Naturalist,
population structure,
These data are the data for age, skull size, body length, and lean mass for Gates of the Arctic, Lake Clark, Kodiak, and Katmai, Alaska, 2013-2016.
These data were compiled to investigate the demographic, phylogeographic, and adaptation history of Hilaria jamesii. The data release consists of three tab delimited text files that may be used to infer population structure or putative adaptive loci (hija_adaptation_dataset.stru), relationships among sampling localities (hija_phylogeny_dataset.phylip), or genetic diversity statistics (hija_diversity_stats.vcf). All files record genetic variation on an individual (.stru and .vcf) or sampling locality (.phylip) level. The .vcf file contains all of the information contained in the other files, but the file structures vary based on the programs used for analysis. These files may be opened and edited in a text editor...
This data, grsg_lcp_ThiessenPoly_mst2, is one of five hierarchical delineations of greater sage-grouse population structure. The data represent Thiessen polygons of graph constructs (least-cost path minimum spanning tree [LCP-MST]) that defined our population structure of sage-grouse breeding sites in the western United States. This data was developed by applying dispersal and genetic rules to decompose the fully connected population structure (graph) into the product presented here. Understanding wildlife population structure and connectivity can help managers identify conservation strategies, as structure can facilitate the study of population changes and habitat connectivity can provide information on dispersal...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: California,
Centrocercus urophasianus,