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This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides whole rock major, minor, and trace element geochemical data from the fluorine-rich Mount Emmons-Redwell porphyry molybdenum (Climax-type) deposit (Mt. Emmons-Redwell deposit), located approximately 5.6 km (3.5 mi) northwest of Crested Butte, Colorado. The Mt. Emmons-Redwell deposit partly underlies Redwell Basin on the northwest flank of Mount Emmons in the west-central region of the Colorado Mineral Belt. Mineralization of the Mt. Emmons-Redwell deposit occurs at depth as vein, veinlet, stockwork, and fracture-hosted Climax-type mineralization [308 Mt at 0.32% Mo (Galey, 1978; Guarnera and Anderson, 2007)], and is associated with the Mt. Emmons igneous complex....
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: <1GB, Climax-type deposit, Colorado, Colorado Mineral Belt, Crested Butte, All tags...
This data release presents geochemical analyses of silicate melt inclusions, host quartz phenocrysts, and biotite phenocrysts in samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from mid-Cenozoic rhyolitic rocks from northern Nevada. Igneous intrusions and volcanic rocks in this study encompass nineteen rhyolitic samples from five magmatic centers across northeastern Nevada. Rhyolites were emplaced throughout northeastern Nevada over about an 8 million year timespan (41–33 mega-annum) in a variety of eruptive styles and volumes, ranging from meter-wide dikes to caldera-forming ignimbrites, and were roughly contemporaneous with regional ore deposition. Samples were prepared for petrographic and scanning electron...
Categories: Data; Tags: Bald Mountain, Beast pit, Blue Star Mine, Caetano Caldera, Carico Lake Valley, All tags...

    map background search result map search result map Melt inclusion and mineral geochemical analyses supporting the evaluation of petrogenesis, degassing, and metallogenic potential of mid-Cenozoic rhyolite magmas in northern Nevada, USA Whole rock major, minor, and trace element geochemistry of the upper part of the Mount Emmons-Redwell porphyry molybdenum (Climax-type) deposit, Redwell Basin, Crested Butte, Colorado Whole rock major, minor, and trace element geochemistry of the upper part of the Mount Emmons-Redwell porphyry molybdenum (Climax-type) deposit, Redwell Basin, Crested Butte, Colorado Melt inclusion and mineral geochemical analyses supporting the evaluation of petrogenesis, degassing, and metallogenic potential of mid-Cenozoic rhyolite magmas in northern Nevada, USA