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This map represents a potential Conservation Target (CT) for PFLCC's 'Hardwood Forested Uplands' (HFU) Priority Resource (PR). The potential CT is Landscape Configuration. This layer was created for an initial investigation of potential CT's suggested at brainstorming workshops. The initial investigation entails locating available datasets to address the suggested CT as closely as possible and performing minimal analyses to determine their usefulness. The final set of CT's and their associated datasets will be chosen after targets (e.g., endpoints) are established as a threshold for achieving conservation success for that CT. The available data layer to address landscape configuration is CLIP 4.0 core data -- Landscape...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: conservation target,
hardwood forested uplands,
landscape configuration,
priority resource
This layer shows the results for initial analyses of the ' Connectivity' potential Conservation Target for the Freshwater Forested Wetlands Priority Resource (PR). Three datasets were used in this exploration of Connectivity: CLIP 4.0 Greenways, CLIP 4.0 Landscape Integrity, and the Local Connectedness layer, one of the core datasets in the Nature Conservancy's Resiliency Project. Each dataset provides a slightly different aspect of Connectivity. Each one of the potential data layers was masked using the PR raster to result in a spatial data layer of values within Freshwater Forested Wetlands. Further information on these analyses can be found in the Freshwater Forested Wetlands Initial Investigation of Conservation...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: connectivity,
freshwater forested wetlands,
priority resource
These data represent a potential Conservation Target for the Working Lands Priority Resource of the PFLCC. The potential Conservation Target is the connectivity of Working Lands. The Florida Greenways layer from CLIP 4.0 provides a context for Connectivity with natural habitats that provide connections between large natural areas in Florida. For additional metadata on CLIP 4.0, see the gallery of the same name in the Peninsular Florida LCC Community. The data set shown depicts the Greenways priorities within the Working Lands Priority Resource only. The Working Lands Priority Resource raster layer was used as a mask to extract the Greenways priority values for pattern analysis.
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Conservation Target,
Landscape Connectivity,
Priority Resource,
This data layer represents a potential Conservation Target (CT) for PFLCC's 'Hardwood Forested Uplands' Priority Resource (PR). The potential CT shown here is the protected/managed area. These layers were created for an initial investigation of potential CT's suggested at brainstorming workshops. The initial investigation entails locating available datasets to address the suggested CT as closely as possible and performing minimal analyses to determine their usefulness. The final set of CT's and their associated datasets will be chosen after targets (e.g., endpoints) are established as a threshold for achieving a conservation success for that CT. The data layer available for evaluating the area under management and/or...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: conservation target,
hardwood forested uplands,
priority resource,
protected area
This data layer represents a tested potential Conservation Target (CT) for PFLCC's Priority Resource (PR): Coastal Uplands. The suggested potential CT was Species Richness. Species Richness is one component of biodiversity, an important aspect of landscape conservation. Biodiversity is important for maintaining the balance of natural communities and ecosystems upon which humans also depend. Florida has a high level of species diversity and endemism but the state is experiencing threats to its natural heritage from a variety of sources. The data used in this analysis in addition to the Priority Resource layer is the Species Richness layer from the CLIP 4.0 geodatabase. The core layer of the geodatabase is from the...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: coastal uplands,
priority resource,
species richness
This datalayer shows the protected areas of PFLCC's Connectivity Priority Resource (PR). The Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) -- Florida Managed Lands (flma) GIS data layer (March, 2017) was used to assess the level of protection. The Priority Levels of the Connectivity PR are shown. For metadata on PFLCC's Connectivity Priority Resource, please see the map of the same name. FNAI - FLMA -- FLORIDA CONSERVATION LANDS (layer name FLMA): This is a polygon data layer for public (and some private) lands that the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) has identified as having natural resource value and that are being managed at least partially for conservation purposes. The term "Managed Area" refers to a managed...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Conservation Target,
Florida Managed Lands,
Florida Natural Areas Inventory,
Priority Resource,
This layer represents PFLCC's Priority Resource: High Pine and Scrub. Land covers included in the High Pine and Scrub Priority Resource are Coastal Scrub, Oak Scrub, Rosemary Scrub, Sand Pine Scrub, Sandhill, Scrub, Upland Coniferous, Upland Mixed Woodland, and Upland Pine. The land covers are then further refined using priorities 1 and 2 from CLIP 4.0 Aggregated Priorities model. The Aggregated Priorities model, which combines conservation priorities from the Biodiversity, Landscapes, and Surface Waters Resource Priority models, and the underlying CLIP Core Data layers. Priorities range from 1 (highest priority) to 5 (lowest). Florida Natural Areas Inventory and the University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: high pine and scrub,
priority resource
These layers represent a potential Conservation Target (CT) for PFLCC's Priority Resource: Freshwater Aquatics. The potential CT is Plant Diversity and is represented in these layers as the Lake Vegetation Index from FDEP. The Lake Vegetation Index assesses the plant community and composition of lake plants and degrades the index when invasive aquatic species or non-native vegetation is present. Only sampling points found within the Priority Resource are included in this map. An LVI below 43 is considered an impaired lake. This map was prepared as part of an initial investigation to find data available and usefulness as a Conservation Target for evaluating the status of the Priority Resource.
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Freshwater Aquatics,
Lake Vegetation Index,
Plant Diversity,
Priority Resource,
This map represents a potential Conservation Target (CT) for PFLCC's Pine Flatwoods and Dry Prairie' (PFDP) Priority Resource (PR). The potential CT is Protected Areas. These layers were created for an initial investigation of potential CT's suggested at brainstorming workshops. The initial investigation entails locating available datasets to address the suggested CT as closely as possible and performing minimal analyses to determine their usefulness. The final set of CT's and their associated datasets will be chosen after targets (e.g., endpoints) are established as a threshold for achieving conservation success for that CT. For a description of the priority resource layer, see the Pine Flatwoods and Dry Prairie...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Pine Flatwoods and Dry Prairie,
conservation target,
priority resource,
protected area
This shows the addition of Major Rivers and Streams from the NHD to the land covers.
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Freshwater Aquatics,
NHD Rivers and Streams,
Priority Resource
This map shows the land covers (based on CLC 3.2) that are included in PFLCC's Pine Flatwoods and Dry Prairie Priority Resource. The Pine Flatwoods and Dry Prairie Priority Resource is derived from the CLC v. 3.2. The land covers are then further refined using priorities 1 and 2 from CLIP 4.0 Aggregated Priorities model. The Aggregated Priorities model, which combines conservation priorities from the Biodiversity, Landscapes, and Surface Waters Resource Priority models, and the underlying CLIP Core Data layers. Priorities range from 1 (highest priority) to 5 (lowest). Florida Natural Areas Inventory and the University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation Planning. (See technical report at
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: hardwood forested uplands,
priority resource
These layers depict a potential Conservation Target for the PFLCC's Priority Resource: Freshwater Aquatics. The potential Conservation Target is Connectivity, with the metric being the Floodplain Connectivity. It was created by creating a 300-meter buffer around the Priority Resource and using it to mask, or extract, the Floodplain core layer from CLIP 4.0. It shows the priority of the surrounding floodplain, based on a FNAI model of floodplains created for the Florida Forever program. This map was created for the initial investigation of data sources and potential for usefulness for the potential Conservation Targets for evaluating the status of the Priority Resource.
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Aquatic Connectivity,
Freshwater Aquatic,
This map represents a potential Conservation Target (CT) for PFLCC's 'Pine Flatwoods and Dry Prairie' (PFDP) Priority Resource (PR). The potential CT is 'Open Pine Bird Index.'The birds included in this index are: Bachman's Sparrow, Northern Bobwhite, and Red-cockaded Woodpecker. These layers were created for an initial investigation of potential CT's suggested by stakeholders during brainstorming workshops. The initial investigation entails locating available datasets to address the suggested CT as closely as possible and performing minimal analyses to determine their usefulness. The final set of CT's and their associated datasets will be chosen after targets (e.g., endpoints) are established as a threshold for...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Bachman's Sparrow,
Bird Index,
Conservation Target,
Northern Bobwhite,
Open Pine,
These data represent a potential Conservation Target (CT) for PFLCC's Priority Resource (PR): Connectivity. Wide-ranging species are an important component for Connectivity in Florida. The data layer represents the predicted distributions of three wide-ranging species in Florida -- the Florida Black Bear, Florida Panther, and the Eastern Indigo Snake. PFLCC's Connectivity Priority Resource is based on the Florida Ecological Greenways Netword's Greenways layer -- Bear and Panther Connectivity are part of the consideration for the original layer. For metadata on PFLCC's Connectivity Priority Resource, please see the data layer of the same name in PFLCC's Connectivity Gallery. The predicted distribution for the Florida...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Connectivity,
Conservation Target,
Eastern Indigo Snake,
Florida Black Bear,
Florida Panther,
This data layer represents the priority rare species and habitats that lie with PFLCC's Connectivity Priority Resource. The analysis was performed with the Florida Natural Areas Inventory's (FNAI) Florida Habitat model that was designed to identify areas important for species habitat based on both species rarity and richness -- FNAI mapped occurrence-based potential habitat for 281 species of plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates, including aquatic species. The metadata for PFLCC's Connectivity Priority Resource can be found in the map of the same name. The FNAIHAB model was designed to identify areas important for species habitat based on both species rarity and species richness. FNAI mapped occurrence-based...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Connectivity,
Conservation Target,
This data layer represents a potential Conservation Target (CT) for PFLCC's Priority Resource (PR): High Pine and Scrub. The potential CT shown here is the Red-cockaded Woodpecker (RCWs). RCWs were once common throughout the southeastern coastal plain, but are now a federally endangered species -- largely because of loss of its preferred habitat -- the longleaf pine ecosystem. The High Pine and Scrub PR is an important component of RCW recovery, and presence of this woodpecker may indicate a healthy high pine community. This layer was created for an initial investigation of potential CTs suggested by stakeholders during brainstorming workshops. The initial investigation entails locating available datasets to address...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: conservation target,
high pine and scrub,
priority resource,
red-cockaded woodpeckers
This map represents a potential Conservation Target (CT) for PFLCC's 'Pine Flatwoods and Dry Prairie' (PFDP) Priority Resource (PR). The potential CT is Landscape Configuration. . This layer was created for an initial investigation of potential CT's suggested at brainstorming workshops. The initial investigation entails locating available datasets to address the suggested CT as closely as possible and performing minimal analyses to determine their usefulness. The final set of CT's and their associated datasets will be chosen after targets (e.g., endpoints) are established as a threshold for achieving a conservation success for that CT. The available data layer to address landscape configuration is CLIP 4.0 core...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: PFLCC,
conservation target,
landscape integrity,
pine flatwoods and dry prairie,
These data represent a potential Conservation Target for the Working Lands Priority Resource of the PFLCC. The potential Conservation Target for Working Lands is Configuration or Landscape Integrity. Two data sets are included that address different aspects of configuration for our Priority Resources. The CLIP 4.0 Landscape Integrity Priority layer provides a measure of Landscape Integrity at the largest scale, putting the integrity of Working Lands within context of the overall landscape integrity of the natural habitats of the region. For additional metadata on The CLIP 4.0 data see the CLIP 4.0 data gallery located within the PFLCC Community. The Nature Conservancy also evaluated landscape integrity at...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Conservation Targets,
Landscape Configuration,
Priority Resource,
Working Lands
These data represent a potential Conservation Target for the Working Lands Priority Resource for the PFLCC. The potential Conservation Target shown is Wildlife Compatibility within Working Lands. Available data that address this aspect of Working Lands are the Vertebrate Species Richness produced by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) and available from their website as part of the CLIP 4.0 geodatabase.
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Conservation Targets,
Priority Resource,
Species Richness,
Wildlife Compatibility,
These data represent the Working Lands Priority Resource (PR) for the PFLCC. Working Lands were delineated by extracting forestry and agriculture related land covers from the Cooperative Land Cover v. 3.2 (December 2016) and then refined using CLIP 4.0 Aggregated Model. The Critical Lands and Waters Identification Project (CLIP) is a collection of spatial data that identify statewide priorities for a broad range of natural resources in Florida. For additional information and metadata regarding the CLIP project see the Critical Lands and Waters Identification Project gallery found on the PFLCC’s Conservation Planning Atlas website ( Working...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: PFLCC,
Priority Resource,
Working Lands