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Support for a growth in nuclear power has been seen in China and the United States. Obstacles to further growth include cost, concerns about links to proliferation of nuclear weapons, public attitudes, how to handle nuclear waste, and workforce shortages. More than 20 countries are considering building nuclear power plants. Among new designs being considered are pebble-bed reactors and small reactors. Continued growth will require addressing the obstacles and continued safe operation of plants worldwide.
This study utilizes the Johansen cointegration technique, the Granger non-causality test of Toda and Yamamoto (1995), the generalized impulse response function, and the generalized forecast error variance decomposition to examine the dynamic interrelationship among nuclear energy consumption, real oil price, oil consumption, and real income in six highly industrialized countries for the period 1965–2008. Our empirical results indicate that the relationships between nuclear energy consumption and oil are as substitutes in the U.S. and Canada, while they are complementary in France, Japan, and the U.K. Second, the long-run income elasticity of nuclear energy is larger than one, indicating that nuclear energy is a...
Community energy initiatives offer a potentially important means for reshaping the electrical system in a manner compatible with emissions reduction goals. Many such initiatives, however, focus upon top-down, institutionally structured approaches that understand community residents as atomistic, economically motivated, and minimally engaged. This paper examines a number of case studies that are based upon a bottom-up approach rooted in a civic culture that seeks to maximize the capacities of an active and engaged citizenry. The paper focuses upon two mutually dependent issues: first, recruiting community members, and second, sustaining their participation.
Support for a growth in nuclear power has been seen in China and the United States. Obstacles to further growth include cost, concerns about links to proliferation of nuclear weapons, public attitudes, how to handle nuclear waste, and workforce shortages. More than 20 countries are considering building nuclear power plants. Among new designs being considered are pebble-bed reactors and small reactors. Continued growth will require addressing the obstacles and continued safe operation of plants worldwide.
State and federal mining claims and prospects in the YKL study area. Sites of high placer mine potential based on historic placer mine sites and current mining claims. These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. These data may not have the accuracy, resolution, completeness, timeliness, or other characteristics appropriate for applications that potential users of the data may contemplate. The User is encouraged to carefully consider the content of the metadata file associated with these...
Community energy initiatives offer a potentially important means for reshaping the electrical system in a manner compatible with emissions reduction goals. Many such initiatives, however, focus upon top-down, institutionally structured approaches that understand community residents as atomistic, economically motivated, and minimally engaged. This paper examines a number of case studies that are based upon a bottom-up approach rooted in a civic culture that seeks to maximize the capacities of an active and engaged citizenry. The paper focuses upon two mutually dependent issues: first, recruiting community members, and second, sustaining their participation.
This dataset was developed for the BLM Rapid Ecoregional Assessment for the Central Yukon and contains a database of descriptions of historic (inactive and closed) mines based on the Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF).
This data contains current and active placer mining activity and permits density by HUC10 units. It includes mining methods of suction dredging, placer mining and hardrock exploration permits, along with active mines from the Alaska Resource Data File.
Community energy initiatives offer a potentially important means for reshaping the electrical system in a manner compatible with emissions reduction goals. Many such initiatives, however, focus upon top-down, institutionally structured approaches that understand community residents as atomistic, economically motivated, and minimally engaged. This paper examines a number of case studies that are based upon a bottom-up approach rooted in a civic culture that seeks to maximize the capacities of an active and engaged citizenry. The paper focuses upon two mutually dependent issues: first, recruiting community members, and second, sustaining their participation.
This is an edited version of a paper presented to the London and Southern Gas Association in February 1983. It sets out a central view of future UK energy and contrasts the small changes which are foreseen with the radical developments of the last 10 years. It therefore asks how wrong the central view could be, and sketches out some alternative fantasies of what might happen -- extensive conservation and energy surplus; complacency and energy crisis; more work from home and possible decentralization of energy supplies. Finally, it describes some of the applications within the gas industry of long-term views about energy.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation; Tags: Energy, Prospects, UK
This data contains historic (pre-2009) mining activity and permits density by HUC10 units. It includes mining methods of closed mining permits from ADNR, inactive mines from the Alaska Resource Data File, historic coal mines, and abandoned mine lands.
Federal and state mining claims and state prospects. Hard rock mines, placer mines, prospects, and mineral occurrences from the Alaska Resource Data File. Mineral resource deposits for six resources in the northern Central Yukon Planning Area. Medium Development Scenario (2040) human footprint with potential future additions shown in red. High Development Scenario (2040) human footprint with potential future additions shown in red. Federally protected areas as national parks, preserves, reserves, refuges, and wild and scenic rivers. Subsistence use areas for 6 resources: caribou, moose, furbearers, fish, wildfowl and vegetation. Known contaminated sites by location and contiminant type. These data are provided by...
Community energy initiatives offer a potentially important means for reshaping the electrical system in a manner compatible with emissions reduction goals. Many such initiatives, however, focus upon top-down, institutionally structured approaches that understand community residents as atomistic, economically motivated, and minimally engaged. This paper examines a number of case studies that are based upon a bottom-up approach rooted in a civic culture that seeks to maximize the capacities of an active and engaged citizenry. The paper focuses upon two mutually dependent issues: first, recruiting community members, and second, sustaining their participation.
Support for a growth in nuclear power has been seen in China and the United States. Obstacles to further growth include cost, concerns about links to proliferation of nuclear weapons, public attitudes, how to handle nuclear waste, and workforce shortages. More than 20 countries are considering building nuclear power plants. Among new designs being considered are pebble-bed reactors and small reactors. Continued growth will require addressing the obstacles and continued safe operation of plants worldwide.
This paper uses the Jobs and Economic Development Impacts (JEDI) model to estimate economic impacts from 1398 MW of wind power development in four counties in west Texas. Project-specific impacts are estimated at the local level (i.e., within a 100-mile radius around the wind farms) and at the state level. The primary economic policy question addressed is how investment in wind energy affects the state and local communities where the wind farms are built. During the four-year construction phase approximately 4100 FTE (full time equivalents) jobs were supported with turbine and supply chain impacts accounting for 58% of all jobs generated. Total lifetime economic activity to the state from the projects equated to...

map background search result map search result map BLM REA CYR 2013 Placer Mine Density BLM REA CYR 2013 Locations of Active Mines in Central Yukon BLM REA CYR 2013 Locations of Historic Mines in Central Yukon BLM REA CYR 2013 Historic Mine Density BLM REA YKL 2011 YKL DV H Alaska ARDFDataset ISER BLM REA YKL 2011 Alaska Resource Data File BLM REA SNK 2010 Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF) - mines BLM REA YKL 2011 Mining Claims and Prospects and Future Placer Mining Potential BLM REA NOS 2012 Anthropogenic Change Agents Figures E13 to E27 Random core keywords record 23 Random core keywords record 23 BLM REA YKL 2011 YKL DV H Alaska ARDFDataset ISER BLM REA SNK 2010 Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF) - mines BLM REA CYR 2013 Placer Mine Density BLM REA CYR 2013 Locations of Active Mines in Central Yukon BLM REA CYR 2013 Locations of Historic Mines in Central Yukon BLM REA CYR 2013 Historic Mine Density BLM REA YKL 2011 Mining Claims and Prospects and Future Placer Mining Potential BLM REA NOS 2012 Anthropogenic Change Agents Figures E13 to E27 BLM REA YKL 2011 Alaska Resource Data File