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Introduction High nitrate concentrations are a common concern among many purveyors, including the Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA), the largest supplier of water to residents in Suffolk County. Typically, the amount of nitrate in groundwater is related to land use, where the greatest concentrations are observed in agricultural regions. In many areas, the nitrate concentration has increased steadily in recent years, even in areas that are no longer farmed and are now sewered. A statistical analysis for trends of over 20 years in nitrate concentration data from SCWA wells is needed to determine the susceptibility of supply-wells to exceed the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrate. This information is essential...
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Contaminants, Natural,
Contaminants, Natural,
Contaminants, natural,
Cooperative Water Program,
GW Model, All tags...
GW Model,
GW model,
GW or SW,
GW or SW,
GW or SW,
Groundwater Monitoring,
Groundwater Monitoring,
Groundwater Monitoring,
Groundwater Recharge,
Groundwater Recharge,
Groundwater and Streamflow Information,
Groundwater and Streamflow Information,
Groundwater recharge,
Groundwater-Flow Modeling,
Groundwater-Flow Modeling,
Groundwater-Flow Modeling,
New York,
Suffolk County,
Surface-Water Monitoring,
Surface-Water Monitoring,
Surface-Water Monitoring,
USGS New York Water Science Center,
Water Quality,
Water Quality,
Water Use and Availability Science,
Water Use and Availability Science,
Water quality,
public water-supply wells, nitrate, Fewer tags