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ShakeMap is a product of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program in conjunction with the regional seismic networks. ShakeMaps provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity following significant earthquakes. These maps are used by federal, state, and local organizations, both public and private, for post-earthquake response and recovery, public and scientific information, as well as for preparedness exercises and disaster planning.
Types: Citation;
Tags: ANSS,
Advanced National Seismic System,
Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog,
The NEIC global earthquake bulletin is called the Preliminary Determination of Epicenters or PDE, and is one of many discrete products in the ANSS Comprehensive Catalog (ComCat). We use the word "Preliminary" for our final bulletin because the Bulletin of the International Seismological Centre is considered to be the final global archive of parametric earthquake data, in other words phase arrival (“pick”) times and amplitudes.
Types: Citation;
Tags: ANSS,
Advanced National Seismic System,
Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog,
The data from the borehole strainmeter network set consists of raw data from the telemetry, state of health measurements, environmental measurement of temperature and pressure, and processed borehole strainmeter data. For each strainmeter site in this network, there will be a mix of raw data, SOH, environmental data, and processed strain. Each channel of data consists of a time of observation, usually 10-minute intervals, and a number that is either telemetry counts (which is proportional to the voltage output by the instrument), or in units of strain, which are either in part per million or parts per billion. Processed strain will be free of glitches and other artifacts and are corrected for changes in atmospheric...
A Finite Fault is a modeled representation of the spatial extent, amplitude and duration of fault rupture (slip) of an earthquake, and is generated via the inversion of teleseismic body waveforms and long period surface waves. It may indicate that a location of major fault-slip and source of seismic energy has occurred at a significant distance from the earthquake epicenter, which is the location on the fault where the earthquake rupture nucleated. For many earthquakes, the preferred model represents the distribution of slip on one of the two alternative fault-planes that are implied by the earthquake moment-tensor. For some earthquakes, the seismographic data are fit equally well by models involving slip on either...
Types: Citation;
Tags: ANSS,
Advanced National Seismic System,
Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog,
The DYFI system collects observations from people who felt an earthquake and then maps out the extent of shaking and damage they reported. The ComCat online Search interface allows users to select query criteria that return events with DYFI data and products.
Types: Citation;
Tags: ANSS,
Advanced National Seismic System,
Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog,
The ANSS Comprehensive Catalog (ComCat) contains earthquake source parameters and other products produced by contributing seismic networks. Important digital catalogs of earthquake source parameters (e.g. Centennial Catalog, Global Centroid Moment Tensor Catalog) are loaded into ComCat. New and updated data are added to the catalog dynamically as sources publish or update products. Access to the ComCat is via the online search page, on which a user can select a wide variety of criteria to locate earthquake events of interest. Source Parameters: -amplitude - hypocenter - magnitude - phase data - finite fault - focal mechanism - moment tensor - tectonic summary - regional information Products: - Did You Feel It? -...
Types: Citation;
Tags: ANSS,
Advanced National Seismic System,
Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog,
A revised version of the storm-time disturbance index Dst is calculated using hourly-mean magnetic-observatory data from four standard observatories and collected over the years 1958–2007. The calculation algorithm is a revision of that established by Sugiura et al., and which is now used by the Kyoto World Data Center for routine production of Dst. The most important new development is for the removal of solar-quiet variation. This is done through time and frequency-domain band-stop filtering – selectively removing specific Fourier terms approximating stationary periodic variation driven by the Earth’s rotation, the Moon’s orbit, the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, and their mutual coupling. The resulting non-stationary...
The ANSS Backbone Network is based on the core of the original US National Seismic Network. In partnership with the National Science Foundation, the USGS worked with the Earthscope program (through the USArray project and IRIS) in 2004-2006 to upgrade and install new backbone stations. This effort was completed in September 2006, with 15 new stations installed and 20 existing stations upgraded. Today, the ANSS Backbone consists of nearly 100 stations in the United States, many of them contributed by partner networks and organizations.
PAGER (Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response) is an automated system that estimates the impact of significant earthquakes around the world, informing emergency responders, government and aid agencies, and the media of the scope of the potential disaster. PAGER rapidly assesses earthquake impacts by comparing the population exposed to each estimated shaking intensity level with models of economic and fatality losses based on past earthquakes in each country or region of the world. PAGER sends out alerts based on the estimated range of fatalities and economic losses.
Types: Citation;
Tags: ANSS,
Advanced National Seismic System,
Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog,
Problem Previous hydrologic studies have indicated that there may be sufficient water resources underlying Queens, Kings, Richmond, New York, and Bronx Counties for use as a supplemental water supply in times of drought or other emergency. An extensive ground-water and surface-water monitoring program is necessary to provide a comprehensive hydrologic data set for use in ongoing and future ground-water investigations. Objective The project will provide a continuous hydrologic data set needed for resource assessment, planning, and protection. To meet this objective the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, maintains and operates a network of approximately...
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Climate Impacts,
Climate Impacts,
Climate impacts,
Contaminants, Emerging,
Contaminants, Emerging,
Movie-maps of low-latitude horizontal-intensity magnetic disturbance are derived from magnetic vector time series data collected at multiple ground-based observatories. Using a technique similar to that used in the calculation of Dst, a quiet time baseline is subtracted from the time series from each observatory. The remaining disturbance time series are shown in a polar coordinate system that accommodates both Earth rotation and the universal time dependence of magnetospheric disturbance. Each magnetic storm recorded in the movie-maps is different. While some standard interpretations about the storm time equatorial ring current appear to apply to certain moments and certain phases of some storms, the movie-maps...
The Global Seismographic Network (GSN) is a permanent digital network of state-of-the-art seismological and geophysical sensors connected by a telecommunications network, serving as a multi-use scientific facility and societal resource for monitoring, research, and education. Formed in partnership among the USGS, the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS), the GSN provides near-uniform, worldwide monitoring of the Earth, with over 150 modern seismic stations distributed globally. This entry focuses exclusively on the GSN stations are operated by the USGS Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory (USGS GSN). It does not include any stations operated by the IDA...
Types: Citation;
Tags: ASL,
Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory,
Earthquake Hazards Program,