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Complete daily water budget information was assembled for a 105 km segment of the South Platte River in the plains region below Denver, CO, for the period 1983?1993. The data were used in testing the possibility that dependence of alluvial exchange mechanisms on stage height, as shown by models of alluvial exchange, allows alluvial exchange to be predicted continuously over a given reach through use of statistical information on river discharge. The study segment was divided into an upper and a lower reach; daily alluvial exchanges for each reach were estimated by the method of residuals. The two reaches show small (15%) but statistically significant annual differences in rates of exchange. For each reach, there...
A Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model was developed to estimate annual recharge and evapotranspiration (ET) for Fauquier County, Virginia, for the period 1996 through 2015. The model was developed as part of a study to assess groundwater availability in the fractured-rock aquifers underlying Fauquier County. The model is documented in the associated report, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5056. The model was calibrated by comparing annual base-flow estimates from the hydrograph separation technique PART to annual recharge estimates from the SWB model for available years of streamflow record at two sites (01643700 and 01656000) within the model area. Selected SWB model parameters were...
This shapefile represents the spatial distribution of mean annual water-budget components, in inches, for the Island of Maui, Hawaii for a projected climate condition representative of phase 3 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3) A1B 2080-99 scenario climate and 2017 land cover, as described in USGS SIR 2019-5064. The water-budget components for each model subarea were computed for the future climate condition using a water-budget model developed by Johnson and others (2018). The 2017 land-cover map developed by Mair (2018) was used to define the land-cover conditions and the model subareas. The shapefile attribute information associated with each subarea (or polygon) present an estimate of mean...
These shapefiles represent the spatial distribution of mean annual water-budget components, in inches, for the Island of Maui, Hawaii for a set of eight future climate and land-cover scenarios. The future climate conditions used in the water-budget analyses were derived from two end-of-century downscaled climate projections including (1) a projected future climate condition representative of phase 3 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3) A1B 2080-99 scenario climate described in Zhang and others (2016a, 2016b) and (2) a projected future climate condition representative of phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) 2080-99 scenario...
A digital representation of closed depression features overlying and adjacent to New York’s carbonate-bedrock aquifers. Includes closed depressions that are both natural and anthropogenic in origin. The features were derived from a digital contour database obtained from The original contour dataset was generated from the National Elevation Dataset (NED) and the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) in a fully automated process. The process is described in U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5167.
A soil-water balance model (SWB) was developed to estimate potential recharge and irrigation water demand from the groundwater flow system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina for the period 1895 through 2010. This SWB model executable code detailed in the report SWB—A Modified Thornthwaite-Mather Soil-Water-Balance Code for Estimating Groundwater Recharge; Chapter 31 of Section A, Groundwater, of Book 6, Modeling Techniques By S.M. Westenbroek, V.A. Kelson,W.R. Dripps,R.J. Hunt, and K.R. Bradbury ( The SWB model was not calibrated; however, various water budget components from the model output compared reasonably well with other estimates including irrigation...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. This data set consists of digital polygons of constant recharge rates for the High Plains aquifer in Oklahoma. This area encompasses the panhandle counties of Cimarron, Texas, and Beaver, and the western counties of Harper, Ellis, Woodward, Dewey, and Roger Mills. The High Plains aquifer underlies approximately 7,000 square miles of Oklahoma and is used extensively for irrigation. The High Plains aquifer is a water-table aquifer...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. This data set consists of digitized polygons of constant recharge values for the Rush Springs aquifer in western Oklahoma. This area encompasses all or part of Blaine, Caddo, Canadian, Comanche, Custer, Dewey, Grady, Stephens, and Washita Counties. For the purposes of modeling the ground-water flow in the Rush Springs aquifer, Mark F. Becker (U.S. Geological Survey, written commun., 1997) defined the Rush Springs aquifer to include...
Drainages are important features of semiarid landscapes because they are areas where surface water, groundwater, and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems converge. Management of these critical ecohydrological systems requires a sound understanding of surface water?groundwater interactions. At the basin- to landscape-scale, drainage density, location, and channel characteristics are formed upon a geomorphic and geologic template that limit where and how surface water?groundwater interactions occur. At smaller scales, semiarid surface water?groundwater interactions exhibit a high degree of temporal and spatial variability that links directly to biogeochemical characteristics and ecosystem dynamics. In this paper, we...
In 2004, a hydrologic water-budget analysis was conducted and the results published in the report, Water-Budget Analysis of Medina and Diversion Lakes and the Medina/Diversion Lake System, With Estimated Recharge to the Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio Area, Texas (SIR 2004-5209)(Slattery and Miller, 2004). This data release contains the hydrologic water-budget data used in a reanalysis of the data as well as the results of the reanalysis. The hydrologic water-budget data used was derived from selected columns of data found in table 5 of the report. The columns of selected data include the time period in which the data were collected, the number of days used to obtain the average groundwater outflow, the standard deviation...
The shapefiles in this dataset represent the spatial distribution of mean annual water-budget components, in inches, for Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Molokaʻi, Lānaʻi, Maui, and the Island of Hawaiʻi, for a set of recent and future climate conditions, and 2020 land cover. The four main climate scenarios used in the water-budget analyses include a reference climate scenario representative of recent conditions during 1978–2007, hereinafter the 1978–2007 scenario, and three downscaled future-climate projections that span a range of future-climate conditions for each island. The three future-climate projections include (1) a mid-century scenario using projected rainfall conditions representative of phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison...
This shapefile represents the spatial distribution of mean annual water-budget components, in inches, for the Island of Maui, Hawaii. The water-budget components in the shapefile were computed by a water-budget model for a scenario representative of average climate conditions (1978–2007 rainfall) and 2010 land cover, as described in USGS SIR 2014-5168. The model was developed for estimating groundwater recharge and other water-budget components for each subarea of the model. The model subareas were generated using Esri ArcGIS software by intersecting (merging) multiple spatial data sets that characterize the spatial distribution of rainfall, fog interception, irrigation, reference evapotranspiration, direct runoff,...
This shapefile represents the spatial distribution of mean annual water-budget components, in inches, for the Island of Maui, Hawaii for a projected climate condition representative of phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) 2071-99 scenario rainfall and 2017 land cover, as described in USGS SIR 2019-5064. The water-budget components for each model subarea were computed for the future climate condition using a water-budget model developed by Johnson and others (2018). The 2017 land-cover map developed by Mair (2018) was used to define the land-cover conditions and the model subareas. The shapefile attribute information associated with each subarea...
Problem The discharge of freshwater and associated loading of nutrients and other dissolved constituents from the Long Island aquifer system to surrounding estuaries and their tributaries are increasingly recognized as critical factors in the health of these ecosystems. However, further work is needed to scientifically characterize these factors and present them to the public in an appropriate manner. Many organizations have undertaken assessments of this discharge and loading for discrete groundwater source areas and (or) receiving surface waters, applying a variety of techniques and assumptions. In part, this is because there is no delineation of recharge areas to the island’s groundwater-fed streams and estuaries...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Basin & Hydrogeologic Characterization, Basin & Hydrogeologic Characterization, Climate Change, Climate Research and Development, ClimateChange, All tags...
The data within this data release presents information used to characterize the groundwater-flow system and the development of a groundwater-flow model in the active model area. Conceptual and numerical models of groundwater flow were developed by the U.S. Geological Survey Washington Water Science Center, in close cooperation with 18 water-resource agencies and stakeholders, to assess the potential hydrologic and anthropogenic impacts to groundwater and the connected surface-water resources.
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. This data set consists of digitized polygons of constant recharge values for the Elk City aquifer in western Oklahoma. The aquifer covers an area of approximately 193,000 acres and supplies ground water for irrigation, domestic, and industrial purposes in Beckham, Custer, Roger Mills, and Washita Counties along the divide between the Washita and Red River basins. The Elk City aquifer consists of the Elk City Sandstone and overlying...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. This data set consists of digital polygons of a constant recharge rate for the alluvial and terrace deposits along the Cimarron River from Freedom to Guthrie in northwestern Oklahoma. Ground water in 1,305 square miles of Quaternary-age alluvial and terrace deposits along the the Cimarron River from Freedom to Guthrie is an important source of water for irrigation, industrial, municipal, stock, and domestic supplies. Alluvial and...
Summary Regional ground-water recharge estimates for Minnesota were compared to estimates made on the basis of four local- and basin-scale methods. Three local-scale methods (unsaturated-zone water balance, water-table fluctuations (WTF) using three approaches, and age dating of ground water) yielded point estimates of recharge that represent spatial scales from about 1 to about 1000 m2. A fourth method (RORA, a basin-scale analysis of streamflow records using a recession-curve-displacement technique) yielded recharge estimates at a scale of 10–1000s of km2. The RORA basin-scale recharge estimates were regionalized to estimate recharge for the entire State of Minnesota on the basis of a regional regression recharge...
Drainages are important features of semiarid landscapes because they are areas where surface water, groundwater, and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems converge. Management of these critical ecohydrological systems requires a sound understanding of surface water?groundwater interactions. At the basin- to landscape-scale, drainage density, location, and channel characteristics are formed upon a geomorphic and geologic template that limit where and how surface water?groundwater interactions occur. At smaller scales, semiarid surface water?groundwater interactions exhibit a high degree of temporal and spatial variability that links directly to biogeochemical characteristics and ecosystem dynamics. In this paper, we...

map background search result map search result map Analysis of groundwater exchange for a large plains river in Colorado (USA) Comprehensive Delineation of Groundwater Source Areas and Times-of-travel to Long Island Streams and Estuaries Reanalysis of the Medina/Diversion Lake System Water-Budget, with Estimated Recharge to Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio Area, Texas Mean annual water-budget components for the Island of Maui, Hawaii, for average climate conditions, 1978-2007 rainfall and 2010 land cover (version 2.0) Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model data sets for Fauquier County, Virginia, 1996 - 2015 Digital Contour Database of Closed Depressions Mean annual water-budget components for the Island of Maui, Hawaii, for projected climate conditions, CMIP3 A1B 2080-99 scenario climate and 2017 land cover Mean annual water-budget components for the Island of Maui, Hawaii, for projected climate conditions, CMIP5 RCP8.5 2071-99 scenario rainfall and 2017 land cover Mean annual water-budget components for the Island of Maui, Hawaii, for a set of eight future climate and land-cover scenarios Stable isotopic ratios of hydrogen and oxygen in groundwater and calculated fraction of recharge from winter precipitation, South Rim Grand Canyon, Arizona Soil-Water Balance model datasets used to estimate groundwater recharge in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, 1895-2010 Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the Cimarron River from Freedom to Guthrie in northwestern Oklahoma Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Elk City aquifer in western Oklahoma Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the High Plains aquifer in western Oklahoma Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Rush Springs aquifer in western Oklahoma Mean annual water-budget components for Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Molokaʻi, Lānaʻi, Maui, and the Island of Hawaiʻi for a set of recent and future climate conditions, and 2020 land cover GIS Data from Chapter C of the Conceptual Hydrogeologic Framework and Groundwater Budget Near the Southeastern Part of Puget Sound, Washington Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Elk City aquifer in western Oklahoma Reanalysis of the Medina/Diversion Lake System Water-Budget, with Estimated Recharge to Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio Area, Texas Mean annual water-budget components for the Island of Maui, Hawaii, for average climate conditions, 1978-2007 rainfall and 2010 land cover (version 2.0) Mean annual water-budget components for the Island of Maui, Hawaii, for projected climate conditions, CMIP3 A1B 2080-99 scenario climate and 2017 land cover Mean annual water-budget components for the Island of Maui, Hawaii, for projected climate conditions, CMIP5 RCP8.5 2071-99 scenario rainfall and 2017 land cover Mean annual water-budget components for the Island of Maui, Hawaii, for a set of eight future climate and land-cover scenarios GIS Data from Chapter C of the Conceptual Hydrogeologic Framework and Groundwater Budget Near the Southeastern Part of Puget Sound, Washington Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model data sets for Fauquier County, Virginia, 1996 - 2015 Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the Cimarron River from Freedom to Guthrie in northwestern Oklahoma Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the Rush Springs aquifer in western Oklahoma Stable isotopic ratios of hydrogen and oxygen in groundwater and calculated fraction of recharge from winter precipitation, South Rim Grand Canyon, Arizona Comprehensive Delineation of Groundwater Source Areas and Times-of-travel to Long Island Streams and Estuaries Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the High Plains aquifer in western Oklahoma Mean annual water-budget components for Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Molokaʻi, Lānaʻi, Maui, and the Island of Hawaiʻi for a set of recent and future climate conditions, and 2020 land cover Digital Contour Database of Closed Depressions Soil-Water Balance model datasets used to estimate groundwater recharge in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, 1895-2010