Filters: Tags: research (X)
127 results (41ms)
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We examined bird and bat mortality at a new 89-turbine windfarm constructed in an environmentally sensitive area in north-central Iowa. The windfarm became operational in November 2001. It is located in cropland between three Wildlife Management Areas (WMA's) with historically high bird use. In the past, migrant and resident waterfowl, shorebirds, raptors, and songbirds moved between the WMA's through the area now occupied by the windfarm. Studies of bird collision mortality in California and elsewhere raised concerns about the possibility of mortalities in this area. From April 15, 2003 and December 15, 2003 we searched for dead animals under 26 randomly selected turbines. Six 76.2 m by 3.0 m transects were maintained...
Biomass remains a key energy source for several billion people living in developing countries, and the production of liquid biofuels for transportation is growing rapidly. However, both traditional biomass energy and crop-based biofuels technologies have negative environmental and social impacts. The overall research challenge for bioenergy is to develop the technologies to produce useful products at low costs while minimizing the use of scarce resources such as arable land and water. This requires substantial advancements in modern biomass power generation and the success of liquid biofuel technologies that permit the use of lignocellulosic feedstocks or possibly algae. With such technologies, biomass resources...
An integrated approach for choosing among energy supply- and demand-side measures shows that, compared to business-as-usual demand patterns, global greenhouse-gas emissions can be reduced well below current levels with net economic benefits to society. Given these findings, a 'wait-and-see' stance towards new initiatives in energy and environmental policy is not economically justifiable. Achieving significant emissions reductions, however, will require commitments to policies aimed at enabling energy markets to function more efficiently and supporting legislation where market forces do not suffice.
ThThe purpose of the Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP) is to monitor the status and trends of selected reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary(FKNMS). CREMP assessments have been conducted annually at fixed sites since 1996 and data collected provides information on the temporal changes in benthic cover and diversity of stony corals and associated marine flora and fauna. The core field methods continue to be underwater videography and timed coral species inventories. Findings presented in this report include data from 109 stations at 37 sites sampled from 1996 through 2008 in the Florida Keys and 1999 through 2008 in the Dry Tortugas. The report describes the annual differences (between...
Categories: Data;
Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service;
Tags: Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP),
The purpose of the Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP) is to monitor the status and trends of selected reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary(FKNMS). CREMP assessments have been conducted annually at fixed sites since 1996 and data collected provides information on the temporal changes in benthic cover and diversity of stony corals and associated marine flora and fauna. The core field methods continue to be underwater videography and timed coral species inventories. Findings presented in this report include data from 109 stations at 37 sites sampled from 1996 through 2008 in the Florida Keys and 1999 through 2008 in the Dry Tortugas. The report describes the annual differences (between...
Categories: Data;
Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service;
Tags: Florida Keys Coral Reef Monitoring Project1998,
Continuous bedrock core from about 50 sites across CT. Stored in 1100 boxes. This collection has been rescued three times since its formation in the late 1980's. Formerly administrative responsibility was shared between the University of Connecticut Dept. of Geology and Geophysics (now disbanded) and the Dept. of Environmental Protection, Geological and Natural History Survey. The State Survey now houses the collection and is the sole administrator.
Categories: Data,
Physical Item;
Types: Collection,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Physical Geoscience,
Professional Researchers,
Rock cores,
Categories: Collection,
Tags: California,
Gravity database,
Individual Samples,
The Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center 's mission is to provide scientific understanding and the technology needed to support sound management and conservation of our nation's natural resources, with emphasis on western ecosystems. The scientists from FRESC capitalize on their diverse expertise to answer critically important scientific questions shaped by the equally diverse environments of the western United States. FRESC scientists collaborate with each other and with partners to provide rigorous, objective, and timely information and guidance for the management and conservation of biological systems in the West and worldwide. Research activities are concentrated in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada,...
Indiana Geological Survey coal section field notebooks (black set). Contain short descriptions by location. Not much detail in location or information. Mostly likely correlates to a work map or project.
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection;
Tags: Field notes,
What are current conditions for important park natural resources? What are the critical data and knowledge gaps? What are some of the factors that are influencing park resource conditions? Natural Resource Condition Assessments (NRCAs) evaluate and report on the above for a subset of important natural resources in national park units (hereafter, parks). Focal study resources and indicators are selected on a park-by-park basis, guided by use of structured resource assessment and reporting frameworks. Considerations include park resource setting and enabling legislation (what are this park's most important natural resources?) and presently available data and expertise (what can be evaluated at this time?). In addition...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Chihuahuan Desert,
Mojave Desert,
Natural landscapes in the Southwestern United States are changing. In recent decades, rising temperatures and drought have led to drier conditions, contributed to large-scale ecological impacts, and affected many plant and animal species across the region. The current and future trajectory of climate change underscores the need for managers and conservation professionals to understand the impacts of these patterns on natural resources. In this regional assessment of the Southwest Climate Change Initiative, we evaluate changes in annual average temperatures from 1951–2006 across major habitats and large watersheds and compare these changes to the number of species of conservation concern that are found within these...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Chihuahuan Desert,
Mojave Desert,
Sonoran Desert,
Pima County makes extensive use of Geographical Information System (GIS) technology for making maps. For the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan, this was an important technology for assembling the extensive existing data, both digital and non-digital, identifying critical gaps in the data and potential remedies, and providing a means for analyzing the information on biological and physical resources over the six million acre study area. SDCP Mapguide was created to display many of the natural resource GIS data layers, but Mapguide is being replaced with PimaMaps. You can use either to make your own overlays on aerial photos, line maps, or USGS topography. Customize your online map while panning and zooming on the...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: BMP,
Global energy demand is expected to increase steeply, creating an urgent need to evolve a judicious global energy policy, exploiting the potential of all available energy resources, including nuclear energy. With increasing awareness of environmental issues, nuclear energy is expected to play an important role on the energy scenario in the coming decades. The immediate thrust in the science and technology of nuclear materials is to realize a robust reactor technology with associated fuel cycle and ensure the cost competitiveness of nuclear power and to extend the service life of reactors to 100 years. Accordingly, the present-generation materials need to be modified to meet the demands of prolonged exposure to irradiation...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Challenges,
nuclear energy,
It is increasingly clear that a wide range of stakeholders should be included in the problem formulation phase of research aimed at solving environmental problems; indeed the inclusion of stakeholders at this stage has been formalized as an integral part of ecological risk assessment. In this paper, we advocate the additional inclusion of stakeholders in the refinement of research methods and protocols and in the execution of the research, rather than just at the final communication and reporting phase. We use a large study of potential radionuclide levels in marine biota around Amchitka Island as a case study. Amchitka Island, in the Aleutian Island Chain of Alaska, was the site of three underground nuclear tests...
This paper approximates the emissions rebound effects' associated with substituting expensive and GHG emitting natural gas (LNG) power plants, with apparently cheaper and lower emitting nuclear plant. It then evaluates the effect this has on economy wide electricity use as well as net GHG emissions changes. The analysis is undertaken by combining aspects of an input-output model with an optimizing energy systems model. The scope of the case study is limited to the effects of the electricity sector (and its emissions) on the Korean economy from 2005 to 2030. Its primary basis (in terms of data and assumptions) is the recent national Basic Plan for Long-Term Electricity Supply and Demand (KPX, 2006).(2) The cases...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Economic,
The purpose of the Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP) is to monitor the status and trends of selected reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary(FKNMS). CREMP assessments have been conducted annually at fixed sites since 1996 and data collected provides information on the temporal changes in benthic cover and diversity of stony corals and associated marine flora and fauna. The core field methods continue to be underwater videography and timed coral species inventories. Findings presented in this report include data from 109 stations at 37 sites sampled from 1996 through 2008 in the Florida Keys and 1999 through 2008 in the Dry Tortugas. The report describes the annual differences (between...
Categories: Data;
Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service;
Tags: Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP),
The purpose of the Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP) is to monitor the status and trends of selected reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary(FKNMS). CREMP assessments have been conducted annually at fixed sites since 1996 and data collected provides information on the temporal changes in benthic cover and diversity of stony corals and associated marine flora and fauna. The core field methods continue to be underwater videography and timed coral species inventories. Findings presented in this report include data from 109 stations at 37 sites sampled from 1996 through 2008 in the Florida Keys and 1999 through 2008 in the Dry Tortugas. The report describes the annual differences (between...
The purpose of the Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP) is to monitor the status and trends of selected reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary(FKNMS). CREMP assessments have been conducted annually at fixed sites since 1996 and data collected provides information on the temporal changes in benthic cover and diversity of stony corals and associated marine flora and fauna. The core field methods continue to be underwater videography and timed coral species inventories. Findings presented in this report include data from 109 stations at 37 sites sampled from 1996 through 2008 in the Florida Keys and 1999 through 2008 in the Dry Tortugas. The report describes the annual differences (between...
Categories: Data;
Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service;
Tags: Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project Florida Keys 2017,
The purpose of the Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP) is to monitor the status and trends of selected reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary(FKNMS). CREMP assessments have been conducted annually at fixed sites since 1996 and data collected provides information on the temporal changes in benthic cover and diversity of stony corals and associated marine flora and fauna. The core field methods continue to be underwater videography and timed coral species inventories. Findings presented in this report include data from 109 stations at 37 sites sampled from 1996 through 2008 in the Florida Keys and 1999 through 2008 in the Dry Tortugas. The report describes the annual differences (between...
Categories: Data;
Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service;
Tags: Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project Florida Keys 1999,