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The State of Alaska's Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a State-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), is designed to evaluate Alaska's statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data. For the geochemical part of the SCM Assessment, thousands of historical geochemical samples from DGGS, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and U.S. Bureau of Mines archives are being reanalyzed by DGGS using modern, quantitative, geochemical-analytical methods. The objective is to update the statewide geochemical database to more clearly...
Cook Inlet has been recognized as the second-largest petroleum province in Alaska, second only to the North Slope. The south-central Tyonek Quadrangle is an area of significant geologic interest because it is the only location in Cook Inlet where the entire producing stratigraphy of the basin is exposed on the surface. Additionally, this area encompasses the structural boundary between the forearc basin and its sediment source rocks. To better understand the petroleum system and the geologic relationships between the exhumed arc intrusive rocks and adjacent Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Cook Inlet forearc basin, during the summer of 2010 the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys conducted a federally-funded...
From June 12-21, 2017, the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) geologists carried out geologic mapping and geochemical sampling in the northeastern Tanacross D-1, and parts of the C-1, and D-2 quadrangles. The project area lies within the Yukon-Tanana Uplands, and encompasses the boundary between Fortymile and Lake George assemblages. It includes porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold deposits and prospects including: Taurus, Fishhook (also known as SW Pika), and Pika Canyon, and is adjacent to the Fortymile Mining District to the north. Highlights of this geochemical report include sampling and characterization of the Pika Canyon, Fishhook, and Taurus prospects. This dataset contains four samples...
The article discusses a report published by the U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE) that examined the technical feasibility of using wind energy for electricity generation. The report assessed the costs, impacts and challenges associated with the production of 20% wind energy by 2030. Results have shown that there is a need for an enhanced transmission infrastructure and an increase in turbine installations to achieve 20% wind energy.
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Long-term,
natural gas,
Geothermal energy, carbon sequestration, and enhanced oil and gas recovery have a clear role in U.S. energy policy, both in securing cost-effective energy and reducing atmospheric CO2 accumulations. Recent publicity surrounding induced seismicity at several geothermal and oil and gas sites points out the need to develop improved standards and practices to avoid issues that may unduly inhibit or stop the above technologies from fulfilling their full potential. It is critical that policy makers and the general community be assured that EGS, CO2 sequestration, enhanced oil/gas recovery, and other technologies relying on fluid injections, will be designed to reduce induced seismicity to an acceptable level, and be developed...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: United States,
shale gas
We have developed a state-scale version of the MARKAL energy optimization model, commonly used to model energy policy at the US national scale and internationally. We apply the model to address state-scale impacts of a renewable electricity standard (RES) and a carbon tax in one southeastern state, Georgia. Biomass is the lowest cost option for large-scale renewable generation in Georgia; we find that electricity can be generated from biomass co-firing at existing coal plants for a marginal cost above baseline of 0.2-2.2 cents/kWh and from dedicated biomass facilities for 3.0-5.5 cents/kWh above baseline. We evaluate the cost and amount of renewable electricity that would be produced in-state and the amount of out-of-state...
Rising global demand for energy, high energy prices, climate change, and the threat of terrorism all point to the need for greater energy efficiency and conservation in the United States. While technological innovation is plainly needed, our laws and institutional arrangements must also play an important role. The United States has scores of legal and policy tools from which to choose to improve energy efficiency and curb energy consumption. This Article, which grows out of a Spring 2006 seminar at theWidener University School of Law, evaluates a handful of these tools: transit-oriented development; fuel taxation; real-time pricing for electricity use; public benefit funds; improving the efficiency of existing residential...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: State bioenergy primer,
There are a number of oil and gas basins that lay within the CYR study region. Selawik oil and gas basin is considered an eastern extension of the Kotzebue oil and gas basin. However, much of the Selawik basin is located in the Selawik National Wildlife Refuge making development unlikely. Exploration in the Selawik Basin has been minimal with no wells drilled. The Colville Basin runs along the northwestern edge of the CYR study area but exploration within this area is minimal. Wells and exploration in this basin are outside the CYR study area. Doyon has drilled Nunivak #1 and #2 exploratory wells between 2009 and 2013 in the Nenana Basin and acquired 2-D seismic, gravity, magnetics, and lakebed geochemical surveys...
This dataset is a polygon coverage of the Fire Clay coal zone that represents the areas in which resources were calculated and is only part of the full outcrop of the coal zone. Parts of the boundaries of the resource areas represent the 14-inch thickness isoline of the Fre Clay coal or the sub-crop limits of data availability; other parts of the boundaries are actual outcrop. The file has been generalized from detailed geologic coverages found elsewhere in Professional Paper 1625-C. This resource model for the Fire Clay coal zone must be considered provisional, because the correlation of the zone continues to be evaluated in West Virginia.
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Appalachians,
BELL County,
BOONE County,
CLAY County,
This scholarly work explores the causes precipitating the collapse of the nuclear industry during the late 1970s and early 1980s, viewing the nuclear energy sector as a paradigmatic example of the fundamental incompatibility between democracy and capitalism. Though he never explicitly blames either capitalism or democracy, author John L. Campbell explains how the fact that the two are governed by contradictory decision-making logics ultimately doomed the nuclear industry during the time period he examines. Campbell considers policy constraints and faliures in industry and government, such as a lack of standardization in reactor construction and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission’s (AEC) inability to craft a reactor...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Conflict,
natural resources,
This article compares US and Chinese incentives in winning oil contracts in African countries. Exploration and development of African oil resources has soared, and many nations are competing for these new oil contracts. China has won a significant portion of these oil contracts due to their unique incentive offerings. This report will address a brief history and the development of Sino–African policies and interests, modern US–African energy policy and interests, petroleum opportunities in Africa, China’s growing oil demand, and information on both American and Chinese incentives strategies. This information will be used to compare US and Chinese incentive strategies on winning African oil contracts. Implications...
In June 2008, 303,000 L of hydrofracturing fl uid from a natural gas well were applied to a 0.20-ha area of mixed hardwood forest on the Fernow Experimental Forest, West Virginia. During application, severe damage and mortality of ground vegetation was observed, followed about 10 d later by premature leaf drop by the overstory trees. Two years after fl uid application, 56% of the trees within the fl uid application area were dead. Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. was the tree species with the highest mortality, and Acer rubrum L. was the least aff ected, although all tree species present on the site showed damage symptoms and mortality. Surface soils (0–10 cm) were sampled in July and October 2008, June and October 2009,...
Greater energy efficiency can be achieved in existing dwellings thanks to longer lifecycles, slow replacement rates, and technical innovations. Many such dwellings are located in dense urban neighbourhoods, where urban renewal projects are undertaken. Local government can encourage the setting of ambitious goals as a stepping stone to realizing energy efficiency goals that achieve high levels of energy efficiency. The research question which this paper addresses is: to what degree do local governments influence ambitions to conserve energy in existing housing sites? To examine this issue, thirty-three sites in the Netherlands were studied using a quantitative analysis. The results show that collaboration between...
This report and digital data release presents 82 new rock geochemical analyses on historic U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) samples. These samples were originally collected by the USBM as part of their critical and strategic minerals project, which investigated tin occurrences associated with the Ohio Creek pluton, south-central Alaska. Historic USBM sample materials were retrieved by DGGS from the DGGS Geologic Materials Center (GMC), where the USBM samples were transferred as part of the federally funded Minerals Data and Information Rescue in Alaska (MDIRA) program in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The text and analytical data and tables associated with this report are being released in digital format as PDF files...
The National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB) is a Congressionally mandated national archive of geoscience maps, reports, and stratigraphic information. The Geologic Mapping Act of 1992 and its Reauthorizations calls for the U.S. Geological Survey and the Association of American State Geologists (AASG) to cooperatively build this national archive, according to technical and scientific standards whose development is coordinated by the NGMDB. The NGMDB consists of a comprehensive set of publication citations, stratigraphic nomenclature, downloadable content in raster and vector formats, unpublished source information, and guidance on standards development. The NGMDB contains information on more than 110,000 maps and...
This basedata service provides a cached service for users of Wyoming geospatial data using ESRI GIS. The service provides basedata for: Roads, Waterbodies, Rivers/Streams, Cities and County Boundaries. USE CONSTRAINTS: Users should follow use constraints found for each data layer available in the mapping service. Visit the Wyoming GeoLibrary for original metadata. WYGISC DOES NOT GUARANTEE 24/7 SUPPORT OF ITS UNFUNDED, FREE MAPPING SERVICES. WyGISC reserves the right to remove access to these services at any time.
CRIS offer tools for viewing and querying the wyoming Cultural Resources spatial attribute data, and performing analysis tasks such as selecting features and identifying features.
Categories: Data;
Types: Application;
Tags: SHPO,
State Government,
Wyoming State Historic and Preservation Office,
The U.S. Geological Survey Central Energy Science Center (CERSC) was asked to provide allocations of oil and gas resources and numbers of potential wells calculated from these allocated resources for the BLM Carlsbad Planning Area in New Mexico. The resource allocations were based on the most current USGS assessment of continuous (unconventional) oil and gas resources within eleven geologically defined assessment units in the Delaware Basin (Gaswirth and others, 2018).
Categories: Data;
Tags: BLM,
BLM Carlsbad Planning Area,
Bone Springs,
Carlsbad Planning Area,
Continuous Assessment,
This dataset is a point coverage of attributes on data location, thickness of the Fire Clay coal zone, and its elevation, in feet. This resource model for the Fire Clay coal zone must be considered provisional, because the correlation of the zone continues to be evaluated in West Virginia. The file is also found as an ASCII Appendix of Chapter F, Disc 1 found elsewhere in Professional Paper 1625-C.
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Appalachians,
BELL County,
BOONE County,
CLAY County,