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Extensive land-use changes in Iowa have increased erosional processes and the amount of fines deposited on stream beds. Large amounts of fines cover the other bed substrate that are essential habitat for invertebrates and fish. In Iowa and other agricultural Midwestern states, riparian conservation land-uses are being established to minimize sediment inputs to streams. This study compared stream bed substrate composition in reaches adjacent to: riparian forest buffers, grass filters, row-cropped fields, pastures with cattle fenced out of the stream and continuous, rotational and intensively grazed rotational pastures, in three regions of Iowa. The objective was to examine the impacts of the adjacent riparian land-uses...
Reducing non-point source phosphorus (P) pollution is often necessary to improve water quality in agricultural streams. Soil total P (TP) concentrations and compaction are soil characteristics that can influence P losses to streams. The objective of this study was to compare these two soil characteristics among riparian forest buffers, grass filters, pastures with cattle fenced out of the stream, intensive rotational, rotational and continuously grazed pastures and row-cropped fields in three physiographic regions of Iowa. Soil TP and compaction for the seven riparian land-uses were determined in stream bank and surface riparian soils. Total P concentrations in stream bed material along the seven riparian land-uses...
We mapped potential climate change refugia for riparian areas in the central and western USA for 2040-2069 and 2070-2099. Riparian refugia are existing riparian areas that are projected to maintain riparian vegetation and associated ecological function under plausible future climates. Four input variables were included in the riparian refugia index: two landscape variables that represent where existing riparian areas may be more resilient to climatic changes (riparian connectedness and landscape diversity) and two climate variables that reflect projected exposure to climate change (runoff and warm days). For the climate variables, we considered two global circulation models: moderately hot and wet (CNRM-CM5) and...
WGFD has a quantity of GPS-based animal movement data available for processing. In order to fully integrate this data into existing statewide migration route data layers and/or to use it to develop modeled migration corridor data layers, it must be reviewed, organized appropriately, analyzed, modeled and finally structured to allow seamless integration. The objective of this proposal is to review and examine the data, organize it meaningfully, and present it initially in combination with existing migration routes in order to represent generalized big game migration corridors across the landscapes of Wyoming. This is anticipated as a “first look” product, and serve as a basis for future work to more fully analyze...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2010, 2012, CO-2, CO-3, CO-3, All tags...
In May 2014, the GNLCC Steering Committee approved two pilot projects explore approaches to landscape-scale coordination to enhance science-based management across the GNLCC. The two ‘Shared Landscape Outcomes’ pilots were designed to assess and focus on specific pairs of a GNLCC Goal and a priority landscape stressor (as defined in the Strategic Conservation Framework) and focus the approach at the entire GNLCC scale. The two pilot projects focused on (1) the Connectivity goal and Land Use Change stressor (described here) and (2) the Aquatic Integrity goal and Invasives stressor and (see: )Connectivity Pilot:Wildlife species are becoming increasingly isolated in patches of habitat,...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Alberta, Aquatic Connectivity, British Columbia, Bull Trout, Cascadia, All tags...
This project will apply the results of an on-going climate change vulnerability assessment to the management of two complex landscapes. The vulnerability assessment project team will work with mangers, land-owners, and conservation practitioners to explore 1) how downscaled climate datasets, modeled vegetation changes, and information on estimated species sensitivities can be used to develop climate change adaptation strategies, and 2) how model results and datasets can be made more useful for informing the management of species and landscapes. To accomplish these two goals, we will prepare datasets and model outputs for two landscapespotentially, the Pioneer Mountains-Craters of the Moon region in Idaho and the...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Climate Change, Columbia Basin, Columbia Plateau, Connectivity, Conservation Plan/Design/Framework, All tags...
We captured >2000 Crawford's gray shrews (Notiosorex crawfordi) in a riparian forest mainly consisting of cottonwoods (Populus deltoides) along the Rio Grande in central New Mexico. Little has been published about abundance and habitat of Crawford's gray shrew throughout its distributional range. During 7 summers, we captured shrews in pitfall traps at 13 study sites in Bernalillo, Valencia, and Socorro counties. Capture rates of shrews were greatest in August and September, and we did not detect a response of shrews to restoration treatments that removed nonnative plants from riparian forests. Results from our study indicate that (1) Crawford's gray shrews are more abundant in riparian habitats than historically...
The Pacific Region National Wildlife Refuge System developed a strategic approach to identify region-wide land/habitat conservation priorities. This approach was piloted in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion and resulted in a high-level landscape-scale conservation design. Working closely with conservation partners in the region, we developed a data management and analysis model that builds from existing data sets and can be shared easily with other partners.FY20122012 Objectives: Document a case study on implementing strategic conservation design for the refuge system, which can serve as a model and be applied to other geographic areas Develop a clear picture of landscape scale priorities in the Columbia Plateau, along...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Applications and Tools, Aquatic Connectivity, CA-1, California, California, All tags...
The Heart of the Rockies Initiative (HOTR), on behalf of its High Divide Collaborative partners, seeks support to identify and evaluate future landscape configurations that address the needs of local communities while conserving the High Divides unique landscape resources. In this landscape we emphasize wildlife connectivity between large protected core areas: Yellowstone, the Crown, and central Idaho (See attached map). This project builds on our prior GNLCC-funded project to deliver the latest science in connectivity and climate response and earlier stakeholder identification of lands of high conservation value (HOTR 2010). This project takes the next step by coupling socio-economic data and trends with conservation...
The Washington Connected Landscapes Project will provide a framework to address the interacting impacts of habitat fragmentation and climate change on ecological systems and wildlife species within the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) boundary.Managing for well-connected landscapes is a key strategy to enhance resilience and ensure the long-term viability of plant and animal populations. However, conservation planning efforts have rarely included connectivity for ecological processes such as dispersal, migration, and gene flow. Connectivity conservation is particularly important in the face of climate change, because many species will require highly permeable, well-connected landscapes not...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Alberta, Alberta, Applications and Tools, British Columbia, British Columbia, All tags...
This project will integrate the shared priorities developed by the Arid Lands Initiative (ALI) in the Columbia Plateau ecoregion into implementation mechanisms of existing and new ALI partners. The project will finalize the ALIs comprehensive strategy by assessing and agreeing on which partners are best positioned to implement which priority actions in which priority areas, integrate these priorities into existing partner work, identify gaps that new partners need to be engaged to address, design 1-2 ALI projects for collaborative implementation, and track and adapt the overall implementation efforts. This project will not only allow the ALI to successfully transition from planning to coordinated action, but will...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Aquatic Connectivity, CA-1, California, California, Climate Change, All tags...
This region-wide coordinated bird monitoring program, supported by state, federal, tribal, nongovernmental organizations, and two statewide bird conservation partnerships, is designed to provide spatially-referenced baseline data for science-based biological planning and conservation design for the Great Northern LCC and its partners that is directly comparable with other landscapes and BCRs. We are requesting a third year of funding to continue sampling in BCR10 Montana and Idaho to enhance our ability to make robust inference to bird populations on grassland, shrublands, and riparian systems. These data currently are being used by project partners to develop spatially-explicit models that will allow assessment...
These raster and tabular data were compiled to develop time series data of the lower Colorado River (LCR) vegetation greenness, water use, and phenology since the year 2000. An objective of our study was to evaluate short and long-term effects of drought and biocontrol on LCR riparian and aquatic ecosystems south of Hoover Dam. These data represent spatially explicit average Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI2) derived evapotranspiration (ET) difference, and scaled normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI*) difference maps between two decades (2000 to 2010 and 2011 to 2020) and two 5 year periods (2000 to 2005 and 2016 to 2020). The time-series period statistics data provide estimates of the riparian woodland area...
These normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) raster data were compiled to develop time series data of the lower Colorado River (LCR) riparian corridor vegetation greenness and phenology since the year 2000. An objective of our study was to evaluate short and long-term effects of drought and biocontrol on LCR riparian and aquatic ecosystems south of Hoover Dam. These data represent spatially explicit scaled normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI*) difference maps between two decades (2000 to 2010 and 2011 to 2020) and two 5 year periods (2000 to 2005 and 2016 to 2020). NDVI* is an additional correction to the NDVI to account for the illumination conditions; it is a processing correction step to improve...
Riparian areas and floodplain forests are critical to wildlife and used by large numbers of species not only for habitat but as important corridors for dispersal and migration. We created a raster from the ESM+ layer that identified lotic habitats and the adjacent areas up to 100m from them in order to denote riparian features on the landscape that may be worthy of protection. We selected a 100m distance as a buffer distance which, if protected, would enhance conservation of riparian habitats and is consistent with prior recommendations we have made about protection of these features (WCS 2010, 2013).
Protecting and restoring ecological connectivity is a leading climate adaptation strategy forbiodiversity conservation (Heller & Zavaleta 2009, Lawler 2009), because species are expectedto have difficulty tracking shifting climates across fragmented landscapes (Thomas et al. 2004).Connectivity conservation is thus a primary focus of numerous large-scale climate adaptationinitiatives (e.g., U.S. Department of Interior’s Landscape Conservation Cooperatives), and a corestrategy of many federal climate adaptation plans (NPS 2010, USFS 2011, USFWS 2010). Thishas led to a growing need for approaches that identify priority areas for connectivityconservation in a changing climate.Riparian areas have been identified as key...
Our 2010 statewide connectivity analysis identified broad-scale priority areas for connectivity conservation. More detailed, finer-scale analyses will give land managers the information they need to begin prioritizing and implementing conservation actions. The Columbia Plateau (Appendix A, Fig. 1) was selected for the first ecoregional-scale analysis for two reasons. First, several climate models suggest that the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion in Washington is likely to be a stronghold of shrubsteppe ecosystems under climate change. Second, despite the high level of habitat loss and fragmentation in the ecoregion, our statewide analysis identified previously undocumented patterns and opportunities for multiple-species...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Burrowing Owl, CA-1, California, California, Climate Change, All tags...
These full time-series period statistics data were compiled for monitoring riparian zone trends and changes in the lower Colorado as part of a study to document riparian ecosystem health and its water use. Our study evaluated the short and long-term effects on the river's vegetation of drought and hydrological processes in this dryland region. Because of the landscape changes, we explored remote sensing-based change analysis techniques and data to develop time series data of the Colorado River riparian corridor vegetation greenness, phenology, and water use since the year 2000. We divided the river into five Reaches (R3..R7) to separate between the different land covers, management conditions, and general geospatial...
We determined changes in willow (Salixspp.) cover in two valleys of the eastern slope of Rocky Mountain National Park,Colorado, USA, and related these changes to suspected causative factors. Changes in vegetation were inferred from digital maps generated from aerial photo-interpretation and field surveys conducted with a global positioning system. The decrease in riparian shrub cover was approximately 20% in both valleys over the period between 1937/46 and 1996, while the decline in tall willow (> 2 m tall) cover was estimated to be approximately 55%in both valleys. Suppressed willows (< 1.5 m tall) were predominantly located in areas affected by flooding and in areas where major river reductions were observed....
The Western Governors Association has sponsored an assessment of crucial habitats which will be used for the evaluation of landscape-scale energy, land use, and transportation projects. At present, this assessment does not incorporate ecological integrity or stream-network connectivity into its assessment of aquatic habitats. This proposal will address in both Oregon and Washington states the need to incorporate ecological integrity and stream network connectivity into the Western Governors assessment of aquatic crucial habitats.FY2012Objectives:To incorporate ecological integrity and stream-network connectivity into the Western Governors assessment of aquatic crucial habitats for Oregon and Washington. The resulting...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Aquatic Connectivity, British Columbia, CA-1, CA-2, CA-2, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Washington Connectivity: Statewide Captures of Crawford's gray shrews (Notiosorex crawfordi) along the Rio Grande in central New Mexico Species Adaptations to Climate Change: Baseline Data for Grassland, Sagebrush, and Riparian - Associated Landbirds in Bird Conservation Region 10 Landscape Conservation Design in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion State of Wyoming Geospatial Data Management, Information Sharing and Preparation for Decision Support System Development - Migration Corridors Applying Vulnerability Assessment Tools to Plan for Climate Adaptation: Case Studies in the Great Northern LCC Incorporating ecological integrity and stream-network connectivity into the Western Governors assessment of aquatic crucial habitats in Washington and Oregon Conserving an Intact and Connected GNLCC Landscape Integrating Landscape Conservation Design into Partner Actions in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion Landscape Conservation Design in the High Divide. An Analysis of Future Landscape Scenarios and Their Viability Riparian Areas, New York State Washington Connectivity: Columbia Basin Colorado River Project: A compilation of vegetation indices, phenology assessment metrics, estimates of evapotranspiration and change maps for five reaches between Hoover and Morelos Dams on the Lower Colorado River, for nearly the last two decades Colorado River Delta Project: Growing Season Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Difference Maps Colorado River Delta Project: River reach (3-7) full time-series period statistics computed for Landsat 5, Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 data Riparian climate refugia data in western and central USA for 2040-2069 and 2070-2099 Incorporating ecological integrity and stream-network connectivity into the Western Governors assessment of aquatic crucial habitats in Washington and Oregon Colorado River Project: A compilation of vegetation indices, phenology assessment metrics, estimates of evapotranspiration and change maps for five reaches between Hoover and Morelos Dams on the Lower Colorado River, for nearly the last two decades Colorado River Delta Project: Growing Season Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Difference Maps Colorado River Delta Project: River reach (3-7) full time-series period statistics computed for Landsat 5, Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 data Applying Vulnerability Assessment Tools to Plan for Climate Adaptation: Case Studies in the Great Northern LCC Captures of Crawford's gray shrews (Notiosorex crawfordi) along the Rio Grande in central New Mexico State of Wyoming Geospatial Data Management, Information Sharing and Preparation for Decision Support System Development - Migration Corridors Landscape Conservation Design in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion Landscape Conservation Design in the High Divide. An Analysis of Future Landscape Scenarios and Their Viability Species Adaptations to Climate Change: Baseline Data for Grassland, Sagebrush, and Riparian - Associated Landbirds in Bird Conservation Region 10 Washington Connectivity: Statewide Integrating Landscape Conservation Design into Partner Actions in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion Washington Connectivity: Columbia Basin Riparian Areas, New York State Riparian climate refugia data in western and central USA for 2040-2069 and 2070-2099 Conserving an Intact and Connected GNLCC Landscape