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This project would increase diversity of forbs and invertebrates in riparian and transitional riparian/upland areas through mowing and seeding of native forb species. A tractor powered mower with a seeder would be used to create an enhanced vegetative mosaic within riparian or transitional riparian areas lacking in vegetative species and structural diversity. A contractor would provide a tractor or seeder for distribution of native seed. This project would focus on improving habitat for a diversity of species, particularly sage grouse and other BLM sensitive avian species such as the Brewer's sparrow and sage thrasher, which rely on riparian habitats for critical brood rearing requirements in the Sand Hills ACEC...
This theme is polygon data that depicts two types of development for the state of Wyoming. The first is existing development and the second are habitats where there is a high likelihood that development will occur in the near future. We considered development of oil, gas and coal bed methane, mining of minerals (trona, uranimum, coal, and bentonite), urban expansion. Other infrastructure activities such as roads, highways, fiberoptic lines, processing plants, pipelines, other facilities, and various combinations of development that were believed to impact sage-grouse were recorded. Information sources and assessment processes varied depending on data available and resource specialist participation for areas within...
This data set was created to facilitate the BLM Greater Sage-Grouse Land Use Planning Strategy in the Utah Sub-Region. This data was developed and addressed, and used during preparation of an environmental impact statement to consider amendments to 14 BLM land use plans throughout the State of Utah, as well as 6 Forest Service land use plans. This planning process was initiated through issuance of a Notice of Intent published on December 6, 2011. This dataset is associated with the Final Environmental Impact Statement, released to the public via a Notice of Availability on May 29, 2015. The purpose of the planning process is to address protection of greater sage-grouse, in partial response to a March 2010 decision...
ESRI file geodatabase of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) range-wide breeding densities at 25% (BreedingDensity25), 50% (BreedingDensity50), 75% (BreedingDensity75) and 100% and the the current and historic distribution of potential habitat, or range, of the Greater Sage-grouse in Western North America were merged together. The current and historic distriubtion of potential habitat was initially researched and compiled by Dr. Michael A. Schroeder, research biologist for the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. The initial draft of current and historic range data was mapped and submitted to state, federal, or provincial natural resource agencies and other experts for review, comment, and...
On August 25, 2015 speaker Matt Germino presented on his work restoring sagebrush in the Great Basin. Shrubs are ecosystem foundation species in most of the Great Basin’s landscapes. Most of the species, including sagebrush, are poorly adapted to the changes in fire and invasive pressures that are compounded by climate change. This presentation gives an overview of challenges and opportunities regarding restoration of sagebrush and blackbrush, focusing on climate adaptation, selection of seeds and achieving seeding and planting success. Results from Great Basin LCC supported research on seed selection and planting techniques are presented.
This dataset contains landscape-scale greater sage-grouse Preliminary General Habitat. Specifically, it represents the remaining Sagebrush, Perennial grassland, Conifer encroachment, and some Persistence greater than 25% not accounted for in the 2012 Preliminary Priority Habitat dataset (Version 2 - April 2012). A combination of Key Habitat (Sather-Blair et al., 2000; ISAC 2006; BLM 2012), important winter and breeding habitat, local priority areas (spatially identified by the local working groups, BLM, IDFG biologists), known migration movement corridors, the revised 2011PA polygons, and exclusion of modeled agricultural and timber lands were used to further refine the 2012 Preliminary Priority Habitat (PPH) and...
Interactive web application: Use the following link to the interactive mapper. There are additional tools for data analysis and also instructions for how to download the data by state or county: Using the tile cache in ArcGIS: Select the "Tree_Canopy_Cover.lyr" file below. Depending on your browser, it might automatically open this file in ArcMap for you. You might need to navigate to where your browser saved the file and then open (double-click) it. Raw data download instructions (for this state-wide data): Select the "" file below. Unzip the file and use the geotiffs in your GIS.
The Platte Valley watershed area between Seminoe Reservoir and the Wyoming/Colorado state line provides important seasonal habitat for a variety of wildlife species including five big game species (mule deer, antelope, elk, bighorn sheep and moose), as well as identified core areas for greater sage grouse, and historic sage grouse ranges outside of core areas. Habitat conditions throughout the watershed center on proper multiple use management, including domestic livestock and wildlife, so that the standards for rangeland health on both uplands and riparian areas are met. The area was reviewed for conformance with the Wyoming Standards and Guidelines for Healthy Rangelands in 2004 and 2005. While the majority...
Project Synopsis: BLM Kemmerer Field Office (KFO) proposes to construct riparian exclosures within the “Sage” sage-grouse core area as designated by the Wyoming Governor’s Executive Order (EO 2011-5). During late summer, fall and early winter of 2011 the BLM mapped and inventoried approximately 190 reservoirs and 50 springs/seeps in the Ruby Priority Project area. After compiling 2011 data, the BLM identified several springs/seeps as priorities for protection/enhancement. The springs/seeps are repeatedly grazed to the extent that hummocks are forming or have already formed. Once hummocks form or start to form, the immediate threat is a high soil compaction which could result in a lower water table, the spring/seep...
Greater Sage Grouse range-wide breeding density at 75% (BreedingDensity75) of breeding population. ESRI file geodatabase of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) range-wide breeding densities at 25% (BreedingDensity25), 50% (BreedingDensity50), 75% (BreedingDensity75) and 100% (BreedingDensity100) of breeding population. The objective of this BLM project is to map high breeding densities of greater sage-grouse for use in conservation planning. This completion report provides two deliverables: 1) The analytical framework for evaluating options on where partners can deliver actions that will yield the highest return on their conservation investment, and 2) The GIS shapefiles delineating high breeding densities...
ESRI file geodatabase of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) range-wide breeding densities at 25% (BreedingDensity25), 50% (BreedingDensity50), 75% (BreedingDensity75) and 100% (BreedingDensity100) of breeding population. The objective of this BLM project is to map high breeding densities of greater sage-grouse for use in conservation planning. This completion report provides two deliverables: 1) The analytical framework for evaluating options on where partners can deliver actions that will yield the highest return on their conservation investment, and 2) The GIS shapefiles delineating high breeding densities of sage-grouse for use by conservation planners. Maps developed here provide a large-scale view...
This project represents a continuation and expansion from the KFO’s 2004 CCI Project #21055 - Bear River Cooperative Weed Management. This project is for spraying and biological control of all Invasive/Noxious Weeds within the Kemmerer Field Office (KFO) area within Lincoln and Uinta Counties. Funding costs includes hiring seasonal staff and a vehicle to continue inventorying and mapping of weeds within the area. In 2009, 1,000 acres of weeds will be treated on BLM lands and 1,000 treated acres will be evaluated. Efforts will first be directed to areas where the resource benefits are most important as identified by the WLCI and the KFO. Maintaining the native vegetative communities and protecting them from invading...
This project improves the age class and diversity of plant communities. Improving transitional range will help hold the antelope and deer in this area, saving crucial winter areas for use later in the season. Other wildlife benefitting from this treatment are small mammals and a variety of birds, including sage grouse. Quality, quantity, and availability of forage in this transitional-migratory area will be improved. The units of accomplishments for this project, 10,000 acres (JM), are shared with multiple funding sources; due to the timing of the project; some units will carry over into FY 08. Some of the included acres are within the Wildland Urban Interface (JW).
This data set was created to facilitate the BLM Greater Sage-Grouse Land Use Planning Strategy – Utah Sub-Region addresses preparation of an environmental impact statement to consider amendments to 14 BLM land use plans throughout the State of Utah, as well as 6 Forest Service land use plans. This planning process was initiated through issuance of a Notice of Intent published on December 6, 2011. The purpose of the planning process is to address protection of greater sage-grouse, in partial response to a March 2010 decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) that found the greater sage-grouse was eligible for listing under the authorities of the Endangered Species Act. The planning process will prepare...
FY2013The increase in large wildfires at a time when habitat for Greater Sage Grouse and other species dependent on big sagebrush has also increased has led to substantial needs for big sagebrush seeds. Significant decisions on which sagebrush seed to use and on management treatments that affect competing herb layers on the same restoration sites affect the trajectory of habitat.This project will evaluate how seed source, specifically genotype and climate-of-origin, interact with landscape-scale and replicated treatments (fencing, herbicide application, mowing, and seeding).
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2013, 2014, 2015, Academics & scientific researchers, Cheatgrass, All tags...
The Shirley Basin watershed area provides habitat for a variety of wildlife species including identified core areas for greater sage grouse, as well as historic sage grouse ranges outside of core areas. Project objectives center around bringing upland and riparian vegatation, wildlife habitat, and watershed health towards a condition that will better benefit, Sage Grouse. Improving areas of nesting habitat as well as brood rearing habitat for grouse will be the major focus is the Shirley Basin area. The Shirley Basin watershed area provides habitat for a variety of wildlife species including greater sage-grouse Core Area. Current landowners, Permitees, Conservation Dist., WGFD, and BLM have identified this...
This project would increase the diversity and abundance of forbs and invertebrates in riparian and transitional riparian/upland areas. Treatments would include physical manipulation through mowing, imprinting, or just interseeding to create an enhanced vegetative mosiac within riparian or transitional riparian areas lacking in vegetative species and structural diversity. Since there are a number of invasives/exotic plants in the area, the area will be treated before seeding to ensure the natives species have an advantage. Mechanical manipulation for seed bed preparation, seeding of native seeds and control of invasives/exotic plants will be handled through contracts. This project focuses on improving habitat for...
In 2013, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Conservation Objectives Team (COT) identified wildfire and the associated conversion of low- to mid-elevation sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) habitats to invasive annual grass-dominated vegetation communities as the two primary threats to the sustainability of Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus, hereafter GRSG) in the western portion of the species range (USFWS 2013). To facilitate the examination and evaluation of the role fire and invasive plants play in the conservation of GRSG, the USFWS solicited the assistance of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) to conduct a collaborative assessment of the conservation challenges...
FY2014This projects main goals are to assess the effects of grazing by feral horses and livestock on Greater Sage-grouse demography and habitats. The Sheldon-Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex and adjacent lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management provide the unique opportunity to assess sage-grouse populations free of feral horses and livestock grazing, populations that only have feral horses, as well as populations that coincide with both livestock grazing and feral horses. The project team will:1)Use historical sage-grouse data collected from Hart Mountain before and immediately after livestock were removed in the early 1990s, and historical data from Sheldon before the irruption of feral horses...
This dataset was compiled from an ESRI file geodatabase of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) range-wide breeding densities at 25% (BreedingDensity25), 50% (BreedingDensity50), 75% (BreedingDensity75) and 100% (BreedingDensity100) of breeding population. These areas were flattened to create this dataset, stacking low percentage classes on high percentage classes. The objective of this BLM project is to map high breeding densities of greater sage-grouse for use in conservation planning. This completion report provides two deliverables: 1) The analytical framework for evaluating options on where partners can deliver actions that will yield the highest return on their conservation investment, and 2) The...

map background search result map search result map Shirley Basin Area Sage Grouse Habitat Management Platte Valley Mule Deer Habitat Management (Condit) Lincoln and Uinta County Invasives Red Canyon/Elk Mountain Prescribed Burn Riparian Restoration, Carbon County Treat Sagebrush Habitat Sagegrouse Developed Habitat for Wyoming at 1:24,000 Greater Sage-Grouse Preliminary General Habitat (Version 2, April 2012) for Idaho Sage-grouse Core Area Riparian Exclosure Project Effects of Genotype and Management Treatments of Native and Invasive Herbs on Success of Sagebrush Restoration Tree Canopy Cover across Sage Grouse Habitat in Utah BLM UT Preliminary Disturbance Inventory Polygon Assessment of Impacts of Feral Horses and Livestock Grazing on Sage-grouse and their Habitats: Long-term trends in sage-grouse demography and habitats on the Sheldon-Hart Mountain NWRC and adjacent lands BLM REA MIR 2011 Greater Sage-Grouse Breeding Bird Density Dissolve (75%) BLM REA COP 2010 Greater Sage Grouse Range-Wide Breeding Densities BLM REA COP 2014 FCC Comm Towers BLM REA CBR 2010 Greater Sage Grouse Range-wide Breeding Densities - Breeding Density 75% BLM REA CBR 2010 Range-wide Breeding Densities LEKS Assessment of Impacts of Feral Horses and Livestock Grazing on Sage-grouse and their Habitats: Long-term trends in sage-grouse demography and habitats on the Sheldon-Hart Mountain NWRC and adjacent lands Red Canyon/Elk Mountain Prescribed Burn Sage-grouse Core Area Riparian Exclosure Project Lincoln and Uinta County Invasives Shirley Basin Area Sage Grouse Habitat Management Platte Valley Mule Deer Habitat Management (Condit) Riparian Restoration, Carbon County BLM REA COP 2010 Greater Sage Grouse Range-Wide Breeding Densities Greater Sage-Grouse Preliminary General Habitat (Version 2, April 2012) for Idaho Tree Canopy Cover across Sage Grouse Habitat in Utah BLM UT Preliminary Disturbance Inventory Polygon BLM REA COP 2014 FCC Comm Towers Sagegrouse Developed Habitat for Wyoming at 1:24,000 BLM REA CBR 2010 Greater Sage Grouse Range-wide Breeding Densities - Breeding Density 75% BLM REA CBR 2010 Range-wide Breeding Densities LEKS BLM REA MIR 2011 Greater Sage-Grouse Breeding Bird Density Dissolve (75%) Effects of Genotype and Management Treatments of Native and Invasive Herbs on Success of Sagebrush Restoration