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Climate change influences apex predators in complex ways, due to their important trophic position, capacity for resource plasticity, and sensitivity to numerous anthropogenic stressors. Bald eagles, an ecologically and culturally significant apex predator, congregate seasonally in high densities on salmon spawning rivers across the Pacific Northwest. One of the largest eagle concentrations is in the Skagit River watershed, which connects the montane wilderness of North Cascades National Park to the Puget Sound. Using multiple long-term datasets, we evaluated the relationship between local bald eagle abundance, chum and coho salmon availability and phenology, and the number and timing of flood events in the Skagit...
This feature class describes areas used for subsistence harvesting of salmon in 2009 by surveyed households in Aniak, Alaska. This is a partial representation of areas used for resource harvesting in 2009.
This feature class describes areas used for subsistence harvesting of salmon in 2009 by surveyed households in Upper Kalskag, Alaska. This is a partial representation of areas used for resource harvesting in 2009.
To support an investigation of the effectiveness of a large-scale river restoration project, several types of field data were collected from two gravel-bed reaches of the regulated lower Merced River in California's Central Valley, primarily in the fall of 2016. These data sets were intended to characterize salmon spawning habitat and identify factors influencing spawning site selection. This parent data release includes links to child pages for the following data sets: 1) Bulk samples of streambed sediment used to characterize the subsurface grain size distribution. 2) Pebble counts used to characterize the sediment grain size distribution of the bed surface. 3) Force gage measurements used to parameterize a...
The data support a study that surveyed the spatial and temporal distribution of salmon eDNA in Seattle urban creeks, Washington, 2018 - 2020. The metadata represent qPCR quantification cycle (Cq) values for Chinook salmon, coho salmon, and coastal cutthroat trout assays performed on water samples collected on specific days at specific sites on Thornton Creek, Taylor Creek, and Mapes Creek, which are tributaries of Lake Washington within Seattle city limits. The metadata also includes latitude and longitude for each site and Y-intercept and slope for each assay run.
Surveys of channel and floodplain topography were used to characterize the morphology of two reaches of the lower Merced River in California's Central Valley and to parameterize a hydraulic model. These data were collected to support research intended to evaluate the extent to which large-scale restoration projects provided improved salmon spawning habitat. A related goal of this study was to improve our understanding of the geomorphic factors influencing spawning site selection by salmon. At the Merced River Ranch field site, river channel and floodplain topography was measured using a combination of real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS for wadable parts of the channel, an echo sounder for deep pools, and photogrammetry...
We collected environmental DNA (eDNA) data from the Elwha River, home to the world’s largest dam removal project, to track the spatial and temporal patterns of species responses following dam removal. In total, we collected data for 11 different fish taxa, sampled at 25 sites ranging across 56 river kilometers in a wilderness river for 4 years following dam removal. We show that eDNA can effectively be used to determine whether fish have recolonized past former dams, and in some cases determine the spatial extent of that recolonization.
The shapefile contains the data necessary to recreate the analyses used in Jalbert et al., in review, Vulnerability of Pacific salmon to invasion of northern pike (Esox lucius) in southcentral Alaska. Specifically, users will be able to view 1) intrinsic potential model calculations for 5 Pacific salmonids (Chinook, chum, pink, sockeye, and coho salmon) and northern pike and 2) all parent nodes of the vulnerability model (human colonization, natural colonization, and habitat overlap) as well as their inputs. Finally, users are able to map vulnerability to invasion for each Pacific salmon species.
The Cascadia Partner Forum will complete conservation design for four Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative conservation targets with significance to the transboundary Cascadia landscape to inform sound, data-driven management planning and action. This project aims to complete conservation design at the Cascadia-wide scale for grizzly bear, salmon, aquatic, and terrestrial connectivity to contribute to the Great Northern LCC Science Plan, while providing input and integration to the coarser-scale GNLCC-wide Science Plans established objectives, threats, metrics, and conservation actions for each target. Additionally, the Forum will conduct analyses on a common Great Northern LCC landscape stressor roads...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Aquatic Connectivity, British Columbia, Bull Trout, Canada Lynx, Cascadia, All tags...
This feature class describes areas used for subsistence harvesting of salmon in 2009 by surveyed households in Sleetmute, Alaska. This is a partial representation of areas used for resource harvesting in 2009.
This dataset has the same coverage as the Anadromous Waters Catalog, except that it has additional attribute fields identifying species and life stages for individual stream segments. There are 23 species in the dataset and three life stages: present (p), spawning (s), and rearing (r). It was received from Skip Repetto, a GIS Analyst at ADF&G with the following caveat: "This is a value added representation of the AWC and has not been error checked completely, so use at your own risk; the actual AWC takes precedent." The Alaska Department of Fish and Game's (ADFG) Anadromous water bodies data is derived from the ADFG's GIS shape files for the "Catalog of Waters Important for Spawning, Rearing or Migration of Anadromous...
The Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GLNCC) has convened the Columbia Basin Partner Forum (CBPF) to help facilitate collaboration among conservation practitioners and partnerships that share landscape conservation challenges in an eco-geographic context. Through a loosely structured process, field-level managers, scientists, and conservation constituents will identify priority conservation information, scientific needs, and implementation opportunities within the scope of the Great Northern LCC Strategic Conservation Framework. The CBPF will also provide a means to engage the partnership network (a more diverse and directly knowledgeable constituency) on specific conservation needs that will inform...
Climate change, drought, habitat alterations, and increasing water demands are leaving less water available for streams of the Pacific Northwest and for fish like salmon. As water levels drop, some small streams become fragmented, transforming from a ribbon of continuous habitat into a series of isolated pools. Fragmented streams may pose a serious threat to salmon. For example, juveniles that become stranded in small pools are at increased risk to overheat, starve, or be consumed by predators. Healthy salmon populations can cope with fragmentation and recover from a bad drought-year. However, many salmon populations are endangered and face long-term drought. Land and resource managers are increasingly finding...
This feature class describes areas used for subsistence harvesting of salmon in 2009 by surveyed households in Stony River, Alaska. This is a partial representation of areas used for resource harvesting in 2009.
This points feature class describes areas used for subsistence harvesting of salmon in 2011 by surveyed households in McGrath, Alaska. This is a partial representation of areas used for resource harvesting in 2011.
This feature class describes areas used for subsistence harvesting of salmon in 2009 by surveyed households in Lower Kalskag, Alaska. This is a partial representation of areas used for resource harvesting in 2009.

map background search result map search result map Strategic conservation planning for management applications in Cascadia Facilitation Needs for GLNCC Columbia Basin Partner Forum Abundance and run timing of adult salmon in Gisasa River, Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 2003 Population Genetics and the Management of Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Salmon Populations Evaluating the Effectiveness of Assisted Migration and Fish Rescue Programs USGS 1:62500-scale Quadrangle for Salmon, ID 1950 USGS 1:62500-scale Quadrangle for Salmon, ID 1950 Biological and Hydrological Data from the Skagit River Ecosystem, Washington, USA 1968-2016 Field measurements for characterizing salmon spawning habitat in two restored reaches of the lower Merced River, California Surveys of channel bed topography from two restored reaches of the lower Merced River, California BLM REA YKL 2011 Subsistence Harvest Areas of Salmon in Aniak, Alaska. BLM REA YKL 2011 Subsistence Harvest Areas of Salmon in Lower Kalskag, Alaska. BLM REA YKL 2011 Subsistence Harvest Areas of Salmon in McGrath, Alaska. BLM REA YKL 2011 Subsistence Harvest Areas of Salmon in Sleetmute, Alaska. BLM REA YKL 2011 Subsistence Harvest Areas of Salmon in Stony River, Alaska. BLM REA YKL 2011 Subsistence Harvest Areas of Salmon in Upper Kalsakg, Alaska. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is an Effective Tool to Track Recolonizing Migratory Fish Following Large-Scale Dam Removal, field data Data describing vulnerability of Pacific salmon to invasion of northern pike (Esox lucius) in southcentral Alaska, 2017-2019 Spatial and temporal surveys of salmon eDNA in Seattle urban creeks, Washington, 2018 - 2020 Surveys of channel bed topography from two restored reaches of the lower Merced River, California Field measurements for characterizing salmon spawning habitat in two restored reaches of the lower Merced River, California BLM REA YKL 2011 Subsistence Harvest Areas of Salmon in Stony River, Alaska. USGS 1:62500-scale Quadrangle for Salmon, ID 1950 USGS 1:62500-scale Quadrangle for Salmon, ID 1950 BLM REA YKL 2011 Subsistence Harvest Areas of Salmon in Sleetmute, Alaska. BLM REA YKL 2011 Subsistence Harvest Areas of Salmon in Aniak, Alaska. BLM REA YKL 2011 Subsistence Harvest Areas of Salmon in Upper Kalsakg, Alaska. BLM REA YKL 2011 Subsistence Harvest Areas of Salmon in Lower Kalskag, Alaska. BLM REA YKL 2011 Subsistence Harvest Areas of Salmon in McGrath, Alaska. Abundance and run timing of adult salmon in Gisasa River, Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 2003 Data describing vulnerability of Pacific salmon to invasion of northern pike (Esox lucius) in southcentral Alaska, 2017-2019 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Assisted Migration and Fish Rescue Programs Biological and Hydrological Data from the Skagit River Ecosystem, Washington, USA 1968-2016 Strategic conservation planning for management applications in Cascadia Facilitation Needs for GLNCC Columbia Basin Partner Forum Population Genetics and the Management of Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Salmon Populations