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This polygon data set represents all sage-grouse Priority Areas for Conservation (PACs) identified in the 2013 Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Objectives Team (COT) Report. PACs represent areas identified as essential for the long-term conservation of the sage-grouse. The COT determined that the PACs are key for the conservation of the species range wide. PAC polygons were provided by States. This data set has merged all State PACs together and cleaned up the polygons by filling in small gaps along state borders, closing any holes less than 10 acres, and removing any polygons less than 10 acres. This cleaning reduced noise in the data. PACs were then split by population using the ‘GRSG_2015_USFWS_StatusReview_Populations’...
This data set represents greater sage-grouse populations to be used in work for the US Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) 2015 Status Review for the greater sage-grouse. Populations do not represent occupied habitat. Population polygons are meant to coarsely identify areas of occupation based on encircling groups of leks. Boundaries taken from BLM/WAFWA revised population boundaries (‘COT_SG_Populations_2014_WAFWA_UT’ data layer). The original data layer was slightly modified for the USFWS 2015 Status Review. Modifications include dissolving populations across State boundaries and merging several polygons together. Five additional polygons were added to the data set including four polygons in Utah and one polygon in Canada....
Available information on the status, of the western Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) in Arizona is limited. To determine its current status, I sent out questionnaires, made personal contacts, conducted field observations, and searched the literature. These data indicated that relatively little is known in Arizona about this uncommon species. This paper summarizes existing information on the Burrowing Owl in Arizona and provides baseline information for future studies. Location records suggest that this species is a widespread, albeit uncommon, bird in Arizona. The data compiled during this study are still not adequate to assess the status of Burrowing Owls in Arizona as of 1998. An annotated bibliography...
This polygon data set represents all sage-grouse Priority Areas for Conservation (PACs) identified in the 2013 Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Objectives Team (COT) Report. PACs represent areas identified as essential for the long-term conservation of the sage-grouse. The COT determined that the PACs are key for the conservation of the species range wide. PAC polygons were provided by States. This data set has merged all State PACs together and cleaned up the polygons by filling in small gaps along state borders, closing any holes less than 10 acres, and removing any polygons less than 10 acres. This cleaning reduced noise in the data. PACs were then split by population using the ‘GRSG_2015_USFWS_StatusReview_Populations’...
This data set identifies Management Zones to be used in work for the USFWS 2015 Status Review for the greater sage-grouse. Management Zone boundaries in this data set were slightly adjusted from the 2006 WAFWA Management Zone data set. Outer boundaries were adjusted to include all PACs and Populations from the 'GRSG_2015_USFWS_StatusReview_Populations' data set. Management Zone boundaries dividing populations were adjusted to match Population boundaries from the 'GRSG_2015_USFWS_StatusReview_Populations' data set. See the Supplemental Information for more details.

    map background search result map search result map Greater Sage-Grouse 2015 USFWS Status Review Management Zones Greater Sage-Grouse 2015 USFWS Status Review PACs Greater Sage-Grouse 2015 USFWS Status Review Populations Bioscape Test - Public Item Bioscape Test - Public Item Greater Sage-Grouse 2015 USFWS Status Review PACs Greater Sage-Grouse 2015 USFWS Status Review Populations Greater Sage-Grouse 2015 USFWS Status Review Management Zones