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Summary:The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) New York Water Science Center (NYWSC) operates a monitoring network of streamgages in New York where water-resources information, collected in near-real time, can be used for computing long-term low-flow statistics. This study aims to determine low-flow, mean annual and mean monthly flow statistics and for all continuous streamgages in New York State, and to complete a thorough statistical analysis of potential trends in these data. Regional regression equations will be developed to estimate the computed statistics for ungaged locations in New York from the relation of computed statistics at gaged locations to various physical and climate characteristics of that region....
Categories: Project;
Tags: Low flow or peak flow,
New York,
USGS New York Water Science Center,
Background Climate change during the past century has resulted in changes to precipitation amounts, form (rain vs. snow), as well as frequency and intensity in the northeastern US (Huntington et al., 2009). Additional changes in precipitation are forecast for the 21st Century as the global and regional climate is expected to warm substantially (Hayhoe et al., 2007). These ongoing and projected future changes in precipitation along with other related changes to evapotranspiration rates and land use patterns will result in changes in streamflow patterns as well (Hayhoe et al., 2007). Although precipitation amounts have generally increased in the Northeast during the past 20-30 years (Huntington et al., 2009),...
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Climate Change,
Climate Change,
Cooperative Water Program,
Ecosystem Health,
The NHDPlus Version 1.0 is an integrated suite of application-ready geospatial data sets that incorporate many of the best features of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and the National Elevation Dataset (NED). The NHDPlus includes a stream network (based on the 1:100,000-scale NHD), improved networking, naming, and "value-added attributes" (VAA's). NHDPlus also includes elevation-derived catchments (drainage areas) produced using a drainage enforcement technique first broadly applied in New England, and thus dubbed "The New-England Method". This technique involves "burning-in" the 1:100,000-scale NHD and when available building "walls" using the national Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD). The resulting modified...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. These datasets consist of a workspace (folder) containing a collection of gridded datasets plus a personal geodatabase containing several vector datasets. These datasets are designed to be used with the ArcHydro Tools, developed by ESRI in partnership with the U.S. Geological Survey, StreamStats Development Team. The datasets, together with the ArcHydro Tools, allow users to delineate watersheds and compute several watershed characteristics....
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. This dataset consists of a workspace (folder) containing four gridded datasets and a personal geodatabase. The gridded datasets are a grid of mean annual precipitation, a grid of forest land cover, and region grids used in the Idaho StreamStats application. One region grid is for peak flow estimates, the other is for low flows, mean annual flows, and monthly flow statistics. The personal geodatabase contains a polygon feature class...
In cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Transportation, the U.S. Geological Survey developed a StreamStats web application ( that provides analytical tools useful for water-resources planning and management (Ries and others, 2017). This data set presents the lidar-derived flow direction, flow accumulation, streamline, and hydro-enforced digital elevation model raster data used for analysis in StreamStats. Rasters are included for each of the following hydrologic unit codes (HUCs): 03040101, 03040102, 03040103, 03040104, 03040105, 03040201, 03040202, 03040203, 03040204, 03040205, 03040206, 03040207, 03040208, 03050101, 03050102, 03050103, 03050104, 03050105, 03050106,...
This dataset was produced by the US Geological Survey as a supporting dataset to be used for the purpose of calculating stream gage basin characteristics in preparation for the South Carolina StreamStats application. This integer raster dataset represents runoff curve numbers for the combinations of hydrological soils groupings and land cover types within the South Carolina StreamStats study area. Soils data are from the USDA, NRCS SSURGO soils database and land cover data are USGS 2019 NLCD data. The dataset will be used in peak flow regression equations that are used to predict flow in South Carolina streams. The StreamStats application provides access to spatial analytical tools that are useful for water-resources...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Georgia,
Land cover,
NLCD 2019,
National Land Cover Dataset,
North Carolina,
This community catalog serves the USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center. The Water Science Center's mission is to collect, analyze and disseminate the impartial hydrologic data and information needed to wisely manage water resources for the people of the United States and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In Pennsylvania, the USGS's water-resources roots date back to the late 1800's, with the initiation of streamflow gaging on the Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers and the evaluation of groundwater resources in various parts of the Commonwealth. Today, the Pennsylvania Water Science Center's cadre of nearly 80 scientists, technicians, and support staff in New Cumberland, Exton, Pittsburgh, and Williamsport work in...
The purpose of this USGS data release is to publish NC SELDM streamflow statistics and summary statistics of physical and chemical data in support of the information provided in the above-referenced report. This data release consists of two data sets, "NC SELDM streamflow statistics..." and "NC SELDM summary statistics for physical and chemical data...". The tables that are uploaded for the "NC SELDM streamflow statistics for 266 streamgages across North Carolina" sub-section are primarily the support files for the StreamStatsDB update that was completed when the report was approved. These files were generated using the GNWISQ and QSTATS computer programs developed and described by Granato (2009, appendices 1 and...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Anthropocene (Temporal),
North Carolina,
Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model,
Summary: Extreme flooding can threaten life and property in flood-prone areas, as well as cause damage to critical infrastructure along roadways and canals. The effective management of these areas, and appropriate design of structures along rivers and streams, relies on understanding the magnitude and frequency of floods at gaged locations, and the ability to estimate these data at ungaged streams. Peak flow analysis and development of regional regression equations to estimate peak flow frequency and magnitude for New York have not been updated using any new data collected since 1999 (Lumia, 2006). As more data and newer technology have become available there is a need to update these data. The updated regression...
Problem Surface-water information is needed for planning, design, hazard warning, and operation and management in water-related fields such as water supply, hydroelectric power, flood control, irrigation, bridge and culvert design, wildlife management, pollution abatement, flood-plain management, and water-resources development. Appropriate historical and real-time surface-water data, such as stream flow and stage, reservoir levels, and water temperature, are necessary to properly assess, manage and protect water resources. Objectives Collect timely and high quality surface-water data for (1) assessment of water resources; (2) operation of reservoirs or industries; (3) forecasting flow; (4) disposal of wastes...
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Climate Impacts,
Climate Impacts,
Climate Research and Development,
Climate impacts,
Cooperative Water Program,
In 2016, non-interpretive streamflow statistics were compiled for streamgages located throughout the Nation and stored in the StreamStatsDB database for use with StreamStats and other applications. Two previously published USGS computer programs that were designed to help calculate streamflow statistics were updated to better support StreamStats as part of this effort. These programs are named “GNWISQ” (Get National Water Information System Streamflow (Q) files) and “QSTATS” (Streamflow (Q) Statistics). Statistics for 20,438 streamgages that had 1 or more complete years of record during water years 1901 through 2015 were calculated from daily mean streamflow data; 19,415 of these streamgages were within the conterminous...
The NHDPlus Version 1.0 is an integrated suite of application-ready geospatial data sets that incorporate many of the best features of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and the National Elevation Dataset (NED). The NHDPlus includes a stream network (based on the 1:100,000-scale NHD), improved networking, naming, and "value-added attributes" (VAA's). NHDPlus also includes elevation-derived catchments (drainage areas) produced using a drainage enforcement technique first broadly applied in New England, and thus dubbed "The New-England Method". This technique involves "burning-in" the 1:100,000-scale NHD and when available building "walls" using the national Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD). The resulting modified...
These data were reprojected to USA_Contiguous_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_USGS_version and clipped to the MAR REA boundary.The NHDPlus Version 1.0 is an integrated suite of application-ready geospatial data sets that incorporate many of the best features of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and the National Elevation Dataset (NED). The NHDPlus includes a stream network (based on the 1:100,000-scale NHD), improved networking, naming, and "value-added attributes" (VAA's). NHDPlus also includes elevation-derived catchments (drainage areas) produced using a drainage enforcement technique first broadly applied in New England, and thus dubbed "The New-England Method". This technique involves "burning-in" the 1:100,000-scale...
Derived data layer based upon the NHD+ data layer. The layer represents the distance to the perennial streams and is used to model invasive annual grasses and noxious forbs and species assemblages. The NHDPlus Version 1.0 is an integrated suite of application-ready geospatial data sets that incorporate many of the best features of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and the National Elevation Dataset (NED). The NHDPlus includes a stream network (based on the 1:100,000-scale NHD), improved networking, naming, and "value-added attributes" (VAA's). NHDPlus also includes elevation-derived catchments (drainage areas) produced using a drainage enforcement technique first broadly applied in New England, and thus dubbed...
Derived data layer based upon the NHD+ data layer. The layer represents the distance to the intermitant streams and is used to model invasive annual grasses and noxious forbs and species assembleages. The NHDPlus Version 1.0 is an integrated suite of application-ready geospatial data sets that incorporate many of the best features of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and the National Elevation Dataset (NED). The NHDPlus includes a stream network (based on the 1:100,000-scale NHD), improved networking, naming, and "value-added attributes" (VAA's). NHDPlus also includes elevation-derived catchments (drainage areas) produced using a drainage enforcement technique first broadly applied in New England, and thus...
This community is established for communities that wish to use Data Entry for Project Tracking and Highlighting (DEPTH) web application. Communities must be added as a shortcut to the DEPTH Community in order to use the DEPTH interface.
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Hurricane Sandy,
Marcellus Shale,
New York,
The U.S. Geological Survey’s StreamStats program is a publicly-accessible web application ( that can be used to delineate drainage areas, compute basin characteristics, and estimate flow statistics for user-selected locations on streams. StreamStats services are typically implemented at the statewide or watershed scale (referred to as state or basin applications), and although the three core functionalities remain consistent, many states have implemented custom tools to address specific water-resources planning and management needs. In Massachusetts, a watershed-scale application for the Mystic River Basin was developed to support stakeholder efforts to address stormwater challenges...
Derived data layer based upon the NHD+ data layer. The layer represents the distance to the perennial streams and is used to model invasive annual grasses and noxious forbs and species assemblages. The NHDPlus Version 1.0 is an integrated suite of application-ready geospatial data sets that incorporate many of the best features of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and the National Elevation Dataset (NED). The NHDPlus includes a stream network (based on the 1:100,000-scale NHD), improved networking, naming, and "value-added attributes" (VAA's). NHDPlus also includes elevation-derived catchments (drainage areas) produced using a drainage enforcement technique first broadly applied in New England, and thus dubbed...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. These datasets each consist of a workspace (folder) containing a collection of gridded datasets plus a personal geodatabase containing several vector datasets. These datasets are designed to be used with the ArcHydro Tools, developed by ESRI in partnership with the U.S. Geological Survey, StreamStats Development Team. The datasets, together with the ArcHydro Tools, allow users to delineate watersheds and compute several watershed...
Categories: pre-SM502.8;
Tags: Geoscientific Information,
Inland Waters,