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This study deployed acoustic telemetry at the Fox River Navigational System Authority (FRNSA) in lock #2 and the upstream and downstream pools in Kaukauna, WI to document movements and behavior of telemetered fish species in response to injection of carbon dioxide. Telemetry equipment was setup in the test area for approximately 2 months during the summer of 2019. CSV metadata includes telemetry data with position estimates for fish during this time.
This dataset comprises GPS location analyzed in Lamb et al. (2017): 165,562 deployed GPS locations, for 81 Eastern brown pelicans (25 in Florida, 27 in Louisiana, and 29 in Texas) tracked from 2013-04-24 to 2016-02-05. Funding for this study was provided by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and U.S. Geological Survey (Interagency Agreement no. M12PG00014). The Eastern Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis carolinensis) is a large-bodied seabird that nests in colonies of 10 to upwards of 5,000 pairs, on nearshore barrier islands in subtropical and tropical North American waters. It breeds between March and August, laying 2–3 eggs and raising 1–2 chicks per year. The species is facultatively migratory during...
The dataset contains 3 components: (1) acceleration data logger (ADL) data, (2) GPS location data, and (3) body temperature data. We have ADL data from pythons in captivity (N = 2) and in free-ranging snakes (N=4). We have GPS data for 3 out of 4 free-ranging snakes. We have body temperature data for all 4 free-ranging snakes.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Ecology,
Southern Florida,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
This metadata document describes the data contained in the "Argos Raw Data" (Child Item 2) of this data release. This data release contains all data collected by the Argos System from 28 satellite transmitters attached to Common Murres on their breeding range in arctic and western Alaska, 1994-1996. Five data files are included in the "Argos Raw Data" (Child Item 2) of this data release. Two data files (with identical content) contain the raw Argos DIAG (Diagnostic) data, one in the legacy verbose ASCII format and one in a tabular Comma Separate Value (CSV) format. Two other data files (with identical content) contain the raw Argos DS (Dispose) data, one in the legacy verbose ASCII format and one in a tabular CSV...
This metadata document describes the data contained in the "Argos Raw Data" (Child Item 2) of this data release. This data release contains all data collected by the Argos System from 20 satellite transmitters attached to Thick-billed murres on their breeding range in arctic and western Alaska, 1995-1996. Five data files are included in the "Argos Raw Data" (Child Item 2) of this data release. Two data files (with identical content) contain the raw Argos DIAG (Diagnostic) data, one in the legacy verbose ASCII format and one in a tabular Comma Separate Value (CSV) format. Two other data files (with identical content) contain the raw Argos DS (Dispose) data, one in the legacy verbose ASCII format and one in a tabular...
This data release includes 2 child items with tracking data for Thick-billed Murres, a seabird species found in the Arctic and regions of the North Pacific and North Atlantic oceans. Child Item 1: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Thick-billed Murres (Uria lomvia) - Processed Data" Quality-controlled data collected from Argos satellite transmitters. Child Item 2: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Thick-billed Murres (Uria lomvia) - Raw Data" All raw data collected from Argos satellite transmitters, provided for completeness of the archive. The "Argos Processed Data" (Child Item 1) are better suited for most analytical purposes.
This data release includes 1 child item with tracking data for Pacific Loons, a species that breeds throughout much of Alaska and winters throughout the Pacific Ocean basin, along the coasts of East Asia and North America. Child Item 1: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Pacific Loons (Gavia pacifica) - Processed Data" Quality-controlled data collected from Argos satellite transmitters.
Child Item 1: Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Yellow-billed Loons (Gavia adamsii) - Processed Data
This metadata document describes the data contained in the "Argos Processed Data" (Child Item 1) of this data release. This data release contains all data collected by the Argos System from 92 satellite transmitters attached to adult Yellow-billed Loons on their breeding range in Arctic Alaska and Canada, 2002-2017. The raw data were processed to accomplish two goals: flag implausible location estimates and decode raw sensor data. Three Comma Separate Value (CSV) tables are included in the "Argos Processed Data" (Child Item 1) of this data release: 1) the "diag_filteredLocations" table contains one record for every location estimate collected, accompanied by a binary flag that denotes an algorithm's plausibility...
This data release includes 2 child items with tracking data for Red-throated Loons, a species that breeds in coastal areas throughout Alaska and winters along the Pacific coasts of North America and Eurasia. Child Item 1: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Red-throated Loons (Gavia stellata) - Processed Data" Quality-controlled data collected from Argos satellite transmitters. Child Item 2: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Red-throated Loons (Gavia stellata) - Raw Data" All raw data collected from Argos satellite transmitters, provided for completeness of the archive. The "Argos Processed Data" (Child Item 1) are better suited for most analytical purposes. Version History: First release: December 2017 Revised:...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Tags: Alaska,
Animal tracking,
Child Item 2: Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Long-billed Curlews (Numenius americanus) - Raw Data
This metadata document describes the data contained in the "Argos Raw Data" (Child Item 2) of this data release. This data release contains all data collected by the Argos System from 28 satellite transmitters attached to Long-billed Curlews at breeding sites in Oregon, Nevada, and Montana. Five data files are included in the "Argos Raw Data" (Child Item 2) of this data release. Two data files (with identical content) contain the raw Argos DIAG (Diagnostic) data, one in the legacy verbose ASCII format and one in a tabular Comma Separate Value (CSV) format. Two other data files (with identical content) contain the raw Argos DS (Dispose) data, one in the legacy verbose ASCII format and one in a tabular CSV format....
This metadata document describes the data contained in the "Argos Processed Data" (Child Item 1) of this data release. This data release contains all data collected by the Argos System from 921 satellite transmitters attached to adult Pacific walruses in the Bering and Chukchi Seas, in U.S. and Russian waters, 1988-2019. The raw data were processed to accomplish two goals: flag implausible location estimates and decode raw sensor data. Very few transmitters (n=5) also carried GPS receivers. Because the GPS locations were communicated through the Argos System, a time series of Argos (Doppler) tracking data for those 5 transmitters also exists and is included. Four Comma Separate Value (CSV) tables are included in...
This metadata document describes the data contained in the "Argos Processed Data" (Child Item 1) of this data release. This data release contains all data collected by the Argos System from 17 satellite transmitters attached to Whooper Swans at a non-breeding site in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, 2009. The raw data were processed to accomplish two goals: flag implausible location estimates and decode raw sensor data. Three Comma Separate Value (CSV) tables are included in the "Argos Processed Data" (Child Item 1) of this data release: 1) the "diag_filteredLocations" table contains one record for every Argos location estimate collected, accompanied by a binary flag that denotes an algorithm's plausibility check (based...
This metadata document describes the data contained in the "Argos Raw Data" (Child Item 2) of this data release. This data release contains all data collected by the Argos System from 17 satellite transmitters attached to Whooper Swans at a non-breeding site in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, 2009. Five data files are included in the "Argos Raw Data" (Child Item 2) of this data release. Two data files (with identical content) contain the raw Argos DIAG (Diagnostic) data, one in the legacy verbose ASCII format and one in a tabular Comma Separate Value (CSV) format. Two other data files (with identical content) contain the raw Argos DS (Dispose) data, one in the legacy verbose ASCII format and one in a tabular CSV format....
These data represent an annotated training data for machine learned life history classification of the daily activity of dabbling ducks (f. Anatidae sf. Anatinae) using hourly GPS data. Each row of data represents a single GPS location for one of 5 species of dabbling duck. Note: the machine learned model was developed to be general across sf. Anatinae and does not include specific reference to the species included. That information is obtainable from the point of contact upon request. Each data record contains unique identifiers for individual bird, individual date of locations for an individual bird, and for individual location. Each record contains spatial, temporal and associated habitat information. Each record...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Ecology,
GPS measurement,
Modified Normalized Difference Water Index,
North America,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
This metadata document describes the data contained in the "Argos Raw Data" (Child Item 2) of this data release. This data release contains all data collected by the Argos System from 50 satellite transmitters attached to Tundra Swans on their breeding range in arctic and western Alaska, 2008. Five data files are included in the "Argos Raw Data" (Child Item 2) of this data release. Two data files (with identical content) contain the raw Argos DIAG (Diagnostic) data, one in the legacy verbose ASCII format and one in a tabular Comma Separate Value (CSV) format. Two other data files (with identical content) contain the raw Argos DS (Dispose) data, one in the legacy verbose ASCII format and one in a tabular CSV format....
This data package includes 2 child items with tracking data of buff-breasted sandpiper, a shorebird species that breeds only in Arctic Alaska and Canada, spending the winter in the grasslands of Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina after a lengthy migration. Child Item 1: "Argos and GPS Satellite Tracking Data for Buff-breasted Sandpipers (Calidris subruficollis) - Processed Data" Quality-controlled data collected from Argos and Argos-linked GPS satellite transmitters. Child Item 2: "Argos and GPS Satellite Tracking Data for Buff-breasted Sandpipers (Calidris subruficollis) - Raw Data" All raw data collected from Argos and Argos-linked GPS satellite transmitters, provided for completeness of the archive. The "Processed...
This data release includes 2 child items with tracking data for Blue-winged Teal, a duck species that breeds throughout much of North America and whose wintering range includes neotropical areas of the Caribbean and Central and South America, thus providing a migratory link between the continents of North and South America. Child Item 1: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors) - Processed Data" Quality-controlled data collected from Argos satellite transmitters. Child Item 2: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors) - Raw Data" All raw data collected from Argos satellite transmitters, provided for completeness of the archive. The The "Argos Processed Data"...
This metadata document describes the data contained in the "Argos Raw Data" (Child Item 2) of this data release. This data release contains all data collected by the Argos System from 19 satellite transmitters attached to Northern Fulmars on their breeding range in the Bering Sea and northern Gulf of Alaska, 2001-2006. Five data files are included in the "Argos Raw Data" (Child Item 2) of this data release. Two data files (with identical content) contain the raw Argos DIAG (Diagnostic) data, one in the legacy verbose ASCII format and one in a tabular Comma Separate Value (CSV) format. Two other data files (with identical content) contain the raw Argos DS (Dispose) data, one in the legacy verbose ASCII format and...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Alaska,
Albatrosses/Petrels and Allies,
Animal tracking,
This metadata document describes the data contained in the "Argos Processed Data" (Child Item 1) of this data release. This data release contains all data collected by the Argos System from 2 satellite transmitters attached to Red-faced Cormorants on Attu Island Alaska, 2006. The raw data were processed to accomplish two goals: flag implausible location estimates and decode raw sensor data. Three Comma Separate Value (CSV) tables are included in the "Argos Processed Data" (Child Item 1) of this data release: 1) the "diag_filteredLocations" table contains one record for every Argos location estimate collected, accompanied by a binary flag that denotes an algorithm's plausibility check (based on distance, turning...
This data release includes 2 child items with tracking data for Common Eiders, a sea duck species found across Alaska and the Arctic. Some populations migrate between distant breeding and wintering areas while others are essentially nonmigratory. Child Item 1: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima) - Processed Data" Quality-controlled data collected from Argos satellite transmitters. Child Item 2: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima) - Raw Data" All raw data collected from Argos satellite transmitters, provided for completeness of the archive. The "Argos Processed Data" (Child Item 1) are better suited for most analytical purposes.
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