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The datasets provided here are the input data used to run the Seasonal Kendall Trend (SKT) tests and Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) models. SKT tests use "annualSamplingFreqs_allSites.csv" and "wqData_screenedSitesAll.csv" which includes, for all site-parameter combinations, information on annual sampling frequencies and the screened water-quality data, respectively. The WRTDS models use "DRB.wqdata.20200521.csv", "", and "" for calibration which includes, for all site-parameter combinations, the water-quality data, streamflow data (as separate .csv files for each site), model specifications and site information, respectively. The multisource...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system were developed to define an updated hydrogeologic framework as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program. This feature class contains data points used to generate FWZ_FAS raster.
This digital dataset is comprised of two separate data files that contain total dissolved solids, well construction, and well identifying information for 1,131 petroleum wells used to map salinity in and around 31 southern and central California oil fields. Salinity mapping was done for 27 fields located in the southern San Joaquin Valley of Kern County (North Belridge, South Belridge, Canfield Ranch, North Coles Levee, South Coles Levee, Cymric, Edison, Elk Hills, Fruitvale, Greeley, Jasmin, Kern Bluff, Kern Front, Kern River, Lost Hills, Mount Poso, Mountain View, Poso Creek, Rio Bravo, Rosedale, Rosedale Ranch, Round Mountain, San Emidio Nose, Tejon, Ten Section, Wheeler Ridge, and Yowlumne), 3 fields in the...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system were developed to define an updated hydrogeologic framework as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program. This feature class contains polygons depicting areas of this unit estimated to have greater than 10,000 mg/L of TDS.
Brackish groundwater (BGW), defined for this assessment as having a dissolved-solids concentration between 1,000 and 10,000 milligrams per liter is an unconventional source of water that may offer a partial solution to current (2016) and future water challenges. In support of the National Water Census, the U.S. Geological Survey has completed a BGW assessment to gain a better understanding of the occurrence and character of BGW resources of the United States as an alternative source of water. Analyses completed as part of this assessment relied on previously collected data from multiple sources, and no new data were collected. One of the most important contributions of this assessment was the creation of a database...
The surface water water-quality data were compiled from Water Quality Portal ( (National Water Quality Monitoring Council, 2015), USGS’s NAWQA Project’s data compilation (Oelsner and others, 2017) or the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (Montana Bureau of Mines, 2021), The compilation contains data for chloride, pH, specific conductance, sulfate, total dissolved solids (TDS) collected between water year 1970 to 2014. In addition 10 metals (aluminum, arsenic, barium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, selenium strontium, and zinc) analyzed during water years 1993 through 2014. National Water-Quality Monitoring Council, 2015, Water Quality Portal: National Water-Quality Monitoring Council,...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system were developed to define an updated hydrogeologic framework as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program. This feature class contains contour lines generated from the thickness of the FWZ_FAS raster.
Brackish groundwater (BGW), defined for this assessment as having a dissolved-solids concentration between 1,000 and 10,000 milligrams per liter is an unconventional source of water that may offer a partial solution to current (2016) and future water challenges. In support of the National Water Census, the U.S. Geological Survey has completed a BGW assessment to gain a better understanding of the occurrence and character of BGW resources of the United States as an alternative source of water. Analyses completed as part of this assessment relied on previously collected data from multiple sources, and no new data were collected. One of the most important contributions of this assessment is the creation of a database...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system were developed to define an updated hydrogeologic framework as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program. This feature class contains data points used to generate the thickness of FAS raster.
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system were developed to define an updated hydrogeologic framework as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program. This feature class contains polygons depicting areas of this unit estimated to have greater than 10,000 mg/L of TDS.
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system were developed to define an updated hydrogeologic framework as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program. This feature class contains data points used to generate est_10000_TDS raster. It also includes "control" points used to map the 10,000 boundary including time-domeain electromagnetic soundings, data source is...
The Falcon Refinery Superfund Site (hereinafter referred to as “the Site”) is located in San Patricio County near Ingleside, Texas. The Site occupies approximately 104 noncontiguous acres that are divided into the North Site, the South Site, and a barge dock facility. Surface water drainage from the Site enters wetlands along the southeastern section of the property associated with this abandoned refinery. The wetlands connect to the Intracoastal Waterway and Redfish Bay, which connects Corpus Christi Bay to the Gulf of Mexico. In addition to the abandoned refinery, the site currently (June 2024) includes seven large (greater than 50 feet in diameter) aboveground storage tanks that are in the process of being disassembled...
In 1991, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began a study of more than 50 major river basins across the Nation as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) project. One of the major goals of the NAWQA project was to determine how river water quality has changed over time. To support that goal, long-term consistent and comparable monitoring has been conducted by the USGS on streams and rivers throughout the Nation. Outside of the NAWQA project, the USGS and other Federal, State, and local agencies also have collected long-term water-quality data to support their own assessments of changing water quality. In 2017, data from these multiple sources were combined to support one of the most comprehensive assessments...
This digital dataset is comprised of three separate data files that contain total dissolved solids, well construction, and well identifying information for 3,546 water wells used to map salinity in and around 31 southern and central California oil fields. Salinity mapping was done for 27 fields located in the southern San Joaquin Valley of Kern County (North Belridge, South Belridge, Canfield Ranch, North Coles Levee, South Coles Levee, Cymric, Edison, Elk Hills, Fruitvale, Greely, Jasmin, Kern Bluff, Kern Front, Kern River, Lost Hills, Mount Poso, Mountain View, Poso Creek, Rio Bravo, Rosedale, Rosedale Ranch, Round Mountain, San Emidio Nose, Tejon, Ten Section, Wheeler Ridge, and Yowlumne), 3 fields in the LA...
The datasets provided here are the output from the Seasonal Kendall Trend (SKT) test and Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) model that characterize changes in water quality in rivers and streams across the Delaware River Basin. SKT results are compiled in "skt_out.csv" for all combinations of site, water-quality parameter, and trend period. WRTDS results are compiled in four datasets. If unspecified, generalized flow normalization (GFN) results are reported. Stationary flow normalization (SFN) results are indicated in the datasets. "wrtds_out_annResults.csv" contains the annual estimates of mean concentration and load and GFN and SFN estimates by site and parameter for the entire calibration...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system were developed to define an updated hydrogeologic framework as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program. This feature class contains polygons depicting areas of this unit estimated to have greater than 10,000 mg/L of TDS.
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system were developed to define an updated hydrogeologic framework as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program. This feature class contains data points used to generate est_10000_TDS raster.
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system were developed to define an updated hydrogeologic framework as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program. This feature class contains polygons depicting areas of this unit estimated to have greater than 10,000 mg/L of TDS.
Groundwater salinity presents a challenge to the management of water quality in the Indio subbasin of the Coachella Valley where a growing population is dependent primarily on groundwater for drinking water. The U.S. Geological survey, along with the Colorado River Basin regional water quality control board, are working to provide an assessment of salinity trends and sources in the Indio subbasin (California (CA) basin designation 7-21.01; California Department of Water Resources (2020)). As part of this work, salinity data and other selected inorganic water quality data, along with well construction information, for wells with available total dissolved solids (TDS) or conductance data were compiled from published...
In 1991, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began a study of more than 50 major river basins across the Nation as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) project. One of the major goals of the NAWQA project was to determine how river water quality has changed over time. To support that goal, long-term consistent and comparable monitoring has been conducted by the USGS on streams and rivers throughout the Nation. Outside of the NAWQA project, the USGS and other Federal, State, and local agencies also have collected long-term water-quality data to support their own assessments of changing water quality. In 2017, data from these multiple sources were combined to support one of the most comprehensive assessments...

map background search result map search result map Dissolved-Solids Dataset Major-Ions Dataset Water well data used for preliminary regional groundwater salinity mapping near selected oil fields in central and southern California Petroleum well data used for preliminary regional groundwater salinity mapping near selected oil fields in central and southern California Water-quality trends for rivers and streams in the Delaware River Basin using Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) models, Seasonal Kendall Trend (SKT) tests, and multisource data, Water Year 1978-2018 (input data) Water-quality trends for rivers and streams in the Delaware River Basin using Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) models, Seasonal Kendall Trend (SKT) tests, and multisource data, Water Year 1978-2018 (output data) Water-quality and streamflow datasets used in Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) models to determine trends in the Nation’s rivers and streams, 1972-2017 (input data) Water-quality and streamflow datasets used in Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) models to determine trends in the Nation’s rivers and streams, 1972-2017 (output data) Groundwater database for a regional assessment of groundwater salinity variations and sources in the Indio Subbasin of the Coachella Valley, California Surface water water-quality data for select constituents in Williston Basin, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota for water years 1970-2014 DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas within low-permeability rocks near base of the Oldsmar permeable zone DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the Floridan aquifer system DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas for the APPZ DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas of the LAPPZ DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas of the Lower Floridan aquifer DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the 10,000 mg/L total dissolved solids boundary DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points and control points for the top of the 10,000 mg/L total dissolved solids boundary DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the "freshwater" thickness of the Floridan aquifer system DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the "freshwater" thickness of the Floridan aquifer system Groundwater quality at the Falcon Refinery Superfund Site near Ingleside, Texas, January 2024 Groundwater quality at the Falcon Refinery Superfund Site near Ingleside, Texas, January 2024 Groundwater database for a regional assessment of groundwater salinity variations and sources in the Indio Subbasin of the Coachella Valley, California Water well data used for preliminary regional groundwater salinity mapping near selected oil fields in central and southern California Petroleum well data used for preliminary regional groundwater salinity mapping near selected oil fields in central and southern California DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas for the APPZ Water-quality trends for rivers and streams in the Delaware River Basin using Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) models, Seasonal Kendall Trend (SKT) tests, and multisource data, Water Year 1978-2018 (input data) Water-quality trends for rivers and streams in the Delaware River Basin using Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) models, Seasonal Kendall Trend (SKT) tests, and multisource data, Water Year 1978-2018 (output data) DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points and control points for the top of the 10,000 mg/L total dissolved solids boundary Surface water water-quality data for select constituents in Williston Basin, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota for water years 1970-2014 DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas within low-permeability rocks near base of the Oldsmar permeable zone DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas of the LAPPZ DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Contours for the "freshwater" thickness of the Floridan aquifer system DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the top of the 10,000 mg/L total dissolved solids boundary DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the "freshwater" thickness of the Floridan aquifer system DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Polygon regions depicting saline areas of the Lower Floridan aquifer DS926 Digital surfaces and thicknesses of selected hydrogeologic units of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina -- Points for the thickness of the Floridan aquifer system Water-quality and streamflow datasets used in Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) models to determine trends in the Nation’s rivers and streams, 1972-2017 (output data) Water-quality and streamflow datasets used in Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) models to determine trends in the Nation’s rivers and streams, 1972-2017 (input data) Major-Ions Dataset Dissolved-Solids Dataset