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This dataset describes water-quantity and -quality data measured from the parking lot influent and underdrain and overflow effluent from the permeable asphalt, concrete and paver test plots in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Data include precipitation statistics, volumes, and concentrations and loads of total and dissolved forms of solids, nutrients, chloride, and bacteria. Samples were collected in August 2014 through September 2016. These data are interpreted in a USGS Scientific Investigations Report.
This child page contains the model input and output data used in the model validation process for one Program for Predicting Polluting Particle Passage through Pits, Puddles and Ponds (P8) model during the validation period of the study detailed in the associated Scientific Investigations Report "Comparison of Storm Runoff Models for a Small Watershed in an Urban Metropolitan Area, Albuquerque, New Mexico" (Shephard and Douglas-Mankin, 2020). This model was used to simulate storm runoff in the Hahn Arroyo Watershed, an urbanized watershed with concrete lined channels in the northeastern quadrant of Albuquerque that exhibits flashy, monsoonal-driven storm runoff events. The model is described in detail in the associated...
The Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) was developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Project Delivery and Environmental Review to transform complex scientific data into meaningful information about the risk of adverse effects of runoff on receiving waters, the potential need for mitigation measures, and the potential effectiveness of such management measures for reducing these risks (Granato 2013; Granato and Jones, 2014). SELDM is a stochastic model because it uses Monte Carlo methods to produce the random combinations of input variable values needed to generate the stochastic population of values for each component...
This child page contains the requisite folder structure along with model input and output data used in the model validation process for two Hydrologic Engineering Center Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) models during the validation period of the study detailed in the associated Scientific Investigations Report "Comparison of Storm Runoff Models for a Small Watershed in an Urban Metropolitan Area, Albuquerque, New Mexico" (Shephard and Douglas-Mankin, 2020). One model uses a curve-number (CN) based loss method approach, and the other model uses an initial and constant (IC) infiltration rate loss method. Each model was used to simulate storm runoff in the Hahn Arroyo Watershed, an urbanized watershed with concrete...
This child page contains the requisite folder structure along with the model input and output data used in calibrating two Hydrologic Engineering Center Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) models during the calibration period of the study detailed in the associated Scientific Investigations Report "Comparison of Storm Runoff Models for a Small Watershed in an Urban Metropolitan Area, Albuquerque, New Mexico" (Shephard and Douglas-Mankin, 2020). One model uses a curve-number based loss method approach, and the other model uses an initial and constant infiltration rate loss method. Each model was used to simulate storm runoff in the Hahn Arroyo Watershed, an urbanized watershed with concrete lined channels in the...
In 2013, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in partnership with the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published a new national stormwater quality model called the Stochastic Empirical Loading Dilution Model (SELDM; Granato, 2013). The model is optimized for roadway projects but in theory can be applied to a broad range of development types. SELDM is a statistically-based empirical model pre-populated with much of the data required to successfully run the application (Granato, 2013). The model uses Monte Carlo methods (as opposed to deterministic methods) to generate a wide range of precipitation events and stormwater discharges coupled with water-quality constituent concentrations and loads from the upstream...
The data were gathered as a preliminary assessment of soil microbiology and conditions in selected urban stormwater best management practices (BMPs) in Clarksburg, MD. Four bioretention facilities (BF), four dry ponds (DP), and four surface sand filters (SSF) were selected. Three samples were taken from each BMP (a single sample from one dry swale (DS) was also collected). BMPs were selected based on their position along various stormwater treatment trains. Soil samples were taken after precipitation events in the summer of 2015 and analyzed for various soil chemistry parameters and microbial taxonomic profiling.
Three separate hydrologic models were used to simulate storm runoff in the Hahn Arroyo Watershed, an urbanized watershed with concrete lined channels in the northeastern quadrant of Albuquerque, New Mexico that exhibits flashy, monsoonal-driven, storm runoff events. This data release contains the input and output files associated with the hydrologic simulations of each of the following models: Hydrologic Engineering Center Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS), Program for Predicting Polluting Particle Passage through Pits, Puddles and Ponds (P8), and Arid-Lands Hydrologic Model (AHYMO). The study was designed to compare three existing rainfall-runoff modeling software packages to determine which provided the best...
This child page contains the Arid-Lands Hydrologic Model (AHYMO) input and output data used in the model validation process during the validation period of the study described in the associated Scientific Investigations Report "Comparison of Storm Runoff Models for a Small Watershed in an Urban Metropolitan Area, Albuquerque, New Mexico" (Shephard and Douglas-Mankin, 2020). This model was used to simulate storm runoff in the Hahn Arroyo Watershed, an urbanized watershed with concrete lined channels in the northeastern quadrant of Albuquerque that exhibits flashy, monsoonal-driven storm runoff events. The model is described in detail in the associated SIR.
The purpose of this data release is to provide the original data, analysis methods, and nitrogen loading models in support of a study of the upper South Platte River annual total nitrogen loads attributed to atmospheric deposition of reactive nitrogen during 2017-2018. The data release includes water-quality and stream discharge data and associated predictive regression models used in the estimation of South Platte River nitrogen loads upstream from Weldona, Colorado and sub-basin runoff coefficients for the reach between Chatfield Dam and the South Platte River at Denver gage. The water-quality data were obtained from monthly unfiltered grab samples collected by the Denver Department of Public Health and Environment...
This dataset characterizes water quality and quantity data from 33 storm events at the influent and effluent of a stormwater treatment vault modified with a Coanda-effect screen in Madison, Wisconsin (2016-17). Event dates, event duration, precipitation depth, 15-minute intensity, 30-minute intensity, 60-minute intensity, event volume, and peak discharge are shown with corresponding influent and effluent concentrations and loads as well as percent reductions and load reductions of total suspended solids (TSS), volatile suspended solids (VSS), suspended sediment concentration (SSC), total phosphorus (TP), and dissolved phosphorus (DP). Data are interpreted in a scientific paper published in the Journal of Sustainable...
This child page contains the model input and output data used in the model calibration process for one Program for Predicting Polluting Particle Passage through Pits, Puddles and Ponds (P8) model during the calibration period of the study detailed in the associated Scientific Investigations Report "Comparison of Storm Runoff Models for a Small Watershed in an Urban Metropolitan Area, Albuquerque, New Mexico" (Shephard and Douglas-Mankin, 2020). This model was used to simulate storm runoff in the Hahn Arroyo Watershed, an urbanized watershed with concrete lined channels in the northeastern quadrant of Albuquerque that exhibits flashy, monsoonal-driven storm runoff events. The model is described in detail in the associated...

    map background search result map search result map Storm Characteristics, Concentrations, and Loads Measured at the Permeable Pavement Research Facility, Madison, Wisconsin (2014 - 2016) Storm characteristics, concentrations, and loads measured at the Coanda-effect treatment vault, Madison, Wisconsin (2016-17) Soil characteristics and microbial taxonomy in selected urban stormwater best management practices (BMPs) in Clarksburg, MD, 2015 Input and Output Data used to Compare Storm Runoff Models for a Small Watershed in an Urban Metropolitan Area, Albuquerque, New Mexico HEC-HMS Calibration Period Input and Output Data HEC-HMS Validation Period Input and Output Data P8 Calibration Period Input and Output Data P8 Validation Period Input and Output Data AHYMO Validation Period Input and Output Data Application of the North Carolina Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) to Assess Potential Impacts of Highway Runoff Water-quality and stream discharge data for estimation of nitrogen loads in the South Platte River, Denver, CO, 2017-2018 Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) software archive Storm characteristics, concentrations, and loads measured at the Coanda-effect treatment vault, Madison, Wisconsin (2016-17) Input and Output Data used to Compare Storm Runoff Models for a Small Watershed in an Urban Metropolitan Area, Albuquerque, New Mexico HEC-HMS Calibration Period Input and Output Data HEC-HMS Validation Period Input and Output Data P8 Calibration Period Input and Output Data P8 Validation Period Input and Output Data AHYMO Validation Period Input and Output Data Storm Characteristics, Concentrations, and Loads Measured at the Permeable Pavement Research Facility, Madison, Wisconsin (2014 - 2016) Soil characteristics and microbial taxonomy in selected urban stormwater best management practices (BMPs) in Clarksburg, MD, 2015 Water-quality and stream discharge data for estimation of nitrogen loads in the South Platte River, Denver, CO, 2017-2018 Application of the North Carolina Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) to Assess Potential Impacts of Highway Runoff Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) software archive