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A three-dimensional groundwater flow model using MODFLOW-NWT was developed to evaluate historical and potential stream capture in the lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada. The Humboldt River Basin is the only river basin that is contained entirely within the state of Nevada. The effect of groundwater pumping on the Humboldt River is not well understood. Tools are needed to determine stream capture and manage groundwater pumping in the Humboldt River Basin. Previous work has demonstrated that the river’s surface-water resource is sensitive to groundwater withdrawals, which have steadily increased since the 1950s for agriculture, municipal, and mining uses. A numerical groundwater flow model was developed for the purpose...
A previously published MODFLOW-NWT groundwater-flow model for the Rush Springs aquifer in western Oklahoma (using 1 steady state stress period followed by 444 monthly stress periods representing 1979-2015; Ellis, 2018a) was used as the basis of several groundwater-use scenarios. The model is a 3-layer model including the Cloud Chief formation (confining unit of the Rush Springs aquifer), alluvial and terrace deposits, and the Rush Springs aquifer. The scenarios were used to assess the effects of increasing groundwater withdrawals from the Rush Springs aquifer on base flows to streams that flow into Fort Cobb Reservoir to address concerns over groundwater use reducing inflows to the lake. The effects of groundwater...
An integrated hydrologic-flow model, called the Central Platte Integrated Hydrologic Model, was constructed using the MODFLOW-One-Water Hydrologic Model code with the Newton solver. This code integrates climate, landscape, surface water, and groundwater-flow processes in a fully coupled approach. This study provided the Central Platte Natural Resources District (CPNRD) with an advanced numerical modeling tool to assist with the update of their Groundwater Management Plan by providing them information on modeled future GW levels under different climate scenarios and management practices. This tool will allow the CPNRD to evaluate other scenarios as management changes in the future. A predevelopment model simulated...
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model, MODFLOW-OWHM, was developed to provide a better understanding of the hydrogeology of the Lucerne Valley Groundwater Basin, California. The model was used to investigate the historical groundwater storage loss and subsidence associated with anthropogenic groundwater demands. The model was calibrated to 1942 through 2016 conditions. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulation described in the associated model documentation report
The Rio Grande Transboundary Integrated Hydrologic Model (RGTIHM), which was originally developed by Hanson and others (2020) (, was updated and recalibrated to minimize the biases in RGTIHM’s simulation of streamflow and to incorporate new estimates of historical agricultural consumptive use in the study area. The RGTIHM was developed through an interagency effort between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to provide a tool for analyzing the hydrologic system response to the historical (March 1940 through 2014) evolution of water use and potential changes in water supplies and demands in the Hatch Valley (also known as Rincon Valley...
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model (MODFLOW-NWT) of the Columbia Plateau Regional aquifer (CPRAS) in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho was developed to provide an integrated understanding of the hydrologic system to implement effective water-resource management strategies. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Groundwater Resources Program assessed the groundwater availability as part of a national study of regional systems ( The CPRAS assessment includes the status of groundwater resources, how these resources have changed over time, and development and application of tools to estimate system responses to stresses from future uses and climate variability and change. A major product...
An existing, three-dimensional, transient groundwater-flow model of the Upper Charles River Basin, eastern Massachusetts, was modified to evaluate alternative groundwater-withdrawal scenarios on water levels in Kingsbury Pond. The pond is hydraulically connected to the groundwater-flow system, and water levels in the pond fluctuate in response to recharge to the aquifer from precipitation and wastewater return flows through septic systems, to withdrawals from the aquifer at nearby wells, and to precipitation directly on the pond surface. Concerns about the effects of groundwater withdrawals on water levels in the pond prompted an investigation by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Massachusetts...
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model was developed in 1997 to evaluate the groundwater flow system at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Naval Base Kitsap, Bremerton, Washington ( In 2016, a regional groundwater flow model for the greater Kitsap Peninsula was developed ( Using information from the 2016 regional model, the 1997 groundwater flow model for the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard was updated with a new interpretation of the underlying hydrogeologic units, a refined model grid, and improved recharge estimates. A steady-state model version was constructed in MODFLOW-NWT to simulate equilibrium conditions. MODPATH forward...
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model, constructed in MODFLOW-NWT, was developed to evaluate the groundwater flow system near Puget Sound, Pierce and King Counties, Washington. A steady-state model version was constructed to simulate equilibrium conditions, while a transient model version was constructed to simulate monthly variability from January 2005 to December 2015. The model was used to simulate several hydrologic scenarios. This data release contains the input and output files for the simulations described in the associated model documentation report (
A numerical groundwater flow model using MODFLOW-2005 was developed to examine predevelopment groundwater flow in eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates. The model was calibrated to conditions before the 1960s, the period before modern pumping began. The model was used to evaluate the regional water budget and 4 potential recharge scenarios. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the associated model documentation report ( This data release also includes input and output data files for sensitivity and scenarios simulations, and MODFLOW-2015 source code.
The U.S. Geological Survey constructed a steady-state numerical groundwater flow model in cooperation with Des Moines Water Works (DMWW) to simulate groundwater flow conditions in the Des Moines River alluvial aquifer (DMRA) during winter low-flow conditions typical of December 2018-2020. The Des Moines River alluvial aquifer (DMRA) is an important source of water for Des Moines Water Works (DMWW), the municipal water utility that serves residential and commercial water needs in the city of Des Moines, Iowa and surrounding municipalities. A comprehensive understanding of groundwater flow processes in the DMRA is needed for DMWW to make decisions related to the management of this water resource. A three-layered model...
A three-dimensional numerical groundwater flow model (MODFLOW-USG) was developed for the Wood River Valley (WRV) aquifer system, south-central Idaho, to evaluate groundwater and surface-water availability at the regional scale. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation Idaho Department of Water Resources, used the transient groundwater flow model to simulate historical hydraulic head conditions from 1995 to 2010. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulation described in the associated model documentation report (
A three-dimensional, groundwater-flow model developed by Halford and Jackson ( was used to simulate effects of future (2020—2120) groundwater pumping on water levels and natural discharges in the Alkali Flat–Furnace Creek Ranch (AFFCR), Ash Meadows, Pahute Mesa–Oasis Valley (PMOV), and Pahrump to Death Valley South (PDVS) groundwater basins, southern Nevada and California. Four pumping scenarios were simulated, including a base case and scenarios A, B, and C. Scenarios were simulated from 1913 to 2120, with historical pumping occurring from 1913 to 2010, historical 2010 pumping rates projected from 2010 to 2020, and scenario pumping beginning in 2020. The base case projected 2010 pumping...
This groundwater-flow model archive contains all of the input and output files for an inset MODFLOW-NWT model extracted from the northern (Wisconsin) half of a published USGS steady-state regional model of the Upper Fox River Basin in the U.S. Upper Midwest. The construction and details of the published USGS steady-state model of the Upper Fox River Basin is outlined in the U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5038 ( The regional model is archived in the data release at The extracted model was used to demonstrate an innovative new method for delinating fen distribution and discharge using the MODFLOW UZF package. The extracted...
A new groundwater flow model for western Chippewa County, Wisconsin has been developed by the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). An analytic element GFLOW model was constructed and calibrated to generate hydraulic boundary conditions for the perimeter of the more detailed three-dimensional MODFLOW-NWT model. This three-dimensional model uses the USGS MODFLOW-NWT finite difference code, a standalone version of MODFLOW-2005 that incorporates the Newton (NWT) solver. The model conceptualizes the hydrogeology of western Chippewa County as a six-layer system which includes several hydrostratigraphic units. The model explicitly simulates groundwater-surface-water...
A regional groundwater flow model ( was updated to reflect 2017 pumping conditions in the Tri-County Region covering most of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties, Michigan. This model was developed to simulate the regional hydrologic system in Tri-County area and continues to be used for planning and protection of area water supplies. Revised contributing area delineations in response to recent pumping conditions were needed for local wellhead protection area programs. The model was calibrated to water level observations for 2017 from well driller logs, average water levels for 2012-17 from active USGS observation wells, and estimated baseflow for 2012-16 from USGS streamgaging...
This data release contains three groundwater-flow models of northeastern Wisconsin, USA, that were developed with differing levels of complexity to provide a framework for subsequent evaluations of the effects of process-based model complexity on estimates of groundwater age distributions for withdrawal wells and streams. Preliminary assessments, which focused on the effects of model complexity on simulated water levels in the glacial aquifer system, illustrate that simulation of vertical gradients using multiple model layers improves simulated heads more in relatively low-permeability units than in high-permeability units. Moreover, simulation of heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity fields in both coarse-grained...
A GFLOW model was constructed of the Park Falls Unit as part of a larger study of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. The model supports the goals of the project by providing improved characterization of the groundwater/surface-water system and a tool to evaluate the sensitivity of hydrologic flows and temperature to future climate and land use changes.
An existing three-dimensional groundwater flow model of northern Utah County (, was updated for use with the Groundwater Management Process(GWM) for MODFLOW-2005, to evaluate the optimal managed aquifer recharge scenarios with the objective of maintaining acceptable reductions in simulated discharge at 12 groundwater discharge areas along Utah Lake. Groundwater is a primary source of drinking water in northern Utah County. By 2066, the amount of groundwater withdrawn is estimated to be roughly 65 percent of annual average recharge. To prepare for anticipated future increases in groundwater withdrawals, local cities have identified 16 locations as feasible for managed aquifer recharge....
A three-dimensional, groundwater flow model (MODFLOW-NWT) was developed to examine groundwater storage changes in the Quincy Basin, Washington. The model was calibrated to conditions from 1920 to 2013. The model was used to (1) determine the change in groundwater storage from 1920 to 2013 , and (2) simulate the potential effects of increases in pumping, decrease in irrigation recharge, and increases in streamflow in Crab Creek by 100 cubic feet per second and 500 cubic feet per second. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the associated model documentation report (

map background search result map search result map MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM) used to simulate conjunctive use in the Hatch Valley and Mesilla Basin, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and northern Chihuahua, Mexico MODFLOW-OWHM model used to simulate groundwater flow and evaluate storage in the Lucerne Valley Groundwater Basin, California MODFLOW-NWT model to simulate the groundwater flow system near Puget Sound, Pierce and King Counties, Washington MODFLOW-USG model of groundwater flow in the Wood River Valley aquifer system in Blaine County, Idaho MODFLOW-2005 Models used to Simulate Effects of Pumping in the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System, Nevada and California—Selected Management Scenarios Projected to 2120 MODFLOW-2005 Groundwater Flow Model to Simulate Predevelopment Groundwater Flow in the Eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate groundwater levels in the Des Moines River alluvial aquifer near Des Moines, Iowa MODFLOW-NWT model used to develop a simple method for simulating groundwater interactions with fens to forecast development effects MODFLOW-NWT model data sets for simulating effects of groundwater withdrawals on streamflows in Northwestern Chippewa County MODFLOW-2000 and MODPATH models for simulations used to delineate contributing areas for 2017 pumping conditions to selected wells in Ingham County, Michigan: U.S. Geological Survey data release MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate effects of complexity on head and flow calibration in the Fox-Wolf-Peshtigo watersheds, Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey data release. GFLOW groundwater flow model for the Park Falls Unit of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin MODFLOW2005 and GWM-2005 used to optimize managed aquifer recharge in an Updated Version of the Three-Dimensional Numerical Groundwater Flow Model in Northern Utah Valley, Utah County, Utah MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate groundwater storage changes in the Quincy Basin, Washington MODFLOW-One-Water model used to support the Central Platte Natural Resources District Groundwater Management Plan MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate groundwater withdrawal scenarios for the Rush Springs aquifer upgradient from the Fort Cobb Reservoir, western Oklahoma, 1979-2015, including streamflow, base flow, and precipitation statistics MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate the groundwater availability of the Columbia Plateau Regional Aquifer System, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho MODFLOW-2000 and Management-Optimization Models Used to Evaluate Alternative Groundwater-Withdrawal Scenarios on Water Levels in Kingsbury Pond, Upper Charles River Basin, Eastern Massachusetts MODFLOW-NWT model to simulate the groundwater flow system at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Naval Base Kitsap, Bremerton, Washington MODFLOW-NWT Model Used to Evaluate Stream Capture Related to Groundwater Pumping, Lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada (ver. 1.1, March 2024) MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate groundwater levels in the Des Moines River alluvial aquifer near Des Moines, Iowa MODFLOW-NWT model to simulate the groundwater flow system at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Naval Base Kitsap, Bremerton, Washington MODFLOW-2000 and Management-Optimization Models Used to Evaluate Alternative Groundwater-Withdrawal Scenarios on Water Levels in Kingsbury Pond, Upper Charles River Basin, Eastern Massachusetts MODFLOW-OWHM model used to simulate groundwater flow and evaluate storage in the Lucerne Valley Groundwater Basin, California MODFLOW-USG model of groundwater flow in the Wood River Valley aquifer system in Blaine County, Idaho MODFLOW-NWT model data sets for simulating effects of groundwater withdrawals on streamflows in Northwestern Chippewa County MODFLOW2005 and GWM-2005 used to optimize managed aquifer recharge in an Updated Version of the Three-Dimensional Numerical Groundwater Flow Model in Northern Utah Valley, Utah County, Utah GFLOW groundwater flow model for the Park Falls Unit of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin MODFLOW-2005 Groundwater Flow Model to Simulate Predevelopment Groundwater Flow in the Eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates MODFLOW-NWT model to simulate the groundwater flow system near Puget Sound, Pierce and King Counties, Washington MODFLOW-NWT Model Used to Evaluate Stream Capture Related to Groundwater Pumping, Lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada (ver. 1.1, March 2024) MODFLOW-NWT model used to develop a simple method for simulating groundwater interactions with fens to forecast development effects MODFLOW-2000 and MODPATH models for simulations used to delineate contributing areas for 2017 pumping conditions to selected wells in Ingham County, Michigan: U.S. Geological Survey data release MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate groundwater storage changes in the Quincy Basin, Washington MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM) used to simulate conjunctive use in the Hatch Valley and Mesilla Basin, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and northern Chihuahua, Mexico MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate groundwater withdrawal scenarios for the Rush Springs aquifer upgradient from the Fort Cobb Reservoir, western Oklahoma, 1979-2015, including streamflow, base flow, and precipitation statistics MODFLOW-One-Water model used to support the Central Platte Natural Resources District Groundwater Management Plan MODFLOW-2005 Models used to Simulate Effects of Pumping in the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System, Nevada and California—Selected Management Scenarios Projected to 2120 MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate effects of complexity on head and flow calibration in the Fox-Wolf-Peshtigo watersheds, Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey data release. MODFLOW-NWT model used to evaluate the groundwater availability of the Columbia Plateau Regional Aquifer System, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho