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These orthophotos and digital surface model (DSM) were derived from low-altitude (approximately 92-m above ground surface) images collected from Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) flights over edge-of-field sites that are part of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) monitoring. The objective of this UAS photogrammetry data collection was to provide information on the tile-drain network in individual fields with the goal of understanding already observed patterns in runoff amount and water quality from these sites. A 3DR Solo quadcopter served as the flight vehicle, flights were pre-planned using Mission Planner, and flights were flown using Tower. Geospatial data were originally in WGS84...
This data release provides tidally corrected shoreline positions for three sites of western Long Island, NY (Rockaway Peninsula, Long Beach, and Jones Beach Island). GeoJSON files are derived from CoastSeg version 1.1.35 (Fitzpatrick and others, 2024) with settings derived from config files. These files contain the region of interests (ROIs), transects, and reference shorelines for each section. CoastSeg collects satellite images from Google Earth Engine to create shoreline data along with user-supplied inputs based on the CoastSat methodology (Vos and others, 2019). Data have been tidally corrected based on beach foreshore slopes (Farris and Webber, 2024). Data can be viewed in a GIS software such as QGIS or ArcGIS....
This data release provides tidally corrected shoreline positions for three sites of western Long Island, NY (Rockaway Peninsula, Long Beach, Jones Beach Island). The CSVs are derived from the software CoastSeg (Fitzpatrick and others, 2024). CoastSeg collects satellite images from Google Earth Engine to create shoreline data along with user supplied inputs based on the CoastSat methodology (Vos and others, 2019). Data have been tidally corrected based on beach foreshore slopes (Farris and Webber, 2024). The data can be viewed in either a text or spreadsheet program. References Fitzpatrick, S., Buscombe, D., Warrick, J.A., Lundine, M.A., Vos, K., 2024 CoastSeg: an accessible and extendable hub for satellite-derived...
Imaging spectrometer (hyperspectral) data were collected using the HyMap™ sensor over the Nabesna Area of Interest (AOI) in the eastern Alaska Range, July 14 and July 21, 2014. The primary study area was a remote part of the eastern Alaska Range where porphyry deposits are exposed. The HyMap imaging spectrometer measured reflected sunlight in 126 narrow channels spanning the 0.4 to 2.5 micron wavelength region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The data were collected at a nominal 6-m ground-instantaneous field of view (GIFOV). A total 1,900 square kilometers were collected. This data release provides flight line data for the survey and a report describing the dataset and procedures.
This data release contains tidally corrected shoreline positions for three sites of western Long Island, NY (Rockaway Peninsula, Long Beach, and Jones Beach Island). Both CSV files of tidally corrected shorelines and GeoJSON files of the region of interests (ROIs), transects, and reference shorelines are provided within respective zip files. Both file types are derived from CoastSeg v1.1.35 (Fitzpatrick and others, 2024). CoastSeg collects satellite images from Google Earth Engine to create shoreline data along with user supplied inputs based on the CoastSat methodology (Vos and others, 2019). Images from Landsat 5, 7, 8, 9 and Sentinel 2 are collected from CoastSeg. The specific settings supplied to CoastSeg are...
Imaging spectrometer (hyperspectral) data were collected using the HyMap™ sensor over the Nabesna Area of Interest (AOI) in the eastern Alaska Range, July 14 and July 21, 2014. The primary study area was a remote part of the eastern Alaska Range where porphyry deposits are exposed. The HyMap imaging spectrometer measured reflected sunlight in 126 narrow channels spanning the 0.4 to 2.5 micron wavelength region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The data were collected at a nominal 6-m ground-instantaneous field of view (GIFOV). A total 1,900 square kilometers were collected. This data release provides flight line data for the survey and a report describing the dataset and procedures.
These orthophotos and digital surface model (DSM) were derived from low-altitude (approximately 92-m above ground surface) images collected from Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) flights over edge-of-field sites that are part of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) monitoring. The objective of this UAS photogrammetry data collection was to provide information on the tile-drain network in individual fields with the goal of understanding already observed patterns in runoff amount and water quality from these sites. A 3DR Solo quadcopter served as the flight vehicle, flights were pre-planned using Mission Planner, and flights were flown using Tower. Geospatial data were originally in WGS84...
Imaging spectrometer (hyperspectral) data were collected using the HyMap™ sensor over the Nabesna Area of Interest (AOI) in the eastern Alaska Range, July 14 and July 21, 2014. The primary study area was a remote part of the eastern Alaska Range where porphyry deposits are exposed. The HyMap imaging spectrometer measured reflected sunlight in 126 narrow channels spanning the 0.4 to 2.5 micron wavelength region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The data were collected at a nominal 6-m ground-instantaneous field of view (GIFOV). A total 1,900 square kilometers were collected. This data release provides flight line data for the survey and a report describing the dataset and procedures.
The U.S. Geological Survey collected multispectral and visible light imagery via a quadcopter, small unoccupied aircraft system (sUAS) deployed near Ashville Bridge Creek in Virginia Beach, VA. Approximately 0.25 sq mi surrounding U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge along Ashville Bridge Creek approximately 0.5 mi south of Lotus Garden Park on July 17 and 18, 2018. Photos were collected at a height of 400ft above ground level (AGL) with approximately 70% frontlap between photos and approximately 30% sidelap between survey lines. Multispectral images were collected in a tif format using a Micasense RedEdge M with a Ground Sample Distance of 8.2 cm/pixel, visible light images were...
These orthophotos and digital surface model (DSM) were derived from low-altitude (approximately 92-m above ground surface) images collected from Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) flights over edge-of-field sites that are part of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) monitoring. The objective of this UAS photogrammetry data collection was to provide information on the tile-drain network in individual fields with the goal of understanding already observed patterns in runoff amount and water quality from these sites. A 3DR Solo quadcopter served as the flight vehicle, flights were pre-planned using Mission Planner, and flights were flown using Tower. Geospatial data were originally in WGS84...
SPECPRsplib07 This compressed archive includes: Files, in SPECPR format, containing spectral data and associated metadata descriptions: measured spectra (splib07a) spectra interpolated to a higher number of more finely-spaced channels (splib07b) spectra convolved to other spectrometers, for example Analytical Spectral Devices standard resolution (s07_ASD) AVIRIS-Classic 2014 characteristics (s07_AV14) Hyperspectral Mapper (HyMap) 2014 characteristics (s07_HY14) and others spectra resampled to multispectral sensors: ASTER Landsat 8 OLI Sentinel-2 MSI Worldview-3 Folders containing information linked to from the metadata descriptions in the SPECPR files: README: contains a HTML version of the USGS Data...
These orthophotos and digital surface model (DSM) were derived from low-altitude (approximately 92-m above ground surface) images collected from Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) flights over edge-of-field sites that are part of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) monitoring. The objective of this UAS photogrammetry data collection was to provide information on the tile-drain network in individual fields with the goal of understanding already observed patterns in runoff amount and water quality from these sites. A 3DR Solo quadcopter served as the flight vehicle, flights were pre-planned using Mission Planner, and flights were flown using Tower. Geospatial data were originally in WGS84...
ASCIIdata Files containing spectral data in ASCII text format: measured spectra (, including wavelength positions and bandpass (Full-Width at Half-Maximum; FWHM) values of channels in the spectrometers utilized spectra interpolated to a higher number of more finely-spaced channels ( spectra convolved to other spectrometers, including the wavelength positions and bandpass (FWHM) values of the channels in the spectrometers, for example Analytical Spectral Devices standard resolution ( AVIRIS-Classic 2014 characteristics ( Hyperspectral Mapper 2014 characteristics ( and...
Imaging spectrometer (hyperspectral) data were collected using the HyMap™ sensor over the Nabesna Area of Interest (AOI) in the eastern Alaska Range, July 14 and July 21, 2014. The primary study area was a remote part of the eastern Alaska Range where porphyry deposits are exposed. The HyMap imaging spectrometer measured reflected sunlight in 126 narrow channels spanning the 0.4 to 2.5 micron wavelength region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The data were collected at a nominal 6-m ground-instantaneous field of view (GIFOV). A total 1,900 square kilometers were collected. This data release provides flight line data for the survey and a report describing the dataset and procedures.
GIFplots Files containing GIF images of spectral plots: contains plots of measured spectra, including plots showing the full wavelength range of the measured spectra, organized in chapter sub-folders as described previously for the ASCII data. plots showing specific portions of the electromagnetic spectrum are organized folders within the “plots_by_wavelength_region” folder, including: range1_uv_to_visible (0.2 - 1.0 microns) range2_visible_to_swir (0.2 - 2.5 microns) range3_swir (1.5 - 5.5 microns) range4_swir_to_mir (2.5 - 25 microns) range5_swir_to_fir_wavenumber (4,000 - 50 cm-1 which spans 2.5 - 200 microns) plots of spectra interpolated to a higher number of more finely-spaced...
These orthophotos and digital surface model (DSM) were derived from low-altitude (approximately 92-m above ground surface) images collected from Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) flights over edge-of-field sites that are part of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) monitoring. The objective of this UAS photogrammetry data collection was to provide information on the tile-drain network in individual fields with the goal of understanding already observed patterns in runoff amount and water quality from these sites. A 3DR Solo quadcopter served as the flight vehicle, flights were pre-planned using Mission Planner, and flights were flown using Tower. Geospatial data were originally in WGS84...
This data release provides the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Spectral Library Version 7 and all related documents. The library contains spectra measured with laboratory, field, and airborne spectrometers. The instruments used cover wavelengths from the ultraviolet to the far infrared (0.2 to 200 microns). Laboratory samples of specific minerals, plants, chemical compounds, and man-made materials were measured. In many cases, samples were purified, so that unique spectral features of a material can be related to its chemical structure. These spectro-chemical links are important for interpreting remotely sensed data collected in the field or from an aircraft or spacecraft. This library also contains physically-constructed...
HTMLmetadata Text files in HTML-format containing metadata about samples and spectra. Also included in the zip file are folders containing information linked to from the HTML files, including: README: contains a HTML version of the USGS Data Series publication, linked to this data release, that describes this spectral library (Kokaly and others, 2017). The folder also contains an HTML version of the release notes. photo_images: contains full resolution images of photos of samples and field sites. photo_thumbs: contains low-resolution thumbnail versions of photos of samples and field sites. GENERAL LIBRARY DESCRIPTION This data release provides the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Spectral Library Version 7 and...
Imaging spectrometer (hyperspectral) data were collected using the HyMap™ sensor over the Nabesna Area of Interest (AOI) in the eastern Alaska Range, July 14 and July 21, 2014. The primary study area was a remote part of the eastern Alaska Range where porphyry deposits are exposed. The HyMap imaging spectrometer measured reflected sunlight in 126 narrow channels spanning the 0.4 to 2.5 micron wavelength region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The data were collected at a nominal 6-m ground-instantaneous field of view (GIFOV). A total 1,900 square kilometers were collected. This data release provides flight line data for the survey and a report describing the dataset and procedures.
Imaging spectrometer (hyperspectral) data were collected using the HyMap™ sensor over the Nabesna Area of Interest (AOI) in the eastern Alaska Range, July 14 and July 21, 2014. The primary study area was a remote part of the eastern Alaska Range where porphyry deposits are exposed. The HyMap imaging spectrometer measured reflected sunlight in 126 narrow channels spanning the 0.4 to 2.5 micron wavelength region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The data were collected at a nominal 6-m ground-instantaneous field of view (GIFOV). A total 1,900 square kilometers were collected. This data release provides flight line data for the survey and a report describing the dataset and procedures.

map background search result map search result map Calibration01 Calibration03 Run05 Run06 Run08 Run10 Multispectral and visual photogrammetric data collected via sUAS: Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia, July 2018 Low-altitude visible imagery from edge-of-field monitoring sites for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Indiana Surface Water 1 and 2 Low-altitude visible, multispectral, and thermal-infrared imagery from edge-of-field monitoring sites for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Michigan Flume 2 Low-altitude visible, multispectral, and thermal-infrared imagery from edge-of-field monitoring sites for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Wisconsin Bioreactor Low-altitude visible, multispectral, and thermal-infrared imagery from edge-of-field monitoring sites for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Wisconsin Surface Water 3 Low-altitude visible and multispectral imagery from edge-of-field monitoring sites for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Ohio Surface Water 1 Shoreline Change of Western Long Island, New York, from Satellite-Derived Shorelines Tidally Corrected Shoreline Positions for Three Sites of Western Long Island, New York Region of Interests (ROI), Transects, and Reference Shorelines for Three Sites of Western Long Island, New York Low-altitude visible, multispectral, and thermal-infrared imagery from edge-of-field monitoring sites for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Wisconsin Surface Water 3 Low-altitude visible and multispectral imagery from edge-of-field monitoring sites for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Ohio Surface Water 1 Low-altitude visible, multispectral, and thermal-infrared imagery from edge-of-field monitoring sites for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Michigan Flume 2 Low-altitude visible, multispectral, and thermal-infrared imagery from edge-of-field monitoring sites for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Wisconsin Bioreactor Low-altitude visible imagery from edge-of-field monitoring sites for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Indiana Surface Water 1 and 2 Multispectral and visual photogrammetric data collected via sUAS: Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia, July 2018 Run05 Calibration03 Calibration01 Run06 Run08 Run10 Shoreline Change of Western Long Island, New York, from Satellite-Derived Shorelines