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This data release is currently being revised and is temporarily unavailable. Please contact with any immediate requests. The U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment-Priority Basin Project (USGS GAMA-PBP) collected samples to be analyzed for per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from domestic and public supply wells from May 2019 to September 2020. The datasets presented here include identification of the 28 PFAS constituents monitored by the project, Identification and brief characterization of the 211 GAMA-PBP wells for which samples were analyzed for PFAS during the study period, and analytical results for those groundwater samples, along with results for quality...
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
Colusa County,
Environmental Health,
Humboldt County,
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board collected produced water samples for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the eight California oil fields of Fruitvale, Lost Hills, North Belridge, Orcutt, Placerita, South Belridge, Midway-Sunset, and Buena Vista from 2016 to 2020. Sampled sites included oil wells; injectate from tanks, pipelines, and injection wells where produced water from many wells, after removal of oil, is stored or transported prior to underground injection; integrated produced water from many oil wells collected from pipelines before oil removal; and surface disposal ponds where produced water, after removal of oil, is disposed...
These data sets present results from the analyses of groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells and monitoring intervals in bedrock wells in the mudstone aquifer underlying the former Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), West Trenton, NJ. The water samples were collected between 2008 and 2013 and were analyzed for field parameters, inorganic and organic constituents, and the abundances of selected microbes of importance to the evaluation of biological degradation of organic contaminants in groundwater. The collection and analyses of the groundwater samples coincides with conducting a bioaugmentation experiment in a targeted region of the mudstone aquifer. The purpose of the bioaugmentation was to introduce...
This data release includes water-quality data collected at up to thirteen locations along the Merrimack River and Merrimack River Estuary in Massachusetts. In this study, conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, discrete samples were collected, and continuous monitoring was completed from June to September 2020. The data include results of measured field properties (water temperature, specific conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen) and laboratory concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus species, total carbon, pheophytin-a, and chlorophyll-a. These data were collected to assess selected (mainly nutrients) water-quality conditions in...
These model archive summaries document the surrogate regression models developed to estimate 15-minute suspended-sediment concentrations at three streamgage sites in Colorado: Anthracite Creek above Mouth near Somerset, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) site number 09132095; Muddy Creek above Paonia Reservoir, USGS site number 385903107210800; and North Fork Gunnison below Raven Gulch near Somerset, USGS site number 385553107243301. The methods used follow USGS guidance as referenced in relevant Office of Surface Water Technical Memorandum (TM) 2016.07 and Office of Water Quality TM 2016.10, USGS Techniques and Methods, book 3, chap. C5 (Landers and others, 2016), and (or) USGS Techniques and Methods, book 3, chap....
The goal of this study was to develop a suite of inter-related water quality monitoring approaches capable of modeling and estimating the spatial and temporal gradients of particulate and dissolved total mercury (THg) concentration, and particulate and dissolved methyl mercury (MeHg), concentration, in surface waters across the Sacramento / San Joaquin River Delta (SSJRD). This suite of monitoring approaches included: a) data collection at fixed continuous monitoring stations (CMS) outfitted with in-situ sensors, b) spatial mapping using boat-mounted flow-through sensors, and c) satellite-based remote sensing. The focus of this specific Child Page is to present all field and laboratory-based data associated with...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Lower Sacramento,
San Francisco Bay,
San Joaquin Delta,
chemical analysis,
The goal of this study was to develop a suite of inter-related water quality monitoring approaches capable of modeling and estimating the spatial and temporal gradients of particulate and dissolved total mercury (THg) concentration and particulate and dissolved methyl mercury (MeHg) concentration in surface waters across the Sacramento / San Joaquin River Delta (SSJRD). This suite of monitoring approaches included: a) data collection at fixed continuous monitoring stations (CMS) outfitted with in-situ sensors, b) spatial mapping using boat-mounted, flow-through, sensors and c) satellite-based remote sensing. The focus of this specific Child Page is to present all data collected during the underway boat mapping component...
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
Lower Sacramento,
San Francisco Bay,
San Joaquin Delta,
The Sacramento / San Joaquin River Delta (SSJRD) is contaminated with legacy mercury (Hg) from historical mining and mineral processing activities throughout the watershed, as well as from contemporary atmospheric and industrial inputs. The current project was designed for the purpose of developing high-resolution spatial and temporal models for estimating concentrations of mercury species in surface waters of the SSJRD. The field component of the project brings together three high-resolution platforms for collecting water-quality data (fixed continuous monitoring stations (CMS) outfitted with in-situ sensors, spatial mapping using boat-mounted flow-through sensors, and satellite-based remote sensing) coupled with...
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
Environmental Health,
Lower Sacramento,
Remote Sensing,
State and local county health departments have detected per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in groundwater downgradient of airports and military and firefighting training areas in Long Island, New York. However, the occurrence and spatial distribution of PFAS throughout the surficial aquifer is not well established. Shallow groundwater samples were collected in 2018 from two observation well networks; the Sentinel network and Wastewater Treatment Plant groundwater (WTPGW) network. The Sentinel network is an island-wide group of wells screened within the shallow upper glacial (surficial, <100 feet deep) aquifer, which were sampled to assess the occurrence of PFAS in different land-use settings. The WTPGW network...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Contaminants, Emerging,
Groundwater-Quality Monitoring,
Long Island,
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Miami Conservancy District, Dayton, Ohio, in 2019 and 2020 investigated the concentrations of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and related water chemistry in groundwater from the Great Miami buried-valley aquifer (GM-BVA) of southwestern Ohio. Data in this release include groundwater parameters, including groundwater level, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and specific conductance, collected during the 2019-2020 water sampling and comparison data from prior, 1999-2000 sampling of the same wells. The 23 wells used for sampling were identified and sampled previously by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Program, starting in 1999,...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Butler County,
Champaign County,
Clark County,
Great Miami River,
Greene County,
This dataset records Cladophora and associated submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) biomass collected approximately monthly during the growing season of 2019 at stations located along the U.S. shoreline of Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. It also records a variety of supporting data collected at Cladophora measurement stations. These supporting data include: - seasonal time series of light, currents, wave action, temperature, specific conductivity, turbidity, pH, phycocyanin, chlorophyll, and dissolved oxygen from moored sensors at a subset of stations; - measurements of Secchi disk depth and water chemistry; - water column profiles of temperature, specific conductivity, turbidity, pH, phycocyanin, chlorophyll,...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Tags: CTD measurement,
Great Lakes Region,
Lake Erie,
Lake Huron,
Lake Michigan,
These data were compiled as part of a long-term (1964 - 2022) water quality monitoring program at Lake Powell. Objectives of our study were to release a consistent record of long-term water quality data. The 58-year limnology dataset captures some water quality parameters (temperature, salinity, major ions, total suspended solids) from reservoir filling to present day. It also contains a 38-year record of secchi depth, and a ~30-year record of nutrients, phytoplankton, and zooplankton assemblages. The data were collected from various sites within the Lake Powell reservoir and the Glen Canyon dam. Regular monthly sampling occurred at three sites near the dam and reservoir-wide sampling was generally conducted quarterly,...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Tags: Arizona,
Aztec Creek,
Bridge Creek,
Cathedral Canyon,
Clear Creek,
Water samples from the Platte River were collected and analyzed for environmental DNA (eDNA). The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Nebraska Water Science Center (NEWSC) collected samples monthly from November 2019 to September 2022 at the Platte River near Ashland, Nebraska (USGS: 06801000). The USGS, in cooperation with the City of Lincoln, collected these samples. Water from the Platte River was collected as a series of weighted bottle subsamples that were taken from equal width increments across the river and composited into a sterilized 1-liter bottle. An aliquot of this composited sample was extracted using a sterile syringe and then filtered by the USGS NEWSC staff using filters provided by Jonah Ventures. These...
Cladophora biomass and supporting data collected in the Great Lakes, 2018 (ver. 1.1, September 2020)
Note: An error was discovered in the BenthicBiomas Table, mostly in designation of BDLs and zeros. Data are undergoing further QC and the corrected dataset will be posted soon. This dataset records Cladophora and associated submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) biomass collected approximately monthly during the growing season of 2018 at stations located along the U.S. shoreline of Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. It also records a variety of supporting data collected at Cladophora measurement stations. These supporting data include: - seasonal time series of light, currents, wave action, temperature, specific conductivity, turbidity, pH, phycocyanin, chlorophyll, and dissolved oxygen from moored sensors...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Tags: Aquatic Biology,
CTD measurement,
Great Lakes Region,
Lake Erie,
The U.S. Geological Survey collected groundwater samples from 38 wells used for domestic and small system drinking water supply in the Coachella Valley of California in 2020. The wells were sampled for the Coachella Valley Basin (CODA) Domestic Aquifer Study Unit of the California State Water Resources Control Board Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program Priority Basin Project’s assessment of the quality of groundwater resources used for domestic and small system drinking water supplies. Coachella Valley is located in the Desert hydrogeologic province (Johnson and Belitz, 2003) and is structurally divided into four subbasins by the San Andreas fault: the Indio subbasin, the Mission Creek subbasin,...
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
Coachella Valley,
Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program,
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board collected produced water and gas samples in the Oxnard Oil Field in Ventura County in August 2018 and the Placerita Oil Field in Los Angeles County in December 2018. Sampled sites included oil wells; injectate from tanks, pipelines, and injection wells where produced water from many wells, after removal of oil, is stored or transported prior to underground injection; and integrated produced water from many oil wells collected from pipelines before oil removal. This digital dataset contains the site information, analyzing laboratories and methods, and water and gas chemistry and quality-control results for these...
These profiles of suspended-sediment concentration were collected and compiled to characterize suspended sediment in the Colorado River during both average flow conditions and during a controlled flood that occurred in March 2008. The objectives of the study were to measure changes in suspended sediment that occurred during changes in discharge associated with the controlled flood. These data were collected between March 4 and March 10, 2008 in the center of the channel 44.64 river miles downstream from Lees Ferry, Arizona on the Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park. The sampling location was within a 1-mile study reach beginning 0.14 miles upstream from the sampling location. These data were collected...
Note: this data release has been superseded by version 2.0, available here: This dataset contains discrete groundwater elevation measurements for wells in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Climatic change,
Cottonwood Lake Study Area,
Effects of climate change,
Ground water,
Groundwater level,
This data release presents results of chemical analyses of groundwater sampled during summer and autumn of 2019 and spring of 2020 from 23 wells in the Great Miami buried-valley aquifer (GM-BVA) of southwestern Ohio. Groundwater and quality-control samples were analyzed to determine concentrations of selected per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Groundwater and related quality-control samples were collected from 22 of 23 wells and analyzed for 24 different PFAS by two different laboratories that used slightly different proprietary isotope-dilution based adaptations of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) method 537.1, referred to as method 1 and method 2. Results from PFAS analysis of groundwater...
Water samples were collected in San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay on five days from January through June 2020. The water samples were collected from a small vessel near pre-established USGS instrument moorings using a peristaltic pump or a Niskin bottle. Data are provided in a comma-delimited values spreadsheet.
Categories: Data;
Tags: CMHRP,
Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program,
Grizzly Bay,
Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center,