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Climate change imperils wetlands throughout the Southern Great Plains (SGP), including connections among wetlands that facilitate movements and prevent extinctions for wetland wildlife. Wetland managers and policymakers need greater access to climate-informed projections of wetland extent and inundation as they decide where to prioritize wetland and shorebird conservation efforts. This research developed predictive models to show future wetland inundation patterns and gathered shorebird habitat and movement data to better understand how climate change may affect wetland connectivity and use by migrant shorebirds in the SGP. To better inform future conservation strategies, we surveyed wetland managers about climate...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation
In the U.S-Affiliated Pacific Islands, land and resource managers are addressing co-occurring threats to their landscapes including invasive species, wildfire, drought, and a changing climate. In particular, drought events in the Pacific Islands can be extremely impactful, causing drinking water shortages with millions of dollars spent on relief efforts, and extensive crop damage. Drought also increases in the size, severity and extent of wildfires that burn incredibly large percentages of island land areas. As ecosystems become altered by invasive species and as particularly hotter, more variable climates emerge, it is critical that scientists produce locally relevant, timely, and actionable science products to...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation