A U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Trusted Digital Repository
providing access to scientific data
products and resources.
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USGS Researchers: Publish Data
USGS scientists can use ScienceBase to store and publish finalized science products.
Learn More About ScienceBase
The ScienceBase API
Learn how the SciencesBase application programming interface (API) can help you automate your workflow and support programmatic interaction with content.
Learn how the SciencesBase application programming interface (API) can help you automate your workflow and support programmatic interaction with content.
Geospatial Web Services
ScienceBase supports the ability for users to generate spatial services to support display and access to GIS datasets.
ScienceBase supports the ability for users to generate spatial services to support display and access to GIS datasets.
Applications Powered by ScienceBase
Explore projects that are using the ScienceBase API and geospatial services to store content and drive workflows.
Explore projects that are using the ScienceBase API and geospatial services to store content and drive workflows.
The ScienceBase Item Model
All items are JSON and share a few basic attributes, such as a title and abstract, and items fields may be used to support targeted queries.
All items are JSON and share a few basic attributes, such as a title and abstract, and items fields may be used to support targeted queries.
Using ScienceBase
Learn about system capabilities and how to get started using ScienceBase.
Learn about system capabilities and how to get started using ScienceBase.
Create a ScienceBase Community
Establish a ScienceBase community for a dedicated research effort or group.
Establish a ScienceBase community for a dedicated research effort or group.