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This dataset includes photographic images of thin sections created from hand samples and drill core from the Stillwater Complex, Montana, along with a shapefile representing the locations of the underground samples and drill hole collars. The samples were collected and core was drilled in order to define platinum-group element resources associated with the J-M Reef at the Stillwater Mine in the Stillwater Complex. The images of the entire thin section, both in plane- and cross-polarized light, were taken using a high-resolution digital camera on a macro stand. The data in each zip file is organized into a folder containing the 'RAW' unprocessed .CR2 images (when available) and associated .xmp metadata files, and...
This data release contains the geospatial resources that were used by the USGS to compile the mineral resource inventory for the state of North Dakota, developed by the Mineral Resource Program (MRP) staff of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at the request of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The mineral resources inventory was published as a USGS open-file report and can be accessed at Commodities considered under this inventory include Critical Minerals as listed in the Federal Register (May 18, 2018), along with sodium sulfate, frac or proppant sand, bentonite and ceramic-grade kaolinite. Other selected leasable and salable mineral commodities were also inventoried, based...
This sample is light olive to brownish black. It exhibits a cumulate texture with anhedral chromite crystals in a matrix of serpentine minerals. The matrix weathers to moderate yellowish brown on uncut surfaces. Cut chromite crystals show alteration rinds that stand out because of a change in luster; dull in the rind, submetallic in the center. Chromite crystals are also highly fractured with the same alteration following the fractures.
This skarn is dominated by reddish brown garnet, glassy gray quartz, and white scheelite. The garnet is fine-grained and mostly subhedral with the largest crystals reaching 2mm in size. The scheelite forms massive euhedral porphyroblasts, the longest of which in this sample is about 3cm long.
This dataset includes photographic images of thin sections created from hand samples and drill core sourced from the South Kawishiwi Intrusion, Duluth Complex, Minnesota, along with two shapefiles representing the locations of the samples and drill hole collars. The samples were collected and core was drilled in order to define copper-nickel-platinum-group element resources associated with the South Kawishiwi Intrusion in the Duluth Complex. The images of the entire thin section, both in plane- and cross-polarized light, were taken using a high-resolution digital camera on a macro stand. The data is organized into five zip files, containing three zip files with images sourced from drill core, one zip file with images...
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