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Fries, Carl

Horizontal markings on basalt column in canyon just below dam at San Miguel Regla. Hidalgo, Mexico. November 1949.
Index card: Paricutin Volcano: fumarole area, geologists for scale. Michoacan, Mexico. 1943. (Photo by Carl Fries).
Index card: Paricutin Volcano: distant view of town of San Juan Parangaricutiro before covering by lava. Michoacan, Mexico. 1943. (Photo by Carl Fries).
Index card: Paricutin Volcano: night eruption - lava shooting above crater rim. Michoacan, Mexico. May 17, 1948. (Photo by Carl Fries).
Index card: Paricutin Volcano: spectacular view of Paricutin in eruption at night. Michoacan, Mexico. 1943. (Photo by Carl Fries).
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