We propose to develop a Yukon-Kuskokwim Berry Outlook: a data- and observer-driven ecological monitoring and modeling framework that forecasts changes in berry habitat and abundance with climate and environmental change. Berry-producing plants are extremely important to human and wildlife communities of the Yukon-Kuskokwim (Y-K) Delta. Berry yield can be influenced by snow cover, rainfall, soil moisture, air temperature, availability of insect pollinators, and seasonal weather extremes; and berry habitat can be altered by more frequent tidal inundation, increased frequency of storm surges, and permafrost deterioration, all of which may be significantly impacted by climate change. In a recent survey of Alaskan environmental...
Categories: Data,
Tags: Conservation NGOs,
Federal resource managers,
Interested public,
LCC Network Science Catalog,
Monitoring, All tags...
Private land owners,
Regional & county planners,
State agencies,
Traditional Ecological Knowledge,
onGoing, Fewer tags
High latitude northern ecosystems are currently warming twice as fast as the global average. Over the last several decades, this has caused dramatic losses of frozen area in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. However, it is unclear how melting coastal mountain glaciers, thawing permafrost, and declines in snowpack will affect the quality of freshwater habitat for culturally and economically important salmon in Alaska. As a collaborative effort with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, this project aims to answer three questions: How does melting affect the freshwater habitat of Pacific salmon? How will changes to aquatic flows...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2022,
Alaska CASC,
Data Visualization & Tools, All tags...
Data Visualization & Tools,
National CASC,
National CASC,
Projects by Region,
Rivers, Streams and Lakes,
Rivers, Streams and Lakes,
Science Tools for Managers,
Science Tools for Managers,
Water, Coasts and Ice,
Water, Coasts and Ice, Fewer tags