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Tyler W Gardner

Yes, all data values are reasonable and within the valid range for measurement. The data release consists of 15 tabular data files (csv). These data were compiled to compare patterns and potential drivers of leaf litter decomposition in the Colorado River downstream of Glen Canyon Dam between 1998 and 2022. Objective(s) of our study were to compare the breakdown of cottonwood (Populus fremontii), willow (Salix exigua), and salt cedar (Tamarix chinensis) leaves to a previous decomposition experiment from 1998 (Pomeroy et al. 2000) that was conducted in the context of much cooler water temperatures, higher phosphorus concentrations, lower New Zealand mudsnail densities, and salt cedar litter that was unaffected by...
Categories: Data; Tags: Aquatic Biology, Arizona, Colorado River, Ecology, Geography, All tags...
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