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Incorporating ecological integrity into the Western Governors’ assessment of aquatic crucial habitats in Washington and Oregon

Progress Report


2015-07-20 19:52:28
Last Update
2017-10-30 22:38:40
Date Reported


George Wilhere(Principal Investigator), Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), LCC Network Data Steward(administrator), 2015-07-20(creation), 2017-10-30(lastUpdate), 2013-02-06(Reported), Incorporating ecological integrity into the Western Governors’ assessment of aquatic crucial habitats in Washington and Oregon


The Western Governors’ Association has sponsored an assessment of crucial habitats which will be used for the evaluation of landscape-scale energy, land use, and transportation projects. The main purpose of the work funded through this LCC grant is to develop an index of aquatic ecological integrity and incorporate it into Washington State’s crucial habitats assessment. Ecological integrity has been defined as the ability of an ecological system to support and maintain a community of organisms that has species composition, diversity, and functional organization comparable to those of natural habitats within a region (Parrish et al. 2003). One of our objectives is to develop an index of aquatic ecological integrity that can be implemented [...]


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