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Analyses of historic U.S. Bureau of Mines samples for geochemical trace-element and rare-earth-element data from the VABM Bend area, Charley River and Eagle quadrangles, east-central Alaska


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2014-08-21 16:32:00


Werdon, M.B., and Blessington, M.J., 2014, Analyses of historic U.S. Bureau of Mines samples for geochemical trace-element and rare-earth-element data from the VABM Bend area, Charley River and Eagle quadrangles, east-central Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys,


This report and digital data release presents 12 new geochemical analyses on historic U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) samples, including 6 rock, 4 stream sediment, and 2 heavy mineral concentrate (pan concentrate) samples. These samples were originally collected by the USBM to follow up reported tungsten anomalies in the VABM Bend area, Charley River and Eagle quadrangles, east-central Alaska. Historic USBM sample materials were retrieved by DGGS from the DGGS Geologic Materials Center (GMC), where the USBM samples were transferred as part of the federally funded Minerals Data and Information Rescue in Alaska (MDIRA) program in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The text and analytical data and tables associated with this report are being [...]


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The State of Alaska's Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a state-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), designed to evaluate Alaska's statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment project is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data. For the geochemical part of the SCM Assessment project, thousands of historic geochemical samples from the DGGS, U.S. Geological Survey, and U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) archives are being re-analyzed by DGGS using modern, quantitative, geochemical-analytical methods. The objective is to update the State of Alaska's statewide digital geochemical database in order to more clearly identify areas with SCM potential.

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